Festa come fanno i romani!

Continuando con Roma, la città eterna!

Roma è La Città Eterna
Rome is the eternal city!
As promised; here's some more goodies from my trip to Rome with my friend Em in April this year!
Enjoy! :)
Picture one: Piazza Colonna, which is a big square where the big street Via Del Corso is crossing with Largo Chigi and a bunch of other streets. Second day in Roma, exploring to the MAX! :)
Picture two: Via del Corso: ...Shopping!! Need I say more ?
Picture three: The Spanish steps, designed by Francesco de Sanctis (Italian), funded by a French diplomat and was named The Spanish steps because it is located very close to the Spanish Embassy - Completed in 1725.
And located below the Spanish steps is the boat shaped Baraccia fountain (1627), attributed to Pietro Bernini (the father of famous Gian Lorenzo).
Quite crowded, but I just loved it. I did expect it to be even bigger though, don't know why, but it sure was beautiful!
Picture four: I'm sitting on the very top of the Spanish steps. It was very hot that day, so walking all the way up was an accomplishment! But it's so so worth it. The view is AMAZING!
Picture one: Trattoria Ciro & Ciro - The BEST trattoria in Rome!
You can find Trattoria Ciro & Ciro at Largo Chigi 5. I think their number is: 07474321002.
Picture two: This pizza is called Monte Bianco (€9), and it was so so soooo delicious!!! I could go back to Rome JUST to eat that pizza one more time!!
Picture three: The best getalo italioano in Rome: Gelateria/Caffetteria Mariotti. We read in one of our travel books about another ice cream place, which was famous for its ice cream.. I can't even remember what it's called. We tried it but were not impressed. Mariotti is the place to go!! But be careful when you order! I ended up paying about €8 for that little cup of ice cream (SO worth it though!). I got chocolate and mint. YUMM!
Address: Via Agonale 5/7 (Piazza Navona). Phone number: 06-68136084
Picture four: Piazza Navona. This square is an icon of Rome and is located on the ruins of an antique arena, which was built by Domitiatus 86 a.d. Unfortunately there was a lot of scaffolding here as well, but there's a big fountain located on this square called Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (The fountain of the four rivers; the Nile, Ganges, Danube and Rio de la Plata).
This square is so cozy! There are tons of restaurants to choose from, and as you walk by in the evening the head waiter of the restaurants are calling you, hoping you will dine at their restaurant, with different offers like "first drink free" or "bread basket, no charge"!
Many artist gather at this square, and you can find amazing paintings here!
Picture one: Top row: Emelie, me, Shelly. Bottom row: Richard, Barclay.
This awesome picture belongs to my dear friend Richard Kerr. He's an amazing photographer and such a sweet guy! We met at the hostel Pop Inn while staying in Rome and we spent a lot of time together exploring the Eternal City! :)
This particular evening we decided to explore Rome by night and had so much fun doing it! And Rich could show off his awesome photographer skills!
Picture two: At the Colisseum! It was such a powerful thing to walk around there! But like almost all the rest of the city, even the Colisseum was covered in scaffolding... It's good that they are maintaining it though:)
One thing that really bothered me while I was walking around there was that people had carved in, and written on the walls like "I love this person", "this person loves that person" and things like that, things that you find in public rest rooms.... NOT at the friggin' Colisseum!! People have no respect.
Unfortunately this seems to be all my computer is allowing me to upload at the moment.
More pictures and more momories to come! :)

Roma ~ Italia ~ 2010
We had a blast, and it sure turned out to be an unexpected adventure on our way back!
....Yah, remember the good ol' volcano in Iceland that erupted and interrupted the whole world's flights...more or less anyway...
Yah, we were kind of affected by that.
First our plane was cancelled until the next day... and then the next week...! So yah, we were screwed.
As it happens we both work with trains here in Sweden, so we talked to the train staff on the night train to Münich and fortunatelly I had my work ID with me, and even more fortunatelly we got to go on the train! It was PACKED though. We didn't get any seats until hours later! We got to share the floor with a bunch of other people.
I didn't mind though. Of course I got the worst sinus infection from hell...! Wasn't all that fun... Since it took us like 27 hours to get home.
But then again, to look on the bright side, I was very glad I didn't have to fly with that sinus infection... Just my luck, ey?

Anywho, that was just the last days and our trip home!
Other than that Rome was great!
The weather was really good. A bit cold some days, but not colder than Sweden, so we were totally satisfied :)
We stayed at an AWESOME hostel called Pop Inn which is right next to Termini train station along Via Marsala.

We found Fontana di Trevi. It was so amazing. My favourite spot in the whole of Rome. It was even more beautiful at night...!
And we spent some of the best moments there with some of the coolest people, whom we met at the hostel.
Third picture from the left: Rich, ME, Em and Barclay. MISS YOU guys!!!
Fourth picture: Shelly and I, miss you too, bunches!!

Oh yeah, we went to the Vatican to see Basilica di San Pietro & the Sistine chapel ...And "accidentally" cut in line...First pic will tell you why... It wasn't very well planned though... since we kind of cut the line in the middle of a group of French kids. They were kind of pissed, and didn't mind what so ever letting us know that. Stares says more than a million French words!
We also went to the Vatican the day the Pope himself was there. Can't remember what day it was. But he gives a speach (prayer) once a week for the public. Quite crowded, but totally worth it! :)

Kind of funny really... We were just walking around, and saw a big crown outside of this building and were curious what it was all about... We came from the back, and when we got in we realized it was the Pantheon...!!!
The first pic is just half of the buliding cause ther rest was covered in scaffolding... That is our excuse for not recognizing it ;)
The third pic is the square (Piazza dei Rotonda) by the Pantheon. Beautiful!

Castel Sant'Angelo (In the background of the first picture) by night. Really beautiful. The bridge (Ponte Sant'Angelo, second picture) gave us a beautiful view of the Vatican! (Third picture).
Well, this is all I have energy for tonight!
Stay tuned and you'll get more sneaks from my awesome Rome trip... and up next, LONDON BABY! :)
Nighty night!