That day is coming up... again...

Morning guys..  How's it going?
I think I'm still full fron last night... Which is why I'm skipping breakfast, and I'll just go for brunch with M instead.
But considering how my back felt from ''all'' the walking yesterday I'm really gonna take it easy today... Damn it hurt yesterday! :(

...Last night, before I went to bed, I called K... He's going to Australia today.... The only thing I don't envy, is the 26 hour flight! :P~ Poor thing. Sure hope he found his iPod.

Damn... Two more days until my B-day... Yuck...
Did talk to Brooke yesterday though, and her birthday is also on Friday... She'll just turn 22 though. Bitch.... :P~  (j/k)
Anyway, we decided to celebrate our birtdays together on Sunday! It's going to be really nice. I just hope I feel better by then! But it's just gonna be an ol' fashioned ''fika'' in the afternoon. Nice nice nice! :)
And people still ask me what I want for my birtday.... Heck, I dunno!! Every year! I don't think I've had a real answer on that since I stopped playing with legos :P

Well, I'm gonna go take a shower... Have a nice day everyone and I'll check back later!



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