IKEA, this is comfortable...!
Hey hey,
How y'all bloggers doin' out there tonight ?
Right now I'm in my bed, watching The proposal, it's so friggin' HI-larious! :)))
Earlier today I went to Jysk, Ilva and IKEA with Anna and Patrick. I spent waaay too much money at IKEA...
But it was fun! Doesn't beat Ullared though... MAN, I wanna go back!

It's always fun to go to IKEA with friends! :)
Oh, and I bought some DELICIOUS Apple juice thinghy over there... Yumm!!
And now, dear friends, it's 4 days until I move! FOUR DAYS!!!
Please, do let them pass by quickly... PLEASE! I just want to get this over with, and actually settle in...!
BUT! Right now, I'm gonna get back to my move and chill some before bedtime...
10 hours at work tomorrow... "yaay".
How y'all bloggers doin' out there tonight ?
Right now I'm in my bed, watching The proposal, it's so friggin' HI-larious! :)))
Earlier today I went to Jysk, Ilva and IKEA with Anna and Patrick. I spent waaay too much money at IKEA...
But it was fun! Doesn't beat Ullared though... MAN, I wanna go back!

It's always fun to go to IKEA with friends! :)
Oh, and I bought some DELICIOUS Apple juice thinghy over there... Yumm!!
And now, dear friends, it's 4 days until I move! FOUR DAYS!!!
Please, do let them pass by quickly... PLEASE! I just want to get this over with, and actually settle in...!
BUT! Right now, I'm gonna get back to my move and chill some before bedtime...
10 hours at work tomorrow... "yaay".

I guess I won't get on the "Most active" list any time soon... No matter, no matter.
Last night I just could NOT fall asleep. I drove me NUTS!!! Eventually I gave up and started watching "What I like about you"... Better than staring at the ceiling... It looks the same... all the time... boooooring!
I think I fell asleep after 1am... which was kind of a drag since my alarm was set on 4:40am.
And when did I wake up this morning, you might ask? 4:30am... ANNOYING!!!
Today I hope sleeping will be easier. I didn't go to sleep after work... And I've been fighting falling asleep since about 3:30pm! I am exhausted, and will soon doze off!
I hung out with Anna this afternoon, it was very nice... I hoped to see the other Anna as well, but I just can't seem to get ahold of her :/
Do hope to see her before she returns to Montpellier...! I miss her!
I had a blast with Anna I though... Wanting to set me up with a relative of hers and all...
And I think we were the only two people talking at that café we went to... at least out loud... And we discussed sex quite open-ly :P It was HIlarious!
Anywhooo... Oh! I quit my membership at AC today... SUCKS! But I'm gonna join 24Seven when I've moved... They have a gym right around the corner from my new place. It will be perfect. And I kind of want to start boxing... or something... I need to hit things. Get rid of all that anger stirring inside me...That I mainly get from work, but still...!
I AM tired! So! Even though some people in the building decided to move in TODAY, and are still going at it, RIGHT outside my bedroom window.... It'll be fine. Thank the Lord for ear plugs!
Last night I just could NOT fall asleep. I drove me NUTS!!! Eventually I gave up and started watching "What I like about you"... Better than staring at the ceiling... It looks the same... all the time... boooooring!
I think I fell asleep after 1am... which was kind of a drag since my alarm was set on 4:40am.
And when did I wake up this morning, you might ask? 4:30am... ANNOYING!!!
Today I hope sleeping will be easier. I didn't go to sleep after work... And I've been fighting falling asleep since about 3:30pm! I am exhausted, and will soon doze off!
I hung out with Anna this afternoon, it was very nice... I hoped to see the other Anna as well, but I just can't seem to get ahold of her :/
Do hope to see her before she returns to Montpellier...! I miss her!
I had a blast with Anna I though... Wanting to set me up with a relative of hers and all...
And I think we were the only two people talking at that café we went to... at least out loud... And we discussed sex quite open-ly :P It was HIlarious!
Anywhooo... Oh! I quit my membership at AC today... SUCKS! But I'm gonna join 24Seven when I've moved... They have a gym right around the corner from my new place. It will be perfect. And I kind of want to start boxing... or something... I need to hit things. Get rid of all that anger stirring inside me...That I mainly get from work, but still...!
I AM tired! So! Even though some people in the building decided to move in TODAY, and are still going at it, RIGHT outside my bedroom window.... It'll be fine. Thank the Lord for ear plugs!

