Just another day in my life.
I'm just wrapping up at work... It was an interesting trip to Gothenburg... A LOT of people pn the way up... But it went rather smoothly I must add..!
Not to mention all the eye candy on that route! Dang! I think I'm gonna like Gothenburg! ;)
I'm actually exhausted... Even though this was a rather easy shift... But my stomach hurts... The uniform pants sit right across one of the wounds from the surgery... and it huuuurts! :(
Tomorrow I start at around 4am... Daaaamn...! I have to get up at like 2:30-ish... It's just not human!
But then again I get off at around 11am... I think!
I met four nice guys from Spain on the train today, and they invited me to hang out with them in Copenhagen tomorrow...
If nothing else it would be a GREAT practice for my Spanish!
...Then again I have a hard time with the Spanish from Spain.... When they told me where they are from, they had to repeat 3 times... Then they said in the northern parts of Spain(I think...) but I still don't know WHERE they're from :P
Well well, I'm gonna go home and pack!
I'll check back later!

It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A (Youth Hostel in Nairobi)!
I wrote to YMCA Youth Hostel in Nairobi a few days ago to check the new prices, since they've renovated the place since I was there last time...
They sent me this price chart:
(100 Swedish Kronor = 13,19 US Dollars = 10,39 Euro) (Updated: September 9th 2010)
I wrote them back asking them to explain what's included in the different types of rooms and half/full board, but I still haven't gotten a reply. I'll get back to you when I know more!
But since I'm going to be spending quite some time at the orphanage I don't want to live at a fancy place... It just doesn't feel right...
Besides, even though it's not the fanciest place in town, I think it was a great place to stay in. The staff was really nice and the breakfast was great!
And actually... For me it's a must to stay at the YMCA when I go back... That's just the way it is :)
Well, that's all for now...
Now I REALLY need to hit the sheets!
Hakuna Matata!

~Love is friendship set on fire~
I think he's right about that one...
But as of right now I think I need good ol' Sigmund Freud himself... My mind is too messed up!
Why is it every time someone shows me even a tad bit more than friendship I put my guards up immediately?
Well, okay, deep down I think I know the answer, but just for once I'd like to NOT analyze everything I do or say or even feel...!
Speaking of friendship on fire...
I found an even better symbol for sisterhood that I will put in my tattoo. It's a celtic symbol and it's really cool! Check it out, as a key chain:

Beautiful, isn't it ?
I took the picture to Body Art today and talked to Maja a bit... She's so cool! And I can't wait the see the final sketch next week! And to make the appointment to have it made! :) Woohoo!
See, my tattoo will also represent love... Since this symbol will be in the fire of the lotus flower... Sisterhood/friendship on fire... :) LOVE it!
I just got back from Anna's... We moves a few things over from my apartment to her (our!!!) :D
And we're both really excited! We've planned to move the rest of the stuff on the 15th of March, but we're gonna look in to it to see if we can do it even sooner!
Earlier this evening we watched The Devil wears Prada and I made her my French toast and scrambled eggs and she really liked em'! :)
Oh yeah! And we totally went through my food storage.... And threw away more than half cause it already expired... Quite some time ago... Don't do that often enough... obviously! :P~
Well, tomorrow I have to get up at 5AM... to go to Gothenburg ''yaaay''... My first day back on the job... It's been two really nice weeks... If you don't count the pain from surgery and the cold from hell... :)
Anyway, I'd better go to bed...!
Have a nice Friday night everyone! Until next time! :)

KENYA here I come!
On April 16th at 6:20 am I'll be on my way back to Kenya!
It is going to be AWESOME!
I'll get back to ya'll with the details! Right now I'm celebrating! :D
Hakuna Matata!

I'm late!
I'm gonna take a quick shower, then I'm off see Alex! I'm supposed to be at her place around noon!
I'll check back here later today!
Right now I gotta get goin'!

Taking a break... or two... ?
I'm glad to see that more people seem to find their way to my blog! I'm even more glad when people drop off comments, even if it's just to say hi! *hint hint* ;)
So, you're probably guessing why I'm not cleaning the apartment, packing... that sort of thing, huh?
Well, see, I started to... But COME ON! It's just so freakishly boring!
Right now I'm sitting in my couch, trying to ''walk off'' the munchies for something sweet... Chewing a chewing gum... ''Yaay''...
I think I will grab a cup of tea soon though... Even if I am so incredibly tired of tea, it IS good for my throat... It's undeniable!
I'm just sitting here thinking about my new tattoo... I can't wait for it! It's going to be awesome! :)
And what am I watching you may ask?
Actually I'm watching Narnia - The lion, the witch and the wardrobe... Yes, AGAIN! I'm a sucker for fantasy, you know that...!
I know it wasn't that long ago, but just look how beautiful I looked as Queen Susan! (Modest? Who ME?)
Just look at the picture of me and Mrs Beaver... Aren't we adorable? :)
And where did I get that gorgeous dress you might ask?
I designed it myself, with much inspiration from the elves dresses in Lord of The Rings... And it was made by Annamaria Blad.
Well well... I best get back to the packing and cleaning... Or pretend that's what I'm doing at least! ;)

My new tattoo is AWESOME!
My new tattoo is sooooooo pretty!! I can't wait to get it done! I'm gonna go back to Body Art at the end of next week to look at the final sketch... But so far sooooo good!!
I'm sooo excited! Wooohoo! :D
And I can't wait to show you guys!! You'll all see when it's done! :)
Okay, soo, a girl named Camilla left a comment on my previous entry and asked me to write a little something about her blog here...
This blog is her senior year project in High school and it's called Think Twice. It's basically made for girls/women and to make you feel happy about yourself and build your self esteem.
Well, well, I'm gonna start cleaning up in here... This place sure is a mess..
Catch y'all later!

It all might ACTUALLY work! Wiiiie!
How's this Thrusday been treatin' ya so far?
Mine has been pretty damn good actually (except the fact that I have a cough from hell...)... Anyway! I've slept until noon... and that was just wonderful... I sure will miss this when I go back to work... Just considering I start at 6:47 on Saturday... "Hellooo alarm that will go off at 5am..." *Sigh*
Moving ooon... I JUST got off the phone with the schedule and vacation planner at work, and she gave me time off work! Can you believe it? JUST like that!
I feel even closer to Kenya now! Hahaaaa! Damn it to hell if this doesn't follow through...!
Now I need to figure out where to stay...! I've asked my friend Mary to talk to Y.M.C.A... I know they have renovated the hostel, and it's more expensive now... But I don't know how much... I also sent them an e-mail, but I haven't gotten a reply yet...
I've also decided to buy a video camera...! They have a really cool and small one at Net On Net! And it's only 1700 SEK!
...I also need to buy a new memory card for my Olympus camera...!
...Sure it's a good thing I've started packing (the apartment)... And the fact that I'm almost done... It's just that... I kind of want my Kenya travel guide... And I have absolutely no idea what so ever, where it is! ''Yaay mee''!
Oooh well... I still need to go through my boxes to find my Everlast bag... The one I had last time... It was really good...!
And I'm gonna use the big backpack I bought in New York... And I will fill it with clothes to the orphanage... and I'll just bring a few change of clothes for me... I'll just have to wash the clothes more often... Or this time I might actually find a place where I can but t-shirts? :P
Or I'll just ask Mary to head back to Adam's arcade! :)
I spent A LOT of time yesterday watching the videos from Kenya... It's soooo sweet to watch them again... That's pretty much the reason why I want to buy a video camera... Cause those videos are just... Yeah... I mean I do LOVE the pictures I have... But the videos keep it all even more real! And hopefully the new video camera will do the same thing this time! :)
Besides... When I'm applying for the International Internship program... I'll be able to send them TWO videos from Kenya... And hopefully that will help me to get picked! (A girl can dream, right?) :)
Aaaanyway! I'm gonna clean up in here for a bit, until I get a call from Roy.... We're gonna go to Body Art today! I am so excited to see if he's done with my tattoo yet! If he is I'll be gettin' it soon! :) Wohoo!
Anyway, I'll check back with y'all later!
Have a GREAT day!
This picture is from Nairobi Animal Orphanage. Mary, the cheeta and I :)

Returning to Kenya ?
This picture has been my wallpaper on my laptop for a long time... And every time I look at it my heart starts aching... I just want to go back. I miss Grace so incredibly much!
Not to mention Cyntia, Peter, Sammy, Julius, Monica, Martin... Heck ALL the kids at Shangilia...!
And I started thinking... WHY don't I just go back.. ?
Yeah, sure, I'm saving up for my trip to Venezuela... But why can't I do both?
And the more I've thought about it... The more I realize... I MIGHT be able to do both! I've been looking at tickets and hostels most of the day... and I'm waiting for a reply from Mary... Hopefully she won't be too swamped at work if I'll be able to go...!
Tomorrow I'm gonna call work to see if they will be able to give me time off in the near future...
And if they give me the green light.. I'll order the tickets! I am so incredibly excited!!! You have NO idea!!!
I have wanted this for 3 years! And if I can make this happen now?! Goooooosh!
I called the school today (Österlens folkhögskola) and talked to them about my application... and they were so sweet! They told me that they'll keep me in the system for next year, and I'll just get in touch with them when it's closing in on the term next year. Awesome! :)
I'm also going to apply for their other program International internships. If only I could get in!! :)
Anyway... I'm gonna go lie down for a bit!
This is Madeleine, reporting live from her apartment in Malmö... Stay tuned for more (hopefully) exciting updates!

