Late night entry.

Hey guys, how's it going?

I really should be in bed right now... Preferably sleeping... But I just can't seem to get my butt off the couch...
I've spent the last hour reading my old blog... Memories... I started that one back in 2006... When I apparently still had ''Lunarstorm''... haha such a loser! :P~
I ended up reading all my entries from Venezuela (which you can also find HERE). Gosh I miss Mérida...!
I really can't wait until the day I buy my ticket to go back. Then it will really feel like I'm on my way! ...Right now I can't say it does... but that's probably cause it's about 9 months left...! Gwuah!

I talked to Sofia for a while today, over Skype. It's awesome... When it's working! Haha, for some reason we lost the sound along the way... But hopefully it'll work again next time we talk.

Yuck... Tomorrow will be a long day at work. 10 ½ hours... But at least I get to sleep in for a bit tomorrow! I don't start until 11:27am!
And if I can just get my ass to bed already, I might actually be fit for a work out session at 24/7 tomorrow morning... I'll get back to you on how that one turns out...! ;)

Well, well... Buenas noches mis amigos queridos! Voy a soñar con los angelitos! ;)  MUAKS!
(Good night my dear friends! I'm going to dream with the little angels!) Muuuuaaaks!  <3



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