Let's play 60 questions!

1.    How old are you in five years?

-       Now that's an awful thought... But I'll be 28.

2.    Who did you spend at least two hours with today?

-       My dust bunnies? I've been home all day since my stomach's been hurtin'... But I was supposed to hang out with Patrik... If that counts? :)


3.    How tall are you?

-       171cm or 5'6

4.    Which movie was the last one you watched?

-       Beyond Borders... I looooove that movie!


5.    Who was the last person you called?

-       Anette


6.    Who was the last person to call you?

-       Sahel

7.    Do you prefer to send a text or make a call?

-       I prefer to text actually... But if I need a quick answer I usually call.

8.    Are your parents married or divorced?

-       They're divorced.

9.    When was the last time you met your dad?

-       He drove me to the E.R. in Växjö last weekend. I also saw him after my surgery.

10. What color are your eyes?

-       All blue! :)

11. When did you wake up today?

-       Around 11am... Sooo nice to sleep in!

12. Which is your favorite Christmas carol?

-       Wham! - Last Christmas & Johan Lennon and Yoko Ono - Happy Christmas (War is over)

13. What is your favorite place?

-       The world! Traveling! :)


14. What is your least favorite place?

-       Whenever I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...


15. Where do you think you are in 10 years?

-       Living in a Tiki hut on Fiji? :)  I honestly I have no idea! Time will tell...!

16. What scared you at night when you were a kid?

-       The dark. I really did not like the dark. Especially after -accidentally- watching a scary movie... That I wasn't supposed to watch.

17. Who/what was the last to make you laugh?

-       Watching Dharma & Greg earlier today. You gotta love Dharma! :D

18. How big is your bed?

-       It's a 160 cm beauty! :)

19. Do you have a laptop or a desktop?

-       Laptop! It's easier to bring on my trips :P

20. Do you sleep with your clothes on?

-       Preferably, yes. I get cold VERY easily...

21. How many pillows do you have in your bed?

-       Three at the moment... How interesting that might be for you!

22. What countries have you visited?

-       Sweden being my native country: Denmark, Norway, Germany, Poland, USA (NY, NJ & CA), Kenya and Venezuela.

23. What cities have you lived in?

-       Helsingborg (Ramlösa & Drottninghög), Ljungby, Nybro (Hanemåla & Kungshall), Oslo (Norway) and Malmö (Burlöv and currently living down town).

24. Do you prefer shoes, socks or bare foot?

-       Flip flops! But I do like to walk bare foot... Otherwise, you just give me a couple of Chuck Taylor's and I'm all happy!

25. Are you a social person?

-       Very! I love meeting new people!

26. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

-       Doy! I love the After Eight mint flavor that they have at Rönneholms... But otherwise I just loooove chocolate chip cookie dough (Ben & Jerry's)... Then again, B&J's overall is loooove! :)

27. What's your favorite dessert?

-       Strawberry cheese cake!

28. Do you like Chinese food?

-       Let me just say yuuuum!

29. Do you like coffee?

-       Nope, I'll have a tea, thank you!

30. What do you drink for breakfast?

-       Soy milk with chocolate flavor or apple juice.


31. Which side of the bed do you prefer?

-       I think I sleep in the middle of the bed actually... But I do like to sleep close to the wall... So, whatever side the wall's at!

32. Do you know how to play poker?

-       Not the Texas hold'em... thingie... But regular poker - yes!

Do you like to cuddle?

-       Yes yes yes and yes! Is there anything better? Cozier?

34. Are you addicted to something?

-       Hmm... Sugar? Unfortunately! But I'm trying not to please my addiction! :P

35. Do you know anyone who has the same birthday as yourself?

-       My grandpa actually... Just imagine... 23 years ago he got a granddaughter for his birthday... Like the best present eveeeer! ;)  Also my friend Anna... She's one year younger than me, though.

36. Do you want kids?

-       Someday maybe... I would like to adopt some day.

Do you know any languages besides English?

-       Well, Swedish is my native language, but I also know Danish and Norwegian and Spanish and a little German (very little).

38. Have you ever been in an ambulance?

-       Nope, and I hope I won't have to either.

39. Do you prefer the ocean or a swimming pool?

-       The ocean... unless it's like freezing cold or full with sharks or something...

40. What do you prefer to spend your money on?

-       Traveling!!!

41. Do you own expensive jewelry?

-       No, I don't wear a lot of jewelry...

42. What's your favorite TV show?

-       One Tree Hill, Friends, E.R., What I like about you, C.S.I, Traveler, Third Watch...

43. Do you know how to roll your tongue?

-       Yeah, and I can whistle with it too! Can you?

44. Who is the funniest person you know?

-       Well, Debbie usually finds a way to crack me up! :)

45. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

-       No, they're all packed down in a box somewhere...

46. What's your ringing tone on your cell?

-       As of right now it's "Hips don't lie (bamboo)" with Shakira.

47. Do you still have any clothes from when you were a kid?

-       Yeah, in a box somewhere...

48. Dog or cat?

-       I'd have to say both!

49. Do you flirt a lot?

-       I wouldn't say a lot, but it happens... Can't say I'm that good at it though.. Hehe

50. Do you know how to change the oil on a car?

-       No, couldn't be bothered to find out even! Booooring!

51. Have you ever received a speeding ticket?

-       Considering I don't have a driver's license... If they'd pull me over I'd probably get more than a speeding ticket...! ;)

52. Which was the last book you read?

-       Probably the last Harry Potter book.

53. Which is the best book you've ever read?

-       The Harry Potter books. I'm totally hooked!

54. Do you subscribe to any magazine?

-       Well, not really... I'm a member of the United Nations though... And they send out a magazine every now and then...

55. Do you dance in the car?

-       Dance? Umm... No? There's like no room. But with some good tunes I'd sing along for sure!

56. What radio station was the last one you listened to?

-       I honestly have no idea! I never listen to the radio... But when I was in the states, visiting my relatives in Cali they had some awesome country stations! :D

57. What was the last thing you wrote on a piece of paper?

-       My name and number... Don't ask.

58. When was the last time you were in church?

-       Considering I don't go to church... Last time I was in a church was when I was in Mérida, Venezuela, two years ago... I just happened to walk in to one. It was nice though!

59. Who was your favorite teacher in Junior high?

-       Birger Helge was the man! He managed to put dead squirrels in to most of his stories!

60. What is the longest you've lived in a tent?

-       Hmm... For 3 days during Rassle... Whoot whooot! :D
But when I was a kid and we went on vacations... we went to different camping spots with a huge tent... that was before we got the caravan! "Det ska va' husvagn..."

Well, folks, there's a lot of unneccesary facts about me... Hope you enjoyed!
Have a nice night! Hope it's less boring than mine!  <3



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