Body Art Tattoo
Okay, so this is getting rediculous! REALLY!
I was supposed to go to Body Art Tattoo with Roy today... But I might have to cancel that too... It depends on how I feel later this afternoon... Right now I feel ok... But that's cause I just took 2 Tylenol... Oooh the loove I have for these pills! :P
I can't wait to see if he's done with the sketch of my new tattoo! I mean it's been a while since I dropped off my sketches...!
I hope I hope I hope! :)
Last night I couldn't go to sleep until like 3am... I just wasn't tired, and my throat hurt like hell... I stayed up watching movies half the night...
For some reason I think this is what this day holds for me as well.. Wiiee..!
I just called work... And I start at 6:47 on Saturday... Which means my trip to Gothenburg hasn't been cancelled...!
It's going to be interesting... Considering I haven't been there yet... ''Wooh''
Anyway... I need a shower... Then I really need to go and buy soy milk.... Drank the last of it this morning.... And I'm telling you this - why ?
...Well, just to fill out the entry with text I guess...!

Nothing interesting...
I haven't left the couch area all day... And the movie night will just have to wait... which sucks...!
But yeah... we've already established the fact that I'm sick... And that it sucks big time...
I just hope that I feel better by Saturday... I don't want any more sick days...
So, you can imagine that I don't have too much to tell you...
...Besides, the DVD player is calling my name... I better get back to.... watching just about every movie I own...
Stay healthy!

Mornin' glorious!
...or afternoon.. more or less...I did get up at 10 something am... Woke up from the daaaamn phone... with a wrong number twat...! No, no, I ain't bitter...! :P
It's just that my throath is worse than yesterday... And I really feel I should go to the doctor.. But I really don't have any energy in my body to go anywhere today....
...Sweet nibblets, I'm supposed to go to the movies with Anna tonight... I'll just have to see how I feel later tongiht...
I'm gonna go lie down in my bed.... Turn my TV facing the bed... and just watch movies all afternoon!

Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ?
I am talking about the Ben & Jerry's Half Baked:

- Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Cream mixed with Fudge Brownies & Gobs of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough... ''Need I say more?''
Just look at that beauty! Kind of gives you the munchies just looking at it...
There are sooo many other interesting B&J flavors out there... They really should have an all B&J ice cream store here in Malmö... With every flavor... EVERY flavor...

...Now we're talkin' ;)
Eeh, enough now.. I'm tryin' to quit with the sugar overdoses...! :P~
Gotta say, so far so good though...! :) Today I made French toast and scrambled eggs... It was very good...
Though... I haven't had much of an apetite today.... My throath really hurts :(
Well, I just finished watching a movie called College Road Trip with Martin Lawrence and Raven-Symoné:

It was a cute movie... Disney kind of cute...
But I like Raven anyway... She's an awesome actress... Not to mention Mr. Lawrence!
I also bought a movie called ''Roots - The gift''... Which is some kind of sequel to the hit TV show Roots ( I looove it!)
Y'all remember Kunta Kinte, Fiddler and Chicken George, right?
Anyway... I loved that TV show... So, hopefully this won't be a disappointment...!
I need tea...!
Later dudes!

A week of "should do's"...
My throat hurts like hell and I feel kind of dizzy... But at least my stomach is better...Today anyway... Yesterday it hurt quite a bit... And I'm supposed to go back to work on Saturday! ''Wiiee''!
If I'm not feeling better by Wednesday I'm going to the doctor, cuase this is getting ridiculous!
Anywaaaaay! How are y'all doing? (No, I'm not from Tennessee, I just like saying y'all) ;)
This week I have so many ''should do's''...!
I should clean the apartment and finish packing...
I should call Tele2 and end my subscription of the home phone...
I should contact the school and tell them I won't be joining them this fall... :(
I should work on editing documents for Utkiken....
I should start moving things to the new place...
I should feel better so I can start at LFC...
....We'll there ya go... Just a few should do's for the week....
But as of right now, I'm gonna lie down again, My head is spinning...
Check back later!

Green and Blue Birthday cakes! :)

Buenas noches amigos...
What are your thoughts now that you see this picture?
I can't seem to find my USB cord to my camera... So I won't be able to share any more pictures as of right now, unfortunately! But just to five you the idea... When I tell you that Brooke (Anna) and I made a blue and a green cake today! I'm not lyin'! ;)
And I'm not lyin' when I tell you they were Yummyyyyyyy!!! :)
I'm so high on sugar right now, it's not even funny... But also I think I'm coming down with something... Which sucks big time! I have an awful head ache and just feel exhausted in my entire body! :/
...I'm actually gonna go lie down and watch a movie or something... But I have a feeling I'll fall asleep very very soon...
My throat also hurts like hell... No good...! I blame the hospital visit...! Full of germs....!
Still want to thank the people who showed up this afternoon, it was so nice! Thank you for a great afternoon! :)
Anna & Ullis, your present rocked! I'll go look for the eye candy a.s.a.p! ;)
And a big thank you to Elin as well for the blouse! :)
I'm off!
Later peeps!

Oh well...
Morning glorious guys,
I really don't know what to say about today... I know I shouldn't be disappointed, but I am... A little... Then again, that's not fair to the others, so I will just focus on the people that will show up today, and just make the best of it...!
It's going to be really nice to see Anna again, I haven't seen her since.... Probabaly since the bowling night.... Damn! It HAS been a while!
And I think we're going to make one blue, one green and one red cake today! Muaha! I'll post pictures later!
Now I have to go get ready! Anna and I are going shopping for ingredients soon!
Have a nice Sunday everyone!

