2009-05-18: Bye bye Oslo :(
Yeah, so I woke up today at around 8:30am... Expecting to be VERY hung over, but thankfully it wasn't all that bad...!
...So annoying though... Cause of that damn decision to drink like that... I didn't get to see Ida this time... That was such a let down... :(
But I'll just have to go back again :)
We got all of our stuff together and then got ready to go...
We went to the tiny store next to the hostel and bought breakfast... and then went to the souvenir shop for the other girls to buy ''Norweigan sweaters''...
Theeeen we headed for the station and I went to Burger King and bought King fries... and Maaaaaan, they have never tasted better... Except maybe in Venezuela at la Nota after a wild night out... That was damn good! ;)
Then we went to the bus, and it actually arrived 30 minutes early in Gothenburg, so from there we decided to get off and take the train the rest of the way... And got back an hour earlier! Perfect!
I'm so tired...!
I'm just gonna do the dishes, and then I'll probably go to bed...!
I have to go to the doctor tomorrow... Take tests and ''taaaalk''... Whoppee...!
This is it for now!
Take care alright! :)
Ha de!

...So annoying though... Cause of that damn decision to drink like that... I didn't get to see Ida this time... That was such a let down... :(
But I'll just have to go back again :)
We got all of our stuff together and then got ready to go...
We went to the tiny store next to the hostel and bought breakfast... and then went to the souvenir shop for the other girls to buy ''Norweigan sweaters''...
Theeeen we headed for the station and I went to Burger King and bought King fries... and Maaaaaan, they have never tasted better... Except maybe in Venezuela at la Nota after a wild night out... That was damn good! ;)
Then we went to the bus, and it actually arrived 30 minutes early in Gothenburg, so from there we decided to get off and take the train the rest of the way... And got back an hour earlier! Perfect!
I'm so tired...!
I'm just gonna do the dishes, and then I'll probably go to bed...!
I have to go to the doctor tomorrow... Take tests and ''taaaalk''... Whoppee...!
This is it for now!
Take care alright! :)
Ha de!
I put together a video from Oslo! (Please keep in mind that alcohol was involved) ヅ

2009-05-17: Happy May 17th everyone!! :)
We got up at 8:30-ish... and got ready... Brought the breakfast buns and headed out.
We went in to a store and bought cheese for the buns and Norway flags and May 17th pins. To get in spirit! :)
MAN was it crowded in Oslo today!!! It's amazing! And you could totally hear Swedes EVERYWHERE!
It was sooo nice to experience May 17th in the only place it should be experienced... and in great company as well! :)
We started walking down Karl Johann towards the royal castle...
And when we reached a fountain close to Nasjonal teatret we sat down and ate breakfast, it was very nice...!
The weather was PERFECT! It could NOT have been better!
Blue skies and warm and sooo nice! :)
After breakfast we headed for the royal castle to get a glimpse of the royal family!
There was a bunch of fences, and it was hard to figure out where to go to be able to get close... But after climbing a few hills and walking through bushes we got pretty close, and yes, we did se the royal family waving to the people!
Coolness! :)
After that we took the metro to Majorstuen (actually, the area where I used to live) and changed to a tram to go to Vigelandsparken :) I love that park! It was extra gorgeous today with the great weather and all! :)
We walked past all the statues and to the back, to sit down on the big grass fields... It was sooo nice! There was a big group of people playing african drums, it was awesome! Loooove!
Then we sat down and well... started drinking...
And me genious... Who didn't have anything to eat all day except half of a bun for breakfast... and drinking just a tad too fast... Got sicker than sick.
Yeap.. totally ''fjortis'', which I haven't been in a long time... And man was it bad...! But I had the best friends taking care of me, and up until the... yeah... we did have a great time!
We even found more helium balloons by Dolly Dimple's and had fun with them as well...! :)
But since I didn't feel too good there... We went back to the hostel, and while the others watched movies I passed out at like 9pm...
Woke up again at around 2am... felt ok for a little while, then worse again... ''Got it all out''... And then fell asleep again...
"... I'm never gonna drink ever ever ever again..."
We got up at 8:30-ish... and got ready... Brought the breakfast buns and headed out.
We went in to a store and bought cheese for the buns and Norway flags and May 17th pins. To get in spirit! :)
MAN was it crowded in Oslo today!!! It's amazing! And you could totally hear Swedes EVERYWHERE!
It was sooo nice to experience May 17th in the only place it should be experienced... and in great company as well! :)
We started walking down Karl Johann towards the royal castle...
And when we reached a fountain close to Nasjonal teatret we sat down and ate breakfast, it was very nice...!
