A new hair do !

Haha, I'm glad to see people are amused with my previous entry! More flirting to the people! :)
...Gotta say, the only thing about that attempt that was a bit awkward, was that the guys female co-worker  was standing next to him the whole time... :P~   Haha, I'm just glad it wasn't his wife! Muahahaa!

This morning I went to Cíli to eat breakfast and let her cut my hair... again! And it looks sooo good! She's awesome! She's simply the best! Check her out at ---> www.sandrailic.com
This is the only pic I have in the computer at the moment, so it'll do:

Like it? :)
It's so preeeeetty! :)

After that we went to meet the guy who was going to buy my phone... He still tried to bargin with me... ''Ey how much you want for the phone, 2000 is expensive''.... My ass, I have other people who responded to my ad, so pay up or forget about it. He paid! :P~

Theeeen we went to Indian Side... and you all know what happened there.... (If you haven't read my previous entry... Read it, and you'll know all about it).

After that we went to Lady Fitness Center... but they were closed until 3:30... But I just called them and signed up for Step up on Monday! It's going to be awesome! Cíli and I are going together!
We're also going to Kick Box on Saturday next week (Feb 21st). It's going to be so great to work our on regular basis like that, with Step, kick box, aerobic, dancing, spinning... It will be awesome! :)

I'm hungry!
Gotta go look for food!
Later peeps!

Postat av: Roy

Hahaha, nu har jag hittat din blogg också men du gör det svårt för oss icke språkbegåvade människor att följa den =) Kör en på svenska sidan vet ja;)

2009-02-11 @ 18:19:02
Postat av: LSW

sv: Jag håller med dig till 100% ^^ Hon är verkligen otrooooligt vacker! :)

2009-02-11 @ 20:37:59
URL: http://missawesomeness.webblogg.se/


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