Let's play 60 questions!
1. How old are you in five years?
- Now that's an awful thought... But I'll be 28.
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?
- My dust bunnies? I've been home all day since my stomach's been hurtin'... But I was supposed to hang out with Patrik... If that counts? :)
3. How tall are you?
- 171cm or 5'6
4. Which movie was the last one you watched?
- Beyond Borders... I looooove that movie!
5. Who was the last person you called?
- Anette
6. Who was the last person to call you?
- Sahel
7. Do you prefer to send a text or make a call?
- I prefer to text actually... But if I need a quick answer I usually call.
8. Are your parents married or divorced?
- They're divorced.
9. When was the last time you met your dad?
- He drove me to the E.R. in Växjö last weekend. I also saw him after my surgery.
10. What color are your eyes?
- All blue! :)
11. When did you wake up today?
- Around 11am... Sooo nice to sleep in!
12. Which is your favorite Christmas carol?
- Wham! - Last Christmas & Johan Lennon and Yoko Ono - Happy Christmas (War is over)
13. What is your favorite place?
- The world! Traveling! :)
14. What is your least favorite place?
- Whenever I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...
15. Where do you think you are in 10 years?
- Living in a Tiki hut on Fiji? :) I honestly I have no idea! Time will tell...!
16. What scared you at night when you were a kid?
- The dark. I really did not like the dark. Especially after -accidentally- watching a scary movie... That I wasn't supposed to watch.
17. Who/what was the last to make you laugh?
- Watching Dharma & Greg earlier today. You gotta love Dharma! :D
18. How big is your bed?
- It's a 160 cm beauty! :)
19. Do you have a laptop or a desktop?
- Laptop! It's easier to bring on my trips :P
20. Do you sleep with your clothes on?
- Preferably, yes. I get cold VERY easily...
21. How many pillows do you have in your bed?
- Three at the moment... How interesting that might be for you!
22. What countries have you visited?
- Sweden being my native country: Denmark, Norway, Germany, Poland, USA (NY, NJ & CA), Kenya and Venezuela.
23. What cities have you lived in?
- Helsingborg (Ramlösa & Drottninghög), Ljungby, Nybro (Hanemåla & Kungshall), Oslo (Norway) and Malmö (Burlöv and currently living down town).
24. Do you prefer shoes, socks or bare foot?
- Flip flops! But I do like to walk bare foot... Otherwise, you just give me a couple of Chuck Taylor's and I'm all happy!
25. Are you a social person?
- Very! I love meeting new people!
26. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
- Doy! I love the After Eight mint flavor that they have at Rönneholms... But otherwise I just loooove chocolate chip cookie dough (Ben & Jerry's)... Then again, B&J's overall is loooove! :)
27. What's your favorite dessert?
- Strawberry cheese cake!
28. Do you like Chinese food?
- Let me just say yuuuum!
29. Do you like coffee?
- Nope, I'll have a tea, thank you!
30. What do you drink for breakfast?
- Soy milk with chocolate flavor or apple juice.
31. Which side of the bed do you prefer?
- I think I sleep in the middle of the bed actually... But I do like to sleep close to the wall... So, whatever side the wall's at!
32. Do you know how to play poker?
- Not the Texas hold'em... thingie... But regular poker - yes!
33. Do you like to cuddle?
- Yes yes yes and yes! Is there anything better? Cozier?
34. Are you addicted to something?
- Hmm... Sugar? Unfortunately! But I'm trying not to please my addiction! :P
35. Do you know anyone who has the same birthday as yourself?
- My grandpa actually... Just imagine... 23 years ago he got a granddaughter for his birthday... Like the best present eveeeer! ;) Also my friend Anna... She's one year younger than me, though.
36. Do you want kids?
- Someday maybe... I would like to adopt some day.
37. Do you know any languages besides English?
- Well, Swedish is my native language, but I also know Danish and Norwegian and Spanish and a little German (very little).
38. Have you ever been in an ambulance?
- Nope, and I hope I won't have to either.
39. Do you prefer the ocean or a swimming pool?
- The ocean... unless it's like freezing cold or full with sharks or something...
40. What do you prefer to spend your money on?
- Traveling!!!
41. Do you own expensive jewelry?
- No, I don't wear a lot of jewelry...
42. What's your favorite TV show?
- One Tree Hill, Friends, E.R., What I like about you, C.S.I, Traveler, Third Watch...
43. Do you know how to roll your tongue?
- Yeah, and I can whistle with it too! Can you?
44. Who is the funniest person you know?
- Well, Debbie usually finds a way to crack me up! :)
45. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
- No, they're all packed down in a box somewhere...
46. What's your ringing tone on your cell?
- As of right now it's "Hips don't lie (bamboo)" with Shakira.
47. Do you still have any clothes from when you were a kid?
- Yeah, in a box somewhere...
48. Dog or cat?
- I'd have to say both!
49. Do you flirt a lot?
- I wouldn't say a lot, but it happens... Can't say I'm that good at it though.. Hehe
50. Do you know how to change the oil on a car?
- No, couldn't be bothered to find out even! Booooring!
51. Have you ever received a speeding ticket?
- Considering I don't have a driver's license... If they'd pull me over I'd probably get more than a speeding ticket...! ;)
52. Which was the last book you read?
- Probably the last Harry Potter book.
53. Which is the best book you've ever read?
- The Harry Potter books. I'm totally hooked!
54. Do you subscribe to any magazine?
- Well, not really... I'm a member of the United Nations though... And they send out a magazine every now and then...
55. Do you dance in the car?
- Dance? Umm... No? There's like no room. But with some good tunes I'd sing along for sure!
56. What radio station was the last one you listened to?
- I honestly have no idea! I never listen to the radio... But when I was in the states, visiting my relatives in Cali they had some awesome country stations! :D
57. What was the last thing you wrote on a piece of paper?
- My name and number... Don't ask.
58. When was the last time you were in church?
- Considering I don't go to church... Last time I was in a church was when I was in Mérida, Venezuela, two years ago... I just happened to walk in to one. It was nice though!
59. Who was your favorite teacher in Junior high?
- Birger Helge was the man! He managed to put dead squirrels in to most of his stories!
60. What is the longest you've lived in a tent?
- Hmm... For 3 days during Rassle... Whoot whooot! :D
But when I was a kid and we went on vacations... we went to different camping spots with a huge tent... that was before we got the caravan! "Det ska va' husvagn..."
Well, folks, there's a lot of unneccesary facts about me... Hope you enjoyed!
Have a nice night! Hope it's less boring than mine! <3

Young in mind, young at heart!
I'm so incredibly bored it's not even funny!
I did spend almost 2 hours working on editing documents for my uncle... I think I've done about half... I guess I'll do the rest of them tomorrow night... Unless I'm all high on sugar from the cakes. Let's hope not.
I've actually been sleeping quite a lot today as well... I just woke up again... It's crazy how much a person can sleep really! Especially since I slept for like 10 hours last night... I shouldn't be tired..!
But at least the pain is passing, so I guess it has its advantages anyway!
I wanna go to the gyyyyyym,,, Damnit, I'll be whining about this until the day I can actually go to LFC and work out for real! Step up here I come! Whoot whoot!
...Oh yeah... About that ''whoot whoot''... I don't know where that's coming from really... Maybe it's just a poor attempt to try and stay young in mind and at heart -ha-ha-ha-! :P
Is it annoying you? GOOD! It's working! I feel younger already! :)
I'll be back later tonight when I'm even more bored and have finished all the 60 questions...
...Oh how much you will know about me...!
What do you think of the new profile picture? :)
Later peeps!

How's it going?
I'm officially 23 years old... Old... Old... Old... Bah!
My stomach hurts again... It's not good... :( I was supposed to meet Patrik for dinner today, but if this keeps up I won't be able to get out of my couch... Dammit crammit!!
I don't think the wishing candle I got from Bianca yesterday worked very good... Hmmh!
Well, as of right now, I have no plans for the day what so ever... I guess it all depends on how I feel later on...
I'm off to rest for a bit...

''Fate made us sisters and love made us friends''
Yeap, now it's only 41 minutes left of my birthday. I'm really 23 now, ain't I.... Hmmh...
Even if I haven't really done anything, it's been a good day. I got to see Bianca today too! She was so sweet! She even gave me a wishing candle. Sweetie! :)
I had a great talk with Alex today... and she really surprised me! She's pitching in on my next tattoo as a b-day present... I'm speachless! ''Fate made us sisters and love made us friends''...! Found that online... It's so beautiful!
And I'm actually going to add the symbol for sisterhood in my tattoo. That one's for you Alex! <3

And I'm off to Body Art on Wednesday together with Roy! It will be awesome! I really hope he has at least started with my tattoo... I'm totally excited! :) Whoot whoot!!
Daaamn, I just wish I could go to the gym.... I really want to go and work out at LFC... I wanna dance, step up, aerobic... Heck! Even spinning! But no, no... I have to take it easy and heal properly first... ''whoooot''...!
I'm gonna go to bed now... I'm whiped out!
See ya tomorrow!
Nighty night!

Ben & Jerry's Phish Food....
The very adorable Emil called me today and sang one verse of Happy Birthday to me! Precious! That totally made my day!
Thank you for that!
I've gotten many b-day wishes on Facebook and text messages and a few phone calls. It sure has been nice! But I gotta say I would have liked more phone calls... It's more personal, you know...
But I shouldn't complain... which I'm not doing, really... It was just a comment... Anywhooooo.....!
I went to the office to drop off my sick leave papers.... and on my way back I went to Hemmakväll... I thought to buy a movie or two to keep myself busy with tonight.
I bought Dharma & Greg season 1 for ONLY 99:-(!!!) That is cheap! I also bought Bodyguard (Kevin Costner & Whitney Huston)...Classic :) And a movie called Inside man with Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster... Don't know if it's good but it sure has some amazing actors! Which is the reason why I bought it! :P
And I couldn't resist to buy a little B&J today... being my birthday and all... And daaaaaaamn it.... It tasted like heaven.
Just look at it!!

Ben & Jerry's Phish food - Chocolate ice cream with marshmallows, caramel fudge and chocolate fish... YUMM!!
Totally worth the money... ½ L = 49:- .... It's freakin' expensive, but sooooo good!
Which B&J's Ice Cream is your favorite?
Yumm yumm yumm...
I also had a very very nice talk with Alex today... I miss her...! I hope I'll get to meet her next week! My crazy wise ass sister friend <3 :)
One totally annoying thing... The light bulb in my livingroom... Kinda broke... So right now it's like very dark in here... but I'm too tired to go to the store for a freakin' light bulb...
Just think of all the power I'm saving... :P~ Just trying to find something positive in this too... ;)
Well, I'm gonna get back to my movies!
More soon!