The weather was PERFECT! It could NOT have been better!
Blue skies and warm and sooo nice! :)
After breakfast we headed for the royal castle to get a glimpse of the royal family!
There was a bunch of fences, and it was hard to figure out where to go to be able to get close... But after climbing a few hills and walking through bushes we got pretty close, and yes, we did se the royal family waving to the people!
Coolness! :)
After that we took the metro to Majorstuen (actually, the area where I used to live) and changed to a tram to go to Vigelandsparken :) I love that park! It was extra gorgeous today with the great weather and all! :)
We walked past all the statues and to the back, to sit down on the big grass fields... It was sooo nice! There was a big group of people playing african drums, it was awesome! Loooove!
Then we sat down and well... started drinking...
And me genious... Who didn't have anything to eat all day except half of a bun for breakfast... and drinking just a tad too fast... Got sicker than sick.
Yeap.. totally ''fjortis'', which I haven't been in a long time... And man was it bad...! But I had the best friends taking care of me, and up until the... yeah... we did have a great time!
We even found more helium balloons by Dolly Dimple's and had fun with them as well...! :)
But since I didn't feel too good there... We went back to the hostel, and while the others watched movies I passed out at like 9pm...
Woke up again at around 2am... felt ok for a little while, then worse again... ''Got it all out''... And then fell asleep again...
"... I'm never gonna drink ever ever ever again..."

2009-05-16: Norway here we come!!
Yee haaaw!
Yeap, the alarm went off waaaaay too early...!
But! We had to get up and get ready! and at 6:22am we took the bus down town to Knutpunkten, bus station.
We went for breakfast McToast at McDonald's and then headed for the bus.
It departed in time at 7:15 am, and arrived at Oslo Gallerian at 2pm...
That is one looooong bus ride!
One I have been on many many times, but it was so much more fun this time in good company! :)
We ended up sleeping quite a few hours though!
When we arrived in Oslo, we went straight to the hostel (Sentrum Pensjonat)...
Which I don't have many good things to say about... Next time we'll stay at some other place.... ANY other place!
The staff was rude and boring, the rooms didn't have Norweigan television, just a TV and a DVD player (you could borrow movies for free though... !) the fridge was kind of working on and off.. and you could smoke inside (not in the rooms though) and the whole place smelled of smoke anyway.... Even the staff was sitting on the stairs, smoking... Y U C K !
But oh well, good thing we didn't have to spend that much time in the room! :)
When we had changed we went out, started walking on Karl Johann st towards the royal castle :)
At Nasjonal teatret we met up with my dear friend Elisabeth!
It was actually the first time we met though! FINALLY! :) It was brief but it was great!
We went to a café next to Nasjonal teatret, right on time too, cause it started raining.
Then we decided to take the metro up to Holmenkollen, unfortunately Elisabeth had to leave...
It was nice to finally be up there... Cause even thought I almost lived in Oslo for a year... I never did go up there... Only about half way when I worked at a kindergarden :P
But of course they were renovating the damn thing, so we didn't know where to go... We just went to a hotel with an amazing view and took some pictures and then headed back down!
When we got back to the city we all agreed we were hungry... And we ended up at TGI Fridays right by Nasjonal teatret (I love Fridays!) :)
I had pollo quesadillas, and they were gooooood... BUT! The pollo quesadillas at Java House, Nairobi rule all! :)
Right when we were about to leave Debbie asked the waitress:
"We're gonna visit my niece tonight, would it be OK if we could bring a balloon for her?"
...We got one... But Debbie doesn't have a niece...
However, we had a good time with Sir Helium! :D
It was hilarious!
We went to an alley at Aker Brygge and started playing :) We only got one balloon though, so it ended pretty fast... But there's another Fridays at Aker Brygge as well... Aaaaand I went in and asked for 4 more... Which I got... And we amused ourselves for a while longer! ;)
Then we went towards Aker castle... and found a big statue of Franklin D Roosevelt... And started climbing him...
(Imagine climbing a statue of Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya ? You would SO go to jail!!) :P
...Then we were going in to Aker Castle... But we only got to enjoy it for like 5 minutes, then a guard told us they were closing. Bummer!
Sooo, we started walking back.... It was a very nice evening in Oslo... :) We like!
When we got back to our room we borrowed a few movies and started watching A Princess Diaries 2 - Royal Engagement...
And pretty quickly I realized how tired I was and went to sleep!
But first set the alarm at 8:30 am for May 17th! :D
Yeap, the alarm went off waaaaay too early...!
