Happy Birthday to me.

Yeah, that day is here again... YET again... Feels like only yesterday it was the big TWO-TWO... Today is the even bigger TWO-THREE...
Older... AND wiser (Ajohan told me so!) :)

Don't really have any plans what so ever for today... I'm hanging with Anna and the gang on Sunday. We're gonna make a bunch of b-day cakes! Whoot whoot!

Well, as of right now, I'm gonna have to go... I have to go down to work and drop off my sick leave papers...
Then I think I'm just gonna walk around for a bit, until I'm starting to feel sick again... Can't just sit inside today!
Gotta start moving someday! Might as well be today!

Anywhoooo... I'll be back later!
...For she's a jolly good.... lassy? :)




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