Happy Birthday to me.
Older... AND wiser (Ajohan told me so!) :)
Don't really have any plans what so ever for today... I'm hanging with Anna and the gang on Sunday. We're gonna make a bunch of b-day cakes! Whoot whoot!
Well, as of right now, I'm gonna have to go... I have to go down to work and drop off my sick leave papers...
Then I think I'm just gonna walk around for a bit, until I'm starting to feel sick again... Can't just sit inside today!
Gotta start moving someday! Might as well be today!
Anywhoooo... I'll be back later!
...For she's a jolly good.... lassy? :)

Let's play 30 questions!
- No, no... And eliminate the chance of waking up from the vibrations? You're talking crazy! ;) No, just silent mode for me, thanks.
2. Who was the last one to see you naked?
- Hmm... Probably the surgeon at Växjö E.R.... Probably not butt naked though... I had that sexy hospital gown on... Uh yeah!
3. What did you look like in Junior high?
- Uuh... I was kind of in a hippie phase... Flared jeans... colors, colors and colors! Batik was a given... and it still is actually... it's totally groovy! ;)
So, did I fit in with the "A-crowd"? ... Haha, what do you think ??
4. What will you look like in 20 years?
- I'll be 43... So I'd say I look pretty damn awesome! And I'm still having the time of my life... Loving it! Gotta stay positive, right ?
5. What were you like in kindergarden?
- Umm.. I've always been kind of a tom boy, so I would get in to messes along with the boys... Screw barbies! (Just to clarify; I did not care much for Barbies) I was climbing trees, building tree houses.... You name it!
6. What are you like as a co-worker?
- I'm very social and I like working with people... Too bad that with our new company, we don't work together that much anymore... :/
7. Do you have cellulites?
- Uh, nightmare! Yes, I do... But not a lot, thankfully! But enough to get me annoyed! :P
8. Do you bite your nails?
- Used to, but don't anymore... It's a disgusting habit!
9. Do you suffer from a disability?
- Nope... All healthy, and I hope to stay that way!
10. Are you afraid your boobs will ''come down to your knees'' eventually?
- No, not really... I'm never going to say never... But as of right now, getting a boob job is out of the question... Kind of gives me the creeps!
11. Do you think God is a man or a woman?
- Do I have to be faithful to answer this question? Cause I'm not... But I think she's a kick ass woman God!
12. Do you swear?
- When the shoe fits...! Sometimes you just gotta!
13. Are you nice to Jehovas people?
- I've actually never experienced those people knocking on my door, trying to get me to join or whatever... But one of my friends is Jehovas and I love her, so I'm nice to her :)
14. How gay are you?
- Haha, on a scale or something? From 1 to 10, I'd say 5. I think we're all a little gay at heart!
15. Do you believe in aliens?
- For sure! The truth is out there!
16. If you had to choose one thing to eat - every day - for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Hmm... I would say candy... but I'm guessing I'm supposed to name some sort of food... So I'd say the chicken dish at Tamnack Thai... With chicken in coconut milk sauce with red curry, bamboo shoots and rice... YUM!
17. What food would be the biggest mistake to offer you?
- Escargot.... If I wanted to eat snails I'd go to the forest and look for em', kayy??
18. Have you ever been arrested?
- Nope. And I'm kind of planning to keep it that way.
19. Do you lie?
- Well, everyone tells white lies at some point in life... No one's perfect. But I like to stick to the truth.
20. Have you ever kissed a cop?
- Haha, like on duty or what? No, I haven't but it's definitely on my ''things I have to do before I die''-list.
21. Are you afraid of Securitas guards?
- ... No? Why would I be?
22. Do you have anything to hide?
Well, not hide, really... but I don't tell every little thing about myself online, if that's what you mean?
23. What's on your key chain?
- I have my license plate key chain with my name that I got in LA, and I have the heart shaped key chain which say I heart NY, that I -believe it or not- got in NYC... and my keys of course!
24. Are you / Have you been married?
- Nope / Nope. I'm still sowing my wild oats... Hehehe!
25. Would you pick up your boyfriend from the bar at 3am?
- No, he'd have to take a cab... cause I don't have a license anyway! :P
26. Could you fix your bike?
- I guess if I really put my heart in to it, I could... but I'd probably turn it in to some sort of repair shop anyway... Why deprive them the joy of it?
27. Could you fix a car?
- That's a definite no on that one. Don't own a car, don't drive a car, don't even own a freakin' license. You do the math ;)
28. Do you know how to bake?
- Yes! And I like it too! Imagine that?! :) I just don't have the time...
29. Do you know how to de-frost a freezer?
- Uh, duuh? Seriously, how hard is it to do?
30. What TV show would you want to live in ?
- Oooh, One Tree Hill? Friends? E.R? LOST? (How awesome would that be!?) Dr Quinn (Would be interesting... But Sully's married so what's the point, really?) Charlie's Angels? (I could be the 4th one!)
If you're wondering if I'm bored... The answer is Y E S ! But I've been busy with those questions, and now you know me a bit better... In some ways... Hope you liked it! :)
Nighty night!

Get more visitors to your blog/website!
So, yeah, this is kind of limited to Swedish people... and people who knows Swedish... Otherwise it would take me all night to translate this thing... But still... Check it out! :)
Since I'm really hoping to reach out to more people with my blog, you might see this entry...eeeh once or twice after this.
And since you're here now, reading this, I'd just like to thank you for checking out my blog and I hope to see more of you!
Stay cool!

I got in.... Heeeey! I got in!
... Feels great, but at the same time I know I will have to say no to my spot this year... Cause I'm going to Venezuela...
But I will apply again for that school when I get back... Probably.
Damn, I really don't know anything about my life anymore... And tomorrow one more year will be added... And I'm already feeling the stress... DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE DAMNIT!
...Yes, yes, I will... Don't worry...
Right now I just wanna heal on up and get back on my feet a.s.a.p! I was supposed to go to a Step Up session on Monday this week, but.. well... y'all know that didn't happen.... :(
I'm gonna call the hospital tomorrow and ask how long I have to wait until I can sign up for another class... I can't wait! I was soooo excited about starting at LFC!
Soooooon enough!
I don't know if it's called sick leave? But that's what I'm on anyway... If that's the wrong word you probably have no idea what I'm talking about... and to you sick leave might as well be some kind of funny brownie, and I'm all high...
No, seriously... I'm not going back to work until Friday next week... It's going to be nice to have some time off work, but I'll probably go crazy in the mean time... Why? Cause I can't even go to the gym damnit!
I'm just like... stuck! Can't even practice my dance moves at home (ouch!)....
Well, I'm gonna go for a walk to my kitchen to see if there is ANYTHING eatable what so ever... Or I'll just go to the grocery store.... Tomorrow... :)
Nighty night!

One appendix here... one appendix there...
Is it snowing at your place too?
I don't mind the snow, really, it's a lot better than rain... But still, now in the end of February.... I kind of want the spring to kick in... Just a little bit...!
One thing I HAVE noticed is that it's not midnight darkness at 4pm anymore! Which is nice! Can't wait to re-set the clock! :)
Sooo... Yesterday Sahel and I were watching the new episode of Grey's anatomy... Did you watch it? Appendixes everywhere dammit!
I just got up... Couldn't sleep any more... But damn it I miss sleeping on my stomach.. I aaaalways sleep on my stomach... so it'sbeen really uncomfortable to sleep this past week
Aouch Aouch AOUCH! I just sneezed, and it did NOT feel good! Damn it that hurt!! :'(
..Well, to look on the bright side... at least it didn't happen right after surgery... !
Well, I really don't know what kind of potential beauty this day holds, so I'll just have to get back to you on that!
Later peeps!