I think my neighbour got drums for Christmas...
And I am NOT amused!!
...But! I am moving soon. I've almost packed everything. Basically just got the wardrobes left. That's the easy part :P
It's gonna be so nice to get out of this mess!!! My room is SUCH a mess right now... And I hate living like this...!
Anywho, D, L and A didn't make it in to hang out with me and Thomas today... So we got to spend some quality time just me and him. It was nice. I miss him. He left Malmö for Gothenburg. Smart move.
We went to a nice little café which had apparently been a solarium before... One that Thomas apparently had been to. :P
Other than that, I haven't done much at all this weekend, and I gotta tell you, it has been GREAT!!!
Now I gotta sleep cause my free days are over. I have to get up at 4:40 tomorrow... "yaay". Sense the sarcasm...!
...But! I am moving soon. I've almost packed everything. Basically just got the wardrobes left. That's the easy part :P
It's gonna be so nice to get out of this mess!!! My room is SUCH a mess right now... And I hate living like this...!
Anywho, D, L and A didn't make it in to hang out with me and Thomas today... So we got to spend some quality time just me and him. It was nice. I miss him. He left Malmö for Gothenburg. Smart move.
We went to a nice little café which had apparently been a solarium before... One that Thomas apparently had been to. :P
Other than that, I haven't done much at all this weekend, and I gotta tell you, it has been GREAT!!!
Now I gotta sleep cause my free days are over. I have to get up at 4:40 tomorrow... "yaay". Sense the sarcasm...!

Holy guacamole, what just happened??
I just viewed my statistics for this blogg... 17 readers yesterday! Hii all! Who are you nice people?
And more important, you like-y the blog...-ey? :)
It is now 12:40am... I am not the least bit tired!
Johan dropped by for a visit. He's also a train person. A very nice one too. And he has also been to Kenya. We like!
I don't know how well I have updated after my last move... probably not that great. Sorry.
But I live with a very nice couple right now... Will be moving on January 4th though. TO MY OWN FRIGGIN' PLACE! :D
Anyway, this couple are currently watching two adorable cats. Selma and Simson.
Selma was lying in bed while Johan and I were talking... and all of a sudden she starts... ''talking''... And I look at her, and repeat the noise she just made... And she did it again... I we just went on an on, like... hissing at each other!
Adorable, and kind of weird!
Too bad we didn't have a video camera... Johan also mentioned that it WAS too bad, and that we could cut out the cat, just to make me look like a total weirdo. Yah. Funny guy! :P
Anywhoo... I'm gonna watch a little more "What I like about you"... Aaaand hopefully be tired soon!
Nighty night again!
(yes, my breath still stink of garlic, so the boggy man WILL stay away).
(sorry, REALLY, it's sooo stuck in my head!)
And more important, you like-y the blog...-ey? :)
It is now 12:40am... I am not the least bit tired!
Johan dropped by for a visit. He's also a train person. A very nice one too. And he has also been to Kenya. We like!
I don't know how well I have updated after my last move... probably not that great. Sorry.
But I live with a very nice couple right now... Will be moving on January 4th though. TO MY OWN FRIGGIN' PLACE! :D
Anyway, this couple are currently watching two adorable cats. Selma and Simson.
Selma was lying in bed while Johan and I were talking... and all of a sudden she starts... ''talking''... And I look at her, and repeat the noise she just made... And she did it again... I we just went on an on, like... hissing at each other!
Adorable, and kind of weird!
Too bad we didn't have a video camera... Johan also mentioned that it WAS too bad, and that we could cut out the cat, just to make me look like a total weirdo. Yah. Funny guy! :P
Anywhoo... I'm gonna watch a little more "What I like about you"... Aaaand hopefully be tired soon!
Nighty night again!
(yes, my breath still stink of garlic, so the boggy man WILL stay away).
(sorry, REALLY, it's sooo stuck in my head!)

