Just another day in my life.

Good afternoon people!
I'm just wrapping up at work... It was an interesting trip to Gothenburg... A LOT of people pn the way up...  But it went rather smoothly I must add..!
Not to mention all the eye candy on that route! Dang! I think I'm gonna like Gothenburg! ;)

I'm actually exhausted... Even though this was a rather easy shift... But my stomach hurts... The uniform pants sit right across one of the wounds from the surgery... and it huuuurts! :(

Tomorrow I start at around 4am... Daaaamn...! I have to get up at like 2:30-ish... It's just not human!
But then again I get off at around 11am... I think!

I met four nice guys from Spain on the train today, and they invited me to hang out with them in Copenhagen tomorrow...
If nothing else it would be a GREAT practice for my Spanish!
...Then again I have a hard time with the Spanish from Spain.... When they told me where they are from, they had to repeat 3 times... Then they said in the northern parts of Spain(I think...) but I still don't know WHERE they're from :P

Well well, I'm gonna go home and pack!
I'll check back later!




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