Spread the loooove!
I watched E.R earlier today, and I just finished watching a re-run of Grey's Anatomy... Maybe you'll find it totally childish or whatever, but after having surgery and being at the hospital all weekend... It's like I'm watching those TV shows with new eyes... And it's a bit disturbing even... Just watching Scrubs gave me the chills... not the good kind.
Anyway... There were some really nice scenes in Grey's Anatomy tonight... when the Mer, Izzi, George and whats-her-name were sitting on the couch, eating pizza, watching TV and just having a good time... Something as simple as that.
Made me think about how much my life has changed in the last year...
I am so thankful for my friends... They are my true family and couldn't ask for better people to have around me...
Just take yesterday for instance... Having dinner with Sahel, Anna and Ama... It was just so cozy... !
...Or going for ''fika'' (we really should invent an English word for fika!) with Roy... Always a pleasure! And we always find something to talk about! :) He's one of the best! And I'm looking forward to our next fika! And of course going to Body Art to check out new tattoos together! It's going to be awesome! :)
Alex... She really is like the big sister I never had, and I am so thankful I've met her. I really can talk to her about anything... and I know she's always there for me... Just know I'm there for you too <3 I just wish we could see more of each other! But with the work schedule we have... baaah! I just love to hang out with you sis! :)
I think that is the very best part of my job... All the friends I've made through it... I hope to see you soon! Love you!
Cíli, how long have we known each other now? 10 years I think! Even though that makes me feel a bit ols, I love you so so so much! And I am so glad we started junior high together! We've been through a lot together, but I am so glad I have you by my side. You are such an amazing person and the most talented stylist and make up artist I know! I am so amazed by everything you do! You are an inspiration! And you will always have a place in my heart!
Elin, you and I have known each other for an even longer time... I think 13 or 14 years? Anyway, it feels like I've known you forever... I have so many great memories together with you... One of my favorites is us playing by the ''mountain''... We sure let our imagination flow! It was awesome! Or when we were in our Monopoly phase, hehe... It was so much fun!
You are such an amazing friend and you always seem to have an answer. You always make me feel better when I'm down and I love the fact that we know everything about each other and I couldn't be more thankful for our friendship!
You're with me where ever I am! I love you!
Sahel you are so wonderful! And seriously! I have never met anyone that can cook the way you do. Jamie Oliver is hot, but damn it you're hotter! :)
There are so many things you're good at, and you sure are an inspiration! And the fact that you're going to teach me how to dance all sensual and stuff like you do... Damn you're awesome! :)
You're family... simple as that... And you've been so great to me... For instance when you took me in after my surgery... You truly care and you go all out to show it, and I love you for that. Know that I'm always here for you too.
Anna B, roomie! Girl I'm so excited about moving in with you! We're going to have such a great time together!
You sure have one of the most infectious laughs ever! And I want to thank you for making fun of me after my surgery, making me laugh when I was in pain.. hahahaha! You are awesome! :D You truly made me feel like that pregnant 80 year old! ;)
March 2009 will be a good month! We're going to have a blast together! It will be hard to leave you in November! Love you girl!
tjabbiz, my concrete-loving-light-pole-hugger (since I'm the mushroom-smoking-tree-hugger)... Lunarstorm ftw! That's what brought us together! :) I'm so glad I met you on this true 'fjortis' community!
And I can't wait for you to get back to Skåne!
All the memories we share, I gotta say the ones from Rassle are the best. Leaving out some tiny parts. (no comment). And there's really just one I could imagine going to Rassle with again... And that's you doll face! :) I love you babe!
Debbie & Linda, you say it yourselves, you two come as one. Debbie who? Linda's Debbie! Linda who? Debbie's Linda!
And I just love you both so much! And I really hope we'll get to do all those things we've talked about so many times!
I want to have adventures with you! River rafting, bungee jumping, hiking, rock climbing, canyoning... Everything!
I miss you girls, and I hope to see you soon! <3
There are so many wonderful people in my life and I trust you all know who you are, and I just want to let you all know how much I love you and appreciate you all!
You will always be in my heart no matter where I am... !
Well that's me, pouring my heart right now...
Nighty night!

How's it going ?
I'm chillin' in the couch... with a cat next to me... I'm so bored, you have no idea!
The brunch with M was very nice with lots of interesting conversations! :P~
On my way back I went to the pharmacy to buy body lotion for my face... it's still very dry from the rash.. And it was a bit awkward to go in today since it was the third day in a row... And it was the same cashier... Again!
I really don't know what to tell you right now... It's a desert...
Be back later!

That day is coming up... again...
I think I'm still full fron last night... Which is why I'm skipping breakfast, and I'll just go for brunch with M instead.
But considering how my back felt from ''all'' the walking yesterday I'm really gonna take it easy today... Damn it hurt yesterday! :(
...Last night, before I went to bed, I called K... He's going to Australia today.... The only thing I don't envy, is the 26 hour flight! :P~ Poor thing. Sure hope he found his iPod.
Damn... Two more days until my B-day... Yuck...
Did talk to Brooke yesterday though, and her birthday is also on Friday... She'll just turn 22 though. Bitch.... :P~ (j/k)
Anyway, we decided to celebrate our birtdays together on Sunday! It's going to be really nice. I just hope I feel better by then! But it's just gonna be an ol' fashioned ''fika'' in the afternoon. Nice nice nice! :)
And people still ask me what I want for my birtday.... Heck, I dunno!! Every year! I don't think I've had a real answer on that since I stopped playing with legos :P
Well, I'm gonna go take a shower... Have a nice day everyone and I'll check back later!

I went to the doctor, and damn, he was fiiine! hahaha, and he changed my bandage which was very nice, and the scars looks pretty good... not too big, which is nice!
After that I took the train down to Malmö. I met Linda and Davud on the train. Haven't seen them in a long time!
Then I went home, showed my apartment... which didn't go well... But I've decided to move in March either way!
After that I went to the station to meet Anna and Ama. We took a 'fika' at Espresso House.... and then we took the train to Helsingborg together!
Sahel's been cooking all night, and we ate around 8pm... and it was sooooooooo delicious! She is AMAZING! I'm telling you! YUMMY for the tummy! I think I'll be rolling around where ever I go for the next week... I'm so full!
But there's still left overs, so I know what I'll eat tomorrow for lunch ;)
Right now I'm watching Scrubs... bad memories from the hospital visit :P But I'm going to bed soon.. I'm exhausted...
Besides, I can barely keep my eyes open...!'
Nighty night folks!

Rise and shiiiine!
Socotra, Yemen, seems like a freakin' awesome place to visit! ...Just gotta learn Arabic :P Piece of caaaake!
Well well, today I got up at 8am to make an appointment at the hospital... Got one at 11am. Couldn't go back to sleep after that.. so now I'm wide awake and bored out of my mind...
The weather's nice though... I think I'm gonna go for a walk today... won't have to go far, cause it'll take a frikkin long time just to walk anyway!
It's a bit better today though... Or maybe that's cause I just took a Naproxen...
Don't have too much to say right now, so I'll get back to y'all later! :)

This is what we do when we're bored!

This is what Sahel and I do when we're bored...(Today anyway!) Jimmy was today's target. Both hair and eye brows (hahaha)! Talk about getting in touch with your feminine side, dude!
Maybe we'll pick his eye brows too? I just get the picture of when Joey Tribbiani went to get his done and yeah, if you watch FRIENDS, y'all know what happened in that episode! L O L ! !
Jimmy didn't complain too much though... Just that we didn't have any fun magazines for him to read... Such a whiner!
Damn... Just going to the store today was major pain... I still feel like a pregnant 80 year old lady... I know that makes no sense... but you know what I mean, right?
Tomorrow I have to get up at 8am to call the hospital here in Helsingborg. I'm going to try and get an appointment for them to take a look at my stomach... and preferably change the bandages... and wash the wound...
Now we're gonna chill to a good movie... Really takes it out of you to style a dude like that! :P~

Allergies too?
I just woke up... Sleepin really isn't fun... No mattar what way I lie down it huuurts!
...And I'm starting to think I'm allergic to the medicin they gave me at the hospital... First of all it doesn't help to kill the pain... but I've gotten like a rash... sort of... on my cheeks and chin... itches like hell...! I'll call the pharmacy hotline later and ask them :P
I'm gonna go take a shower...
later peeps!

At the hospital.
Hey guys, how's it going ?
My stomach still hurts like hell... Cause the pills still don't work...
At 9:58am I left Hovmantorp... The bed I slept in was awful... or it's just that I'm still in so much pain, it was awful...
I woke up like every other hour from the pain... And I knew it was no use going down stairs popping more pills cause they don't work...
Anyway, Sahel got on the train in Växjö... and it was a good trip down to Malmö... And we decided that I was gonna come to her place and live with her for a few days, while I'm healing... So right now I'm in Helsignborg with Sahel and Jimmy...
It's really nice not to be alone... But damn... I move around like an 80 year old woman... and when ever I'm going to sit down or or get up you'd think I'm pregnant... It's so freaking annoying!
But today I bought some stronger painkillers at the pharmacy.... so I'm gonna try them in about 4 hours...
Well, to share my hospital visit with you guys... Here are som pics:

This is from the first room I was in... I think I was there for like 3 hours all together... They ran a bunch of tests... and I was so incredibly bored!

No more food for me... IV drip ftw! And morphine of course. Whoot whoot!

That oxygen stuff in my nose was really uncomfortable... but it was a big help when it came to nausea...! But damn... all pale and totally drugged up! And bored? Just a smidge...!