How you like them apples ?
...is a phrase used to gloat or to express bemusement. At least according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
I don't know why, but I just love that comment. It's been in my head all day!
How you like THEM apples ? :)
Aaaaanyway, I have had the munchies all day!
I did go in to a bakery and treated myself to a piece of chocolate cake. But what really bugged me, was the bakery lady's comment "Just O-N-E peace of cake?"
...Umm, YEAH, that's why I asked for O-N-E, DOOF!
...No, I didn't actually go there. I was very polite.
The cake was good too. Not too sweet. But the cherries on top tasted like feet. "It tastes like feet"! ( You gotta love FRIENDS to get that one)
But that was hours ago... During the day and all...
Now when I was lying in bed, watching What I like about you, the munchies just kept buggin' the hell out of me.
So, I went to the kitchen. NADA! There's nothing!
But oh wait! I did find nachos. Aaah, fine, they'll do...
But I was kind of in the mood for dip... I had no dip... what to do? What to do ?
Well, this is where I used my genious cooking skills... And whipped me up some dip myself!
...All I had was creme cheese and mayo... so that went in to a bowl... and then I added some salt and black pepper... Tasted good, yet something was missing.
Yup. garlic! ... My breath stinks now by the way. Good thing I ain't going nowhere ;)
It was actually a very good dip. And it was...probably not what I was hoping to settle the munchies with... but it worked.
There, I think that's all the sharin' we have time for right now.
How you like THEM apples ? ;)
Nighty night!
..And I can sleep tight. The garlic will totally scare off the boggy man!

I don't know why, but I just love that comment. It's been in my head all day!

Aaaaanyway, I have had the munchies all day!
I did go in to a bakery and treated myself to a piece of chocolate cake. But what really bugged me, was the bakery lady's comment "Just O-N-E peace of cake?"
...Umm, YEAH, that's why I asked for O-N-E, DOOF!
...No, I didn't actually go there. I was very polite.
The cake was good too. Not too sweet. But the cherries on top tasted like feet. "It tastes like feet"! ( You gotta love FRIENDS to get that one)
But that was hours ago... During the day and all...
Now when I was lying in bed, watching What I like about you, the munchies just kept buggin' the hell out of me.
So, I went to the kitchen. NADA! There's nothing!
But oh wait! I did find nachos. Aaah, fine, they'll do...
But I was kind of in the mood for dip... I had no dip... what to do? What to do ?
Well, this is where I used my genious cooking skills... And whipped me up some dip myself!
...All I had was creme cheese and mayo... so that went in to a bowl... and then I added some salt and black pepper... Tasted good, yet something was missing.
Yup. garlic! ... My breath stinks now by the way. Good thing I ain't going nowhere ;)
It was actually a very good dip. And it was...probably not what I was hoping to settle the munchies with... but it worked.
There, I think that's all the sharin' we have time for right now.
How you like THEM apples ? ;)
Nighty night!
..And I can sleep tight. The garlic will totally scare off the boggy man!

Cold feet!
I know, I know... You're all dying for me to go on a trip so that my blog will be liiiittle bit more interesting ? Am I right...?!
...Ah, what the heck... That's even what I want!
Got back from my grandparents a few hours ago... Man oh, man, I have been so tired!!!
I got up at 3am today (which should be forbidden by law, btw!), and work started at 4. YAWN!
And when I was going from Elsinore and back to Malmö, half the train was packed with drunk obnoxious Danish people...Too early!!!
And when I went home, by bike, I might add... Of course it was pouring down... Freezing my ass off...
So, when I got back, I really neeeded a bath... But then that didn't leave me any time to sleep.
I had to get going, cause I had to go to Alvesta, and then to Ljungby, to the grandparents...!
I could easily go to sleep right now... but I'm gonna try to stay awake a little longer. Plan is to sleep at least until noon tomorrow. YEEAH!
My feet are cold.
Nighty night!
...Ah, what the heck... That's even what I want!
Got back from my grandparents a few hours ago... Man oh, man, I have been so tired!!!
I got up at 3am today (which should be forbidden by law, btw!), and work started at 4. YAWN!
And when I was going from Elsinore and back to Malmö, half the train was packed with drunk obnoxious Danish people...Too early!!!
And when I went home, by bike, I might add... Of course it was pouring down... Freezing my ass off...
So, when I got back, I really neeeded a bath... But then that didn't leave me any time to sleep.
I had to get going, cause I had to go to Alvesta, and then to Ljungby, to the grandparents...!
I could easily go to sleep right now... but I'm gonna try to stay awake a little longer. Plan is to sleep at least until noon tomorrow. YEEAH!
My feet are cold.
Nighty night!

