Latin dance made easy ?

Hey hey hey!
Right now I'm in Helsingborg with my lovely 'wife' Sahel :) We just enjoyed a wonderful dinner (taco night) to the best movie ever made Dirty Dancing.

And this totally made us (me) want to dance... And since Sahel is born with dance moves... it's sooo in her blood... We've been dancing in her livingroom for the past hours! It's been great! Talk about a work out session deluxe!
And damn I can move!! Haha, of course not as well as her, but she really is a goooood teacher!
We're gonna have a great summer at Cuba café together!  Shake it shake it shake it! :)
We're moving the hips like Shakira! It's freakin' awesome!

DAMN I have missed Sahel!!! It's been way WAY too long! We really need to do this more often! <3
I'm gonna get back to Sahel and dancing! Just needed a little breather ;)



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