Two tiny ''peep holes'' and then the ''big one'' around the belly button... I still haven't removed the bandage... it's too scary!
But hopefully there won't be too big scars... :/
Yup yup... That was my hospital visit... So glad it's over now...!
Right now I feel really really dizzy, so I'm gonna go lie down... I'll talk to y'all later! :)

Next stop: Emergency Room followed by surgery.
I did go to work on Thursday morning... But right after we left Malmö the pain got a lot worse... I felt like I had to go to the E.R a.s.a.p... And since I was headed for Alvesta, and my dad was in Växjö, I stayed on the train to Växjö and my dad picked me up and dropped me off at the E.R...
They took me in right away... And ran test after test after test....!
They put in an IV and gave me morphine for the pain..whoot whoot! Made me feel nauseous as hell! But they gave me something for that too...!
I think they took a blood test 3 times... and 4 different people felt my stomach... ''Yeah, sure, why not? Just press where it hurts, over and over again, do that!''
Then I had to go to the OB/GYN for more tests... They wanted to make sure I didn't have like a cyst or something on my uterus.... All clear!
Then after some more test they came to the conclusion that it was an appendicitis infection... And I was in need of surgery... And I think this was around 10 pm on Thursday night...
At first they said I would probably have the surgery during the night... But apparently they had a bunch of other operations they needed to do.. So I was scheduled to surgery on Friday morning at 8am...
It was a night of pain, and boredom to the max... And of course they brought in an old lady on the bed next to mine... And damnit to hell she could snore! Thank God for my iPod! :P~
So, yesterday morning, it was time... It was scary... Really sacary... Especially when they were going to sedate... It was creapy...
Then I just woke up in the ICU... Couldn't speak... cause apparently they'd put a tube down my throath... Ouch(!!!)
The hours I spent in the ICU were just awful...! And of course I had a clock right in front of me... So I could see how S L O W the time was... Awful! I was just lying there in pain and nauseous to the max...
When they finally took me down to ''my room'' the old lady had gone... (yesss!) and I slept through the day, waking up every other hour, either cause I was in need of more morphine or cause they were going to run more tests... blood preasure, check my temperature... and so on...
Seriously, I have never been so bored, all my life! Especially since I had to go to the E.R in Växjö... I didn't know anyone there...
Today has also been very very boring... But at least I'm at my dad's house in Hovmantorp now... I'm going back to Malmö tomorrow. I'll go with Sahel. She has a lay over in Alvesta tonight, so I'll hook up with her on the train tomorrow.
I just can't wait to go home and sleep in my own bed.
It just really sucks... My stomach hurts like hell, and they didn't give me any good pain killers... They don't work... :/
Well... I guess I can be thankful I will never have to deal with this ever again... VERY thankful, cause this sure has been awful!
But I do want to thank all my wonderful friends for your support! You are amazing! I love you all! <3
Stay healthy!

I woke up at around 8am today... From an awful stomach ache... Or more like cramps... And it still hasn't passed.... I called the hospital information.... And they told me to stay home today... But I'm supposed to be at work in an hour... so I'm just gonna have to take a deep breath and try not to pass out from the pain. DAMN it hurts!!!
... So, that pretty much answers the question if I went to the gym this morning, huh?
No freakin' way! I could barely get out of bed!
Well, I have to go get ready for the torture chamber... oh, I mean work!
It huuuuurts! :'(
I DO hope all of you will have a terrific day! :)

Late night entry.
I really should be in bed right now... Preferably sleeping... But I just can't seem to get my butt off the couch...
I've spent the last hour reading my old blog... Memories... I started that one back in 2006... When I apparently still had ''Lunarstorm''... haha such a loser! :P~
I ended up reading all my entries from Venezuela (which you can also find HERE). Gosh I miss Mérida...!
I really can't wait until the day I buy my ticket to go back. Then it will really feel like I'm on my way! ...Right now I can't say it does... but that's probably cause it's about 9 months left...! Gwuah!
I talked to Sofia for a while today, over Skype. It's awesome... When it's working! Haha, for some reason we lost the sound along the way... But hopefully it'll work again next time we talk.
Yuck... Tomorrow will be a long day at work. 10 ½ hours... But at least I get to sleep in for a bit tomorrow! I don't start until 11:27am!
And if I can just get my ass to bed already, I might actually be fit for a work out session at 24/7 tomorrow morning... I'll get back to you on how that one turns out...! ;)
Well, well... Buenas noches mis amigos queridos! Voy a soñar con los angelitos! ;) MUAKS!
(Good night my dear friends! I'm going to dream with the little angels!) Muuuuaaaks! <3

A new hair do !
...Gotta say, the only thing about that attempt that was a bit awkward, was that the guys female co-worker was standing next to him the whole time... :P~ Haha, I'm just glad it wasn't his wife! Muahahaa!
This morning I went to Cíli to eat breakfast and let her cut my hair... again! And it looks sooo good! She's awesome! She's simply the best! Check her out at ---> www.sandrailic.com
This is the only pic I have in the computer at the moment, so it'll do:

It's so preeeeetty! :)
After that we went to meet the guy who was going to buy my phone... He still tried to bargin with me... ''Ey how much you want for the phone, 2000 is expensive''.... My ass, I have other people who responded to my ad, so pay up or forget about it. He paid! :P~
Theeeen we went to Indian Side... and you all know what happened there.... (If you haven't read my previous entry... Read it, and you'll know all about it).
After that we went to Lady Fitness Center... but they were closed until 3:30... But I just called them and signed up for Step up on Monday! It's going to be awesome! Cíli and I are going together!
We're also going to Kick Box on Saturday next week (Feb 21st). It's going to be so great to work our on regular basis like that, with Step, kick box, aerobic, dancing, spinning... It will be awesome! :)
I'm hungry!
Gotta go look for food!
Later peeps!

The art of FLIRTING...
Yes, yesterday I had a very VERY amusing conversation with Anno. I MISS YOU TOO!!! Lavlav!
Now, to the topic of this entry...
Cíli and I went to Indian Side Restaurant today... Gotta love their food on Wednesdays! Not to mention the über hott waiter... He's fiiiiiine!
Anyway... Cíli dared me to give him my number... And I just couldn't resist. Nervous as hell... Heck even SHE was nervous, on my behalf! :P~
...Anywaaaay... When we were done and about to leave... I walked up to him, and asked him for a pen... and I wrote down my number on a piece of paper... Looked up at him... (WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!? Was going through my mind)... And just said like... ''Well, you only live once... so... Here you go...'' and handed him the note.
He smiled and chuckled, and told me that he was sorry, but he has a wife and a kid... (Hot daaamn!)... I didn't really know what to say at that point, so I was like... ''Doh, sorry dude! Thanks for the food anyway!'' And then Cíli and I left... :P~
Hahaha, it was hilarious! And I still feel proud of myself for daring! What do you have to loose, anyway!?
At least he got an ego boost for today!
Flirt away people! It's always nice to know you're appreciated! :)

Miss BLUE eyes :)
Just showing off with international greetings... :)
Anyways, how's it going? Are you feeling well? How's the weather and all that?
It's been snowing here most of the day... Depressing really... Cause It won't last. It'll just be cold, wet, splashie and annoying.
Oh, yesterday I posted my phone on Blocket... Yes, I'm selling it... Don't ask me why, I'll just get depressed :P
Anyway, a guy responded to the ad, and he was asking me over and over if I could lower the price if we make a quick deal... I just told him flat out no, No, NO! It's like brand new, and it works great, and there's still a warrenty on it and I included the memory card... So, fat chance, dude!
...And he still wanted it, so I'm gonna go to his store tomorrow...
What else?
Yes! I'm probably going to sign up with Lady Fitness Center down town... It'll be pretty expensive being signed up at two places (also Fitness 24/7)... But I just wanna do the step-up, kick box, dance aerobic... I miss it so so much! And dammit, I gotta get ready for beach 2009! :D
I think I'll pay like 600SEK/ month... but it'll be worth it... And I'll probably end my membership at 24/7 in April anyway...
I'm gonna go check it out tomorrow! :)
I just LOVE all the attention I get with my eyes!!! Haha, it's awesome!
I started using Dove summer glow body lotion... and damn! I look so nice and tanned! :P~
It's freakin' awesome! And when ever I get just a little bit color on my face my eyes gets really intense!
Patrik asked me ''Are those your own eyes??''.... I think he ment eye color, but those were his exact words ;)
And Ume told me that my eyes look insanely clear... And then he asked if I had started using some new make up or something. :)
Little miss blue eyes, what do you think? :) (this picture is not from today though... but still!):

Damn... I should really clean this place up! I mean Cíli and her uncle will be here tomorrow around noon... And yes, it's a mess... I just wish I could move already! Who knows maybe by my next weekend off?
I'm thinking about taking a few days off work this summer to go to Hultsfred... Why? METALLICA!!! That's why!
Someone told me it's not until August this year though... Good luck getting time off then... Bah!
All I know is that when Less Than Jake (read K) returns to Sweden this summer, I sure am gonna be off work! Dammit crammit! :)
Oh, THAT reminds me - H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y A N N A B A N A N A ! ! !
Sorry peeps, now I really gotta go clean this place up! BORING!
Talk soon!