What I like about you
Okay, I know, I know, I still haven't posted the pic... But mind you, I never promised ;)
Sorry, it would just take such an effort from my side to do that right now..
Just blogging is an effort of its own, ey!
I got up at 3:45am this morning, yes - Y A W N ! !
And going by bike to work was also kind of ok. Felt like going down hill... Which I think it kind of is, cause going home today was murdering my legs! The wind didn't help either.
I was supposed to ''celebrate'' x-mas at Alex's place, but this damn infection in my gums really is taking it's toll on me... It's like it has weakened my entire body... I'm in paaaaaaaain :(
And I haven't had any solid food since yesterday. Hurts to chew. Talk about your crash diet.
TOTALLY nostalgic article thing at aftonbladet.se today! About ''x-mas present of the year'' over the last decade...or two!
and in 1997, I think it was... Remember the tamagotchi!?!?

I remember I had one shaped like a dog... I loved it! But at the same time, I remember I was angry with myself for not buying one like the one in the picture, a "normal" one... But the dog kept me busy... Feeding, walking, picking up poo, or the three dots with ''flies'' :P
Well, enough nostalgia for one day... I'm gonna get back to "What I like about you". I love Amanda Bynes. She's friggin' awesome! And so pretty... :)
And "Lauren" is so damn funny!! ...Not to mention how hot "Vince" is... Yuuumm.

Anyway, Merry Christmas bloggers!
"...and God bless us eeeeveryone", as Tiny Tim would've put it...!

Sorry, it would just take such an effort from my side to do that right now..
Just blogging is an effort of its own, ey!
I got up at 3:45am this morning, yes - Y A W N ! !
And going by bike to work was also kind of ok. Felt like going down hill... Which I think it kind of is, cause going home today was murdering my legs! The wind didn't help either.
I was supposed to ''celebrate'' x-mas at Alex's place, but this damn infection in my gums really is taking it's toll on me... It's like it has weakened my entire body... I'm in paaaaaaaain :(
And I haven't had any solid food since yesterday. Hurts to chew. Talk about your crash diet.
TOTALLY nostalgic article thing at aftonbladet.se today! About ''x-mas present of the year'' over the last decade...or two!
and in 1997, I think it was... Remember the tamagotchi!?!?

I remember I had one shaped like a dog... I loved it! But at the same time, I remember I was angry with myself for not buying one like the one in the picture, a "normal" one... But the dog kept me busy... Feeding, walking, picking up poo, or the three dots with ''flies'' :P
Well, enough nostalgia for one day... I'm gonna get back to "What I like about you". I love Amanda Bynes. She's friggin' awesome! And so pretty... :)
And "Lauren" is so damn funny!! ...Not to mention how hot "Vince" is... Yuuumm.

Anyway, Merry Christmas bloggers!
"...and God bless us eeeeveryone", as Tiny Tim would've put it...!