But! We had to get up and get ready! and at 6:22am we took the bus down town to Knutpunkten, bus station.
We went for breakfast McToast at McDonald's and then headed for the bus.
It departed in time at 7:15 am, and arrived at Oslo Gallerian at 2pm...
That is one looooong bus ride!
One I have been on many many times, but it was so much more fun this time in good company! :)
We ended up sleeping quite a few hours though!
When we arrived in Oslo, we went straight to the hostel (Sentrum Pensjonat)...
Which I don't have many good things to say about... Next time we'll stay at some other place.... ANY other place!
The staff was rude and boring, the rooms didn't have Norweigan television, just a TV and a DVD player (you could borrow movies for free though... !) the fridge was kind of working on and off.. and you could smoke inside (not in the rooms though) and the whole place smelled of smoke anyway.... Even the staff was sitting on the stairs, smoking... Y U C K !
But oh well, good thing we didn't have to spend that much time in the room! :)
When we had changed we went out, started walking on Karl Johann st towards the royal castle :)
At Nasjonal teatret we met up with my dear friend Elisabeth!
It was actually the first time we met though! FINALLY! :) It was brief but it was great!
We went to a café next to Nasjonal teatret, right on time too, cause it started raining.
Then we decided to take the metro up to Holmenkollen, unfortunately Elisabeth had to leave...
It was nice to finally be up there... Cause even thought I almost lived in Oslo for a year... I never did go up there... Only about half way when I worked at a kindergarden :P
But of course they were renovating the damn thing, so we didn't know where to go... We just went to a hotel with an amazing view and took some pictures and then headed back down!
When we got back to the city we all agreed we were hungry... And we ended up at TGI Fridays right by Nasjonal teatret (I love Fridays!) :)
I had pollo quesadillas, and they were gooooood... BUT! The pollo quesadillas at Java House, Nairobi rule all! :)
Right when we were about to leave Debbie asked the waitress:
"We're gonna visit my niece tonight, would it be OK if we could bring a balloon for her?"
...We got one... But Debbie doesn't have a niece...
However, we had a good time with Sir Helium! :D
It was hilarious!
We went to an alley at Aker Brygge and started playing :) We only got one balloon though, so it ended pretty fast... But there's another Fridays at Aker Brygge as well... Aaaaand I went in and asked for 4 more... Which I got... And we amused ourselves for a while longer! ;)
Then we went towards Aker castle... and found a big statue of Franklin D Roosevelt... And started climbing him...
(Imagine climbing a statue of Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya ? You would SO go to jail!!) :P
...Then we were going in to Aker Castle... But we only got to enjoy it for like 5 minutes, then a guard told us they were closing. Bummer!
Sooo, we started walking back.... It was a very nice evening in Oslo... :) We like!
When we got back to our room we borrowed a few movies and started watching A Princess Diaries 2 - Royal Engagement...
And pretty quickly I realized how tired I was and went to sleep!
But first set the alarm at 8:30 am for May 17th! :D

2009-05-15: Journey starts here.
Hey hey hey!
Well, today I went to work in the morning... Had an awful day actually... Have to go see a doctor on Tuesday...
Don't want to get in to any details... It just was a bad bad day. And sometimes I just hate people... And my job.
This is one of those days.
But after work I went home, packed... But everything got delayed because of the incident at work, and I wasn't able to see Martin and Anna as planned.. :( Which sucked big time!
Instead I went straight to Sahel's...
We went to her dad's restaurant, and hung out there for a bit, and later on we went back to Sahel's place and I made Ugali and cabbage... And later on Debbie and Linda also joined us! :)
My African food got A+, I'm awesome ;) I'm glad they liked it! :)
Then we just hung out and talked and had a great time...!
I think we went to sleep at around 2:30am! ... Aaaand the alarm went off at 5:30-ish am!
Well, today I went to work in the morning... Had an awful day actually... Have to go see a doctor on Tuesday...
Don't want to get in to any details... It just was a bad bad day. And sometimes I just hate people... And my job.
This is one of those days.
But after work I went home, packed... But everything got delayed because of the incident at work, and I wasn't able to see Martin and Anna as planned.. :( Which sucked big time!
Instead I went straight to Sahel's...
We went to her dad's restaurant, and hung out there for a bit, and later on we went back to Sahel's place and I made Ugali and cabbage... And later on Debbie and Linda also joined us! :)
My African food got A+, I'm awesome ;) I'm glad they liked it! :)
Then we just hung out and talked and had a great time...!
I think we went to sleep at around 2:30am! ... Aaaand the alarm went off at 5:30-ish am!