I don't know what the topic should be.
Well, okay, before when I worked at DSB Sweden it was okay, once a month, cuase it was my day off as well... As long as I'm free from work, it's a lovely day!
SO! What do I have planned for this week?
Tuesday: Work from 6:27am-3:42pm. I know, I should go to bed, like right now. But I'm not tired!
After work I'll probably hit the gym, or just dance to the exercise video ''Latin dance made easy'' - I love it!
Then I'll probably be too tired to do anything else :P~
Wednesday: I'm free! Free to change the world! (Gosh, I miss Di-Rect!). I'm hooking up with Cíli around noon, showing her uncle my apartment... And hopefully he'll like it so much that he just wants it then and there! :P~
Then Cíli and I will go to some restaurant in town... Indian? Mexican? African? Asian? We'll see.. :)~
In the evening I think I will focus on working for utkiken.net. I still have A LOT of documents to edit!
Thursday: Work from 11:27am-9:57pm. Yawn! No fun day! Hopefully I won't be too tired in the morning, so I'll hit the gym before work. I know I'll be too tired to do anything when I get home in the evening anyways.
Friday: 2:42pm-11:37pm. Working night shifts again... Sucks! Why can't they just give me either mornings or evenings? Why this mix? It's totally messing with my head... and mental health! :P~
Saturday: Well, in the end of February I have my first trip to Gothenburg, and I still haven't gone by train to check out the stations and such... So that's what I will do on Saturday! I can choose by myself when I want to go, which is awesome! I'll probably take a train around noon... Just to get it over with!
Sunday: Oh this will be a long day... I start 10:26am in Malmö... and I get off at 7:58pm in Växjö... And I have to stay at a hotel there during the night... and then I'll start at 4:39am on Monday morning, just taking a train to Malmö, and then I quit at 7:39am.... Y A W N ! I hope it's a good hotel! :P~
That's my week folks, more or less anyway!
I just got back from the gym, it actually wasn't too crowded tonight... not in the ''Lady section'' anyway.
Oh, and guess what! I bought that Dove summer glow the other day... Thought to get some color on my albino skin... But I got the wrong one... I got the one for darker skin types... and now my hands look dirty from the color! Haha, it looks so weird! I'm gonna go buy the other one, for light skin types tomorrow.... Or when I get the chance!
Well, Roy will be here any second to pick up little miss Baboosh.. I'm sure gonna miss her! Following my every move... Darling kitty cat!
Take care and sweet dreams!

Skype me!
Buenos días a todos!
Right now I'm having a video conversation with la querida mía Sofia at Skype. It's awesome! Next to me is purring little miss Baboosh. Roy will come and pick her up later tonight.
I'm so glad that I only had to work for like 5 hours today. It was more than enough!
After work I went to MIST to talk to Cíli.. :) We're gonna spend all Wednesday together, it'll be great! :)
And her uncle is coming over to take a look at the apartment. It would be soooo great if he wants it! I could move out pronto!
After that I went home and packed my Nokia phone and sent it off to Prispress... Hope they can fix it for me...
And oh, that reminds me, I'm selling my LG Viewty KU990... 2000 SEK, includes a 2GB memory card and a phone case.
Any takers? You can find the ad on blocket ;) Where else?
On my way home I went to Lidl. I found that bread that my co-worker told me about... with carrot and sun flower seeds... Delicious! And for once I decided to try the nature candy the have. I've always thought the chocolate coco flakes looked good, so I tried them, and also yoghurt covered pineapple... It was really delicious! :)
I know that candy has just as much sugar in it as regular candy, but still... It's nice to try something new.
Now I'm totally busy watching Jeff Dunham on youtube.com! I LOVE PEANUT!!!
Chao chao!

Baboosh and Madeleine :)
Now to us posers:
Now I'm gonna go to bed, cause apparently I start work at 5:27 tomorrow... Eiiish! But it's okay! It's just a trip to Alvesta and back. Nothing to cry about!
Nighty night people!

TRISS lottery ticket ? ID, please!
Did you know that you actually need to be 18 to buy TRISS lottery tickets?
This, I found out yesterday, when I went to Hemköp to buy lotion (Dove Summer glow)... and thought to try my luck with Triss (no, I didn't win)... But she actually asked for my ID!
I was like ''Umm, yeah... okay... Why, again?''
....They ask for my ID to buy a damn lottery ticket... but kids under 18 can still buy alcohol and cigarettes without showing ID... Ideal world or what?
I was sooooo looking forward to hang out with Cilí today, but I totally forgot that we decided to meet up at noon. Which is now... And I'm still in Helsingborg... :(
Well, sure, it's great that I can spend the afternoon with Sahel, but I really wanted to meed Cilí! But we decided to meet up later this week! I'm working 6 our of 7 days... but ey... Damn ''murder week''.
Right now I'm thinking about little Baboosh back in Malmö... wondering if she turned my apartment upside down or what... Please let me find the apartment the same way I left it yesterday. Pleeeeeease!
I want brunch!
Later people! And don't forget your IDs, wherever you go!

Latin dance made easy ?
Right now I'm in Helsingborg with my lovely 'wife' Sahel :) We just enjoyed a wonderful dinner (taco night) to the best movie ever made Dirty Dancing.
And this totally made us (me) want to dance... And since Sahel is born with dance moves... it's sooo in her blood... We've been dancing in her livingroom for the past hours! It's been great! Talk about a work out session deluxe!
And damn I can move!! Haha, of course not as well as her, but she really is a goooood teacher!
We're gonna have a great summer at Cuba café together! Shake it shake it shake it! :)
We're moving the hips like Shakira! It's freakin' awesome!
DAMN I have missed Sahel!!! It's been way WAY too long! We really need to do this more often! <3
I'm gonna get back to Sahel and dancing! Just needed a little breather ;)

Don't touch my credit card dammit!
How's this friday night treating you?
I got up at 3:45am, tired as f*ck... Went to work. Got off at 10:58am.. Lovely!
Went straight home... Fell asleep... It was sooo nice!
Then I started working... Editing documents for my uncle... I think I made it like half way through. I'll do more on Sunday...!
I also went to Anna's to pick up Baboosh... Apparently she had been playing Tarzan in the curtains... Darn that cat!
But I gotta say, she's been a real angel since I picked her up. She's been lying next to me for hours while I've been working! Sweet heart!
Debbie also dropped by to get the camera... (Bye bye my love...) I think I made the right choice though... I think she'll use it more than I ever did... Sadly.
But I'm gonna spend the money on another camera, a smaller one... But a GOOD one!
Ooh, and I got a letter from my bank today... Where it said that there had been some unusual activity on my card... and they wanted me to block it and order a new one.
I called them, and they said that someone probably tried to skim?/schim?/sceem? it... damn, I don't know how to write it... Anyway... I never keep more than like 1000 SEK on that card at all times... so when this person tried to make a big withdrawl, and couldn't... also as she said, probably from another country... They suspected that something's not right... and that's why I had to block it.
And now I have to wait for my card... I hope to get it next week. Bah! And I can't go to the bank to get money either, cause of the weekend... Oh well!
Oh! My friend Sandra's uncle might take over my place! I'll find that out on Monday I guess!
I can't waaaait to actually move!
I've tried to connect my phone to the computer via bluetooth, but it just won't work... I wanted to upload one of the pics of little miss Baboosh. But I guess I'll have to do it the old fashion way by USB.... later.
Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed. Tomorrow I'm gonna get up ''early'' and buy a USB memory and pick up my new glasses! They're done already! :)
Nighty night!

I got up at 5am... tired as hell... Went to work... And today I had to go to Helsingborg twice, and then to Växjö... This shift is insane! I'm exhausted!
Both the morning rush and the afternoon rush in one day is torture! And I could feel my temper going down as the efternoon went by... It was so nice to just go home... Bah!
When I came home I remembered that Roy was gonna drop of little miss Baboosh, so I couldn't go to bed just yet.... But then I called Anna and asked if she wanted to keep her over the weekend, and she did! :) So they're keeping each other company now. She's just adorable! :)
I don't have that much more to say today, more than good night! I know it's just like 8:30pm.... But I really need to sleep!
Tomorrow I'm getting up at 4am... But I get off at 11am, so it's pretty good! Besides, I'm off Saturday and Sunday, so it's gonna be awesome!
Nighty night people!