awaiting x-mas...
F.Y.I "The prince ande me 2" sucks. Just so you know.
Hello everyone,
Getting into your x-mas spirit ?
I just had a cup of cocoa (Kalvin chokladmjölk) with 4 pieces of orange flavoured chocolates (Romerska bågar), put it in the microwave 1 ½ minute, stirred around and topped with mini marshmallows... YUMM-MME! It was niiiiiice!
So! I'm about ready for bed.... Yes yes, I know... It's only 6.30pm... But I have to get up at 4am tomorrow... Gotta love work, right... :/
My uncle did bring me such a sweet x-mas present today though! A basket of all kinds of goodies! Brie cheese, aioli and a bunch of other stuff I have no clue what it is, but it looks great!! :) He's the best uncle ever! (And boss! I love working for him!) :)
Anywho, I'm gonna get back to whine about the pain in my gums... got a really bad infection... :(
I'll post a pic of the basket later. If I can remember it. :)
Nighty night. Merry Christmas to all, and to aaaaaall a good night!
Hello everyone,
Getting into your x-mas spirit ?
I just had a cup of cocoa (Kalvin chokladmjölk) with 4 pieces of orange flavoured chocolates (Romerska bågar), put it in the microwave 1 ½ minute, stirred around and topped with mini marshmallows... YUMM-MME! It was niiiiiice!
So! I'm about ready for bed.... Yes yes, I know... It's only 6.30pm... But I have to get up at 4am tomorrow... Gotta love work, right... :/
My uncle did bring me such a sweet x-mas present today though! A basket of all kinds of goodies! Brie cheese, aioli and a bunch of other stuff I have no clue what it is, but it looks great!! :) He's the best uncle ever! (And boss! I love working for him!) :)
Anywho, I'm gonna get back to whine about the pain in my gums... got a really bad infection... :(
I'll post a pic of the basket later. If I can remember it. :)
Nighty night. Merry Christmas to all, and to aaaaaall a good night!

R.I.P Brittany Murphy
Now, enough time has passed, I think everyone has heard the terrible news of Brittany Murphy's death...
This has not been a good year for Hollywood... :(
She was such a beautiful and wonderful actress. I can't believe she's gone.
Actually watching "Just Married" right now... But one of my favourite movies with her (and Kirsten Dunst) is "The Devil's Arithmetic".

This has not been a good year for Hollywood... :(
She was such a beautiful and wonderful actress. I can't believe she's gone.
Actually watching "Just Married" right now... But one of my favourite movies with her (and Kirsten Dunst) is "The Devil's Arithmetic".
My sympathy goes out to her family and friends...
I'm sending all my love.

I'm gonna have myself a very merry little x-mas...
...or not ?
Nope, not gonna celebrate x-mas this year either... Just doesn't mean anything to me anymore.
I wouldn't say no to a x-mas in the States though... that would've been awesome...!
I miss my relatives and friends... so much :(
There's snow in Malmö - can you beleive it?
You'd think they'd be at least a little bit prepared by it... since the weather people told us this days ago, but no. Icy streets everywhere, and no salt... I did see a tiny salt...spreader(?) drive around on the sidewalk though... Good place to start, dont'cha think?
Sarcastic? I think so!
Right now I'm chillin' by the TV, watching friends... season 10... so I'm almost done... Maybe I'll have another round of Tru Calling after that ? :) Weee!
Hmm... I'm also getting, a little... very little... maybe not... okay I'm not even close to getting ready for the move...
But there's still time... ! It's not until the 4th... But man, oh man, I can't wait until it's all done...!
I'm gonna get back to Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Rachel and Joey now... later!
Nope, not gonna celebrate x-mas this year either... Just doesn't mean anything to me anymore.
I wouldn't say no to a x-mas in the States though... that would've been awesome...!
I miss my relatives and friends... so much :(
There's snow in Malmö - can you beleive it?
You'd think they'd be at least a little bit prepared by it... since the weather people told us this days ago, but no. Icy streets everywhere, and no salt... I did see a tiny salt...spreader(?) drive around on the sidewalk though... Good place to start, dont'cha think?
Sarcastic? I think so!
Right now I'm chillin' by the TV, watching friends... season 10... so I'm almost done... Maybe I'll have another round of Tru Calling after that ? :) Weee!
Hmm... I'm also getting, a little... very little... maybe not... okay I'm not even close to getting ready for the move...
But there's still time... ! It's not until the 4th... But man, oh man, I can't wait until it's all done...!
I'm gonna get back to Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Rachel and Joey now... later!

I don't know anything anymore...
Great huh?
Inspiring too, I bet...
Hmm, one thing I do know though, It's gonna be soooooo nice to move in to my own place... One month to go.
I wish the day could come already...!
I'm gonna enjoy watching Friends the rest of the evening... back to work tomorrow...!
Hope ya'll have a great evening!
Great huh?
Inspiring too, I bet...
Hmm, one thing I do know though, It's gonna be soooooo nice to move in to my own place... One month to go.
I wish the day could come already...!
I'm gonna enjoy watching Friends the rest of the evening... back to work tomorrow...!
Hope ya'll have a great evening!