ID to buy condoms?
I woke up at around 11am, and got ready to go to Värnhem to meet up with Debbie and Linda.
Before they got there I went in to Coop to cash in my lottery ticket for two new ones... (no, I didn't win).
But as I was standing in line, the guy in front of me handed the cashier a receipt (to later go and get -it- from the vending machine).
She didn't really look at the recepit, she just assumed it was for cigarettes and asked the guy for an ID... But as the guy looked up at her and gave her a really weird look, she took another look at the recepit, only to realize she was holding a recepit for condoms!
Even though she's Asian, I could totally see her cheeks turning VERY red! And she apologized... But the guy was like ''no, no.. I mean, it's okay... I can show you my ID if you want....''
Hahaha, it was hilarious!
Then I hooked up with Debbie and Linda, and we went to a really weird café/restaurant. I was hungry so I ordered pancakes... the strawberry jam tasted kind of weird and was like made of 99% sugar! Yuck!
After that we went to my daring Sandra... She was going to give Debbie a make over. Unfortunately I didn't take any before shot. I did take an after shot, but it's still on my phone, and I can't seem to get the bluetooth working... So, you're just gonna have to take my word for it. It's turned out great! I wish I had hair like that! :P~
I had also made plans with Cassie... and she was in Copenhagen all day, but Debbie, Linda and I went to Copenhagen at around 5:30pm to meet up with her and her friend at the Hard Rock Café (looooove it!).
It was really nice to see Cassie again, and being at the HRC, where they speak English only... Loved it! Brought me back to the states for a bit. Kinda felt like home :)
And of course it reminded me of the wonderful (and extremely cold) day I spent with Kyle in December.
Once again I had the Fajita platter. It's just awesome! *Yumm!*
What about today?
Well, I slept for 4 hours last night... got up at 4am (yawn!) and headed for work at around 5...
It was an alright day though, cause I got off at 11:11am, to be exact :)
After work I went straight home and called Prispress about my Nokia phone that broke... I'm gonna send it to repair, cuase it's still on the warrenty.
Then I went to Lund to meet with Elin. It was so great to see her again, and we had the best talk... (don't we always) :)
And I'm really excited about the book she gave me. It's going to be very interesting!
We spent a few great hours together at Espresso House (my favorite café in the whole world!)... Their scones with creme cheese and jam... YUMM!
When I came back to Malmö I went to Hemköp to buy cereal (Kellogg's special K Red Berries is the shiiiit!) :)
I also went to Lidl, cuase I wanted to find that corn bread a co-worker of mine told me about... But I couldn't find it :(
After that I went to Thamnack Thai... They are so sweet when ever I come in there (which is often)... Today when they saw me they asked me ''Two, as always?''... But today I only needed one number two in the menu, with extra sauce on the rice... Which they know by now...! ;)
They are the sweetest!
Then, I went home, and now I'm here... If I didn't have a 10 ½ hour shift tomorrow I would so go to the gym right now... I feel so energetic! Though, I should be tired, cause I should go to bed soon...!
Need to get up at 5am tomorrow...
...I really need to talk to the ''planners'' about giving me more night shifts... I really miss it!
Well, that's two days for ya, right there!
The only thing I know about tomorrow is that I start at 6:47am, get off at 5:31pm... And after work Roy will come by to drop off little Baboosh (his cat) :) I'm gonna look after her over the weekend while he's in Barcelona.
...Damn, I just managed to press a button which made the entire entry in Italic... And now I can't restore it... I think... I don't know how it will appear when I post it...
Oh well...
I'm gonna go use my work-out video, Latin dance made easy, and just take a work out session here in my living room/bed room :) I love that video! (available at tvins.se)
...Another thing to recommend from there is the Ab-Tronic. I just looooove it! It has so many programs to choose from! Either a massage or a REAL full on work out...or something in between! ;)
It's awesome!
Well now, enough commercial for tonight... Later peeps!

Una entrada en español
Esta entrada está dedicada a mis amigos que hablan español :)
Y bueno, es para mi también, porque necesito la práctica! Jeje.
Esta noche he estado hablando con mi querida Sofía durante más de tres horas en Skype! Fue un placer, como siempre! :) Te amo hermosa, linda, preciosa <3 Y en realidad no puedo esperar para ir a Mérida de nuevo para vivir contigo! En serio! Será tan chévere! :)
También he estado editando documentos para mi tío. Debería haber hecho esto hace mucho tiempo... Y no estoy lista todavía...
Bueno, y por qué estoy escribiendo en español esta noche?
En realidad es mi querido amigo, Patrik, me he ayudado a él para traducir una entrada en su blog al español. (Puedes leerlo aquí) . Está en sueco también!
... Estoy segura de que he cometido muchos errores allá también ... Pero ¿qué lo sabe?, jajajaja ;)
Ahora casi son las 2:00 de la madrugada... Mañana estoy libre también, lo cual es buenisimo! :)
Y mañana tampoco no voy a establecer una alarma... Probablemente voy a dormir hasta el mediodía ;)
Bueno, mañana voy a pasar tiempo con mis amigas Debbie, Linda y Sandra. Será buenisimo :D
También voy a encontrar Cassandra de nuevo! No la he visto desde que estaba en Nueva York el verano pasado!
AYUDAME para corregir esta entrada, por favor! :)
Ahora tengo que irme a la cama... Para soñar con los angelitos ;)

I'm good :P~
This is just a temporary signature, but that doesn't change the fact that I DID IT! ME! By me onesies! :D

Web design for dummies...?
Sure, I could go out and buy Web design for dummies, but I know I wouldn't find the time to read it anyway...!
I just wanna change my signature on the blog, and it just does not want to co-operate with me. BAH!
Oh well... Today is my day off, and you have no idea how much I'm enjoying this right now! I didn't set my alarm for this morning, and it was just lovely!
Right now I'm waiting for Roy to call, so we can go for a rather late brunch. And later tongiht I'll probably go to the movies with Alex... If there are any good ones around 6pm (she has a morning shift tomorrow).
I also thought to bring a few things over to the new apartment... Just to start clearing things out! Feels like I'm stuck right now! I'm basically just waiting for Heimstaden to let me know when the next person is moving in! .. I hope it's soon, cause I really can't wait to move! :)
Last night I worked my first real night shift in a long time... and I have to say I really miss it!
I met so many familiar faces... You don't get that as much, working mornings... So I'm actually gonna ask them to change my schedule, if possible, to more night shifts...!
I'm off work tomorrow too! And at 2pm I'm gonna go to Cili together with Debbie... It's gonna be a lot of fun!
Sandra is gonna do Debbie's hair, I'm just gonna watch and be amazed :)
And in the afternoon I'm gonna meet Cassie!! She's only here during the day, but it's gonna be great to see her again! :)
I'm gonna go see if I can manage the damn signature thing...
More soon!

Another fun topic.
At least it's the 1st today so I have good new 5 GB to enjoy this month. But I'm still stuck with Tele2 for quite some time. Sucks!
Anyway... Today I don't start work until 5:21pm.. Working until 12:57am. But at least I'm off work tomorrow and Tuesday.
Today I'm gonna meet Debbie before work. And I have to say with this new company... Everything has changed... There's no group dynamic at the new place... Everyone pretty much keep to themselves. It sucks. I miss the way it was at DSB Sweden AB.
Tomorrow I'm gonna hang out with Roy in the afternoon. Oh! And on Thursday he's dropping of little miss Baboosh here (his cat). I'm gonna watch her while he's in Barcelona or where ever... She's absolutely precious!
Aaand tomorrow night I'm gonna go to the movies with Alex. We're probably gonna see Australia. Though, there are so many good movies right now! I want to see Mammut and that new Swedish movie... Can't remember what it's called... Two girls become really good friends, and their mothers are, well, one has cancer and one is an alcoholic...
And of course I want to see the new movie with Leo DiCap and Kate Winslet! Totally nostalgic from Titanic!
...The new animated movie Bolt, or something... I think it's Disney? That one seems sooo cute! Oh! And that new chick flick... Wild... something? Anyway, There are a lot of movies I wanna see... And I have my three free tickets still...
Looking forward to this summer too though, when the 6th Harry Potter movie is coming out! Harry Potter and the half blood prince. I didn't care that much for the book... For numerous reason (no spoilers, I swear!)...
I'm actually looking forward to the last one... That book was so so great! I hope they make a nice finish with the movie as well!
It really was too bad that the first man who played Dumbledor died... He was really perfect for the role... He was JUST as I had imagined Dumbledor myself! The other looney toon was just... Nah, he's just not right!
Gosh, I need to figure out some more fun topics!
I mean, yeah, when I leave for Venezuela I won't have any problems finding topics... And when the trip is getting closer I'll write about all the things I'm doing, preparing and all... But right now it's like a desert in here!
HELP! :)