My thoughts go to Kenya...
So, today has been rather boring...
I've been packing and cleaning most of the day... And then I went down to the laundry room to get a new appointment to do laundry... And it turned out that I had one today! So for the past hours I've been doing laundry as well...!
I've managed to clean out my wardrobe today! I think I'm throwing out like half! And I still feel like have way too much clothes to deal with!
But I'm still saving everything.. I'm gonna store it all until the day I return to Kenya...
...Right now I feel so sentimental... Watching the Kenya movie yesterday with Alex... I just miss the kids so much.. And I can't believe that Cyntia is 9 years old now... And Gracie is 6! It's crazy!
And I'm wondering how Peter's doing... He must be around 15 now... It's crazy how fast time has passed...!
...Not to mention how much I miss Mary... I can't wait until the day I see her again!

Just look at my little princesses... They're so adorable! I MISS YOU!!! :'(
Well... I should get going... I still have lots of packing to do...
It sucks... Cause I have to get up at 4:45am tomorrow... But the laundry isn't done until around 10:30pm.. I'm gonna be freakin' tired tomorrow! ...Ah well...!
Hakuna matata!

And my blood preasure is fiiiiine...
I even bought a lottery ticket.. to see if all the hell from the day put some good luck in gambling.. But no.
Of course it was really nice to run into Patrik in Hässleholm for like 2 minutes, but that was about it...
I think, some days you're just NOT supposed to get out of bed.
They told me to take the day off today, to rest... which I totally needed... And better yet, I'm off work tomorrow too.
Had to go to Previa today though to talk to a counselor... And hey, my blood preasure is fine! :P~
Alex also came over today and we talked for a while.. it was so nice, I have missed her so much! It's crazy I haven't seen her since before Christmas! Too long - TOO LONG!
I showed her my movie from Kenya... gosh I miss the kids... and Mary... and Gloria... it's crazy...!
When I get back from my trip to Venezuela I think I'm gonna apply for the school in Tomelilla again... Africa Studies. Awesome!
Okay, so packing... It's going a little so, so... You can really tell I am on the move, but I just have too much junk to deal with! I've packed one big box with a bunch of stuff I'm gonna throw away! And I'm not even close to be done!
Ooh, and K recently posted pictures of his new dog on FB... and she's just soooo precious! And when I saw one of his pictures I could see Bamse in her... Gosh I miss that dog...! He was so beautiful! Just look at him!

This picture was taken on my last day with him... We went to Pålsjö Skog... A beautiful forest in Helsingborg...
Love you, Bamse my love :')
How's my Spanish, you may ask? It's going very well actually! I'm still hooked on! It's such an awesome website! And I'm using MSN to talk to my friends in Spanish like every day now! It's so nice to use it this much... Keep it going!
I'm gonna need it for Venezuela though! And I actually thought to join some kind of volunteer work in South America while I'm there... Depending on how much money I make, of course! But how awesome would it be to go to Honduras or some place and.. I don't know.. build houses? teach English? Something! I'm sure gonna look in to it!
Well, I'm gonna go to bed soon... So I'll get back later!
Again, sorry for a late update! I'm just swamped at work right now.. and with packing and getting everything sorted out!
More soon!

Really don't know what to tell you ? The only life I live right now involves onlt work, work and more work. It's sad really... Well, at least until my next pay check... That's gonna be real nice!
I'm working until Wednesday, then I'm off Thursday... And I have quite a lot of errands to run...
And I really need to start packing... I'm getting no where... and there's STUFF and boxes everywhere! :P
Gosh, I'm rambling.. I'll get back when I have something more interesting to share :P
Later! ;)

Workoholic ?
Yesterday I started working at 6:21am, and my shift was supposed to be over at 3:57pm... But they had someone who called in sick at the last minute and I offered to help... Little did I know that it meant I would work until 10:47pm!
"Just" 16 ½ hours... But I need the money right now, so it's all good...!
Next week I'll be working like 30 hours extra... By next weekend I'll be exhausted! But on the 25th it'll all be worth it... Well... 25th by next month...
Today I have an 11 hour shift... And I'm about to head out... So I'll be back later!

Venezuela - voy a volver en el otoño! :)
Though, with my life at DSBFirst, I don't have much of a cyber life... or social life for that matter! :P
Work right now is chaos... No one knows anything... And people go on the wrong trains... No one knows where anyone is at... Trains are cancelled... for the right reasons and for the wrong ones. (For example, saying that the train is cancelled due to the fact that they don't have any train crew... BUT the train crew is on the platform... just waiting for the damn thing to arrive).
And who are the passangers mad at ? US! Conductors! We're the ones that are out there.. facing everyone.. trying our best to make.. the best out of an already major sucky situation!
Right now I'm at home... Hooked on livemocha... Love this site! Can't say it enough!
And I should start packing soon... Just start in one corner...
I talked to the woman I'm renting my place from yesterday... and in three months, tops I'll be out of here! I'll be rooming with Anna! :D I'm so excited!
I've also sent my travel request to STA travel! I hope to get a resonse from them soon!
And I've talked to the Venezuelan Embassy in Stockholm... It's not that hard to get a 6 months visa, apparently!
And I talked to Sofia this morning before work. She told me about a Spanish course she's found for me! It's 18 hours per week for 210 USD! It's not so bad I think... I think it's a good school! And it's private lessons!
But I'll keep looking, maybe I can find something cheaper!
It's gonna be awesome! I'll live with my friend Sofia! :D And I'll just have such an awesome life over there! Yeeeeah!
Right now though, I gotta start packing!
More soon!

Livemocha is my addiction!
Lately I have been suffering from insomnia... It's so annoying.. Especially when I have to start working at like 5 am... and only slept for like 2 hours during the night...
These past four days I think I have slept for like 10-12 hours... And I can tell you this... Counting sheep is a myth...
I'm gonna go get a cup of tea (another myth by the way...) but my throat is hurting again...
More soon!
Un beso!

My Spanish accent is awesome! ;)
Check this out! Some of the assignments I have to do, is to record when I read from a text in Spanish, and then other students at livemocha correct it for me or just leaves comments...
Today I had do describe myself, and explain why I study Spanish... This is what one guy wrote as a comment on that recording:
"Es increible sobre todo tu acento, es muy bueno! He escuchado a poca gente hablar de forma muy clara en este sitio.
Pero tu lo haces y tu presentacion fue excelente! Bueno es todo"
Aaaand in English that means:
"Your accent is incredible, it's very good! I have only heard a few people speak that good on this site. But you did it and your presentation was excellent! It's all good"
...More or less anyway! :)
Yaaaay me! I rock!
Nighty night!

Where to go? What to do?
Sooo, this day is also coming to an end... Feels like the days are just flying by, and I'm now doing anything... Well, okay.. I am studying Spanish again... Which is great! But it's so hard!
I have also been online for hours looking for Spanish courses in Latin America... I don't really know if I should choose an all-study kind of thing, or studies combined with volunteer work or internship...
I just really need to get away from Sweden... Cause I'm starting to panic right now...!
Next week I'm gonna go buy moving boxes and star packing up my apartment... And eventually Anna and I will drive to Nybro and drop everything off at my dad's storage. It's gonna be nice not to have all this ''stuff''... Just a bag as I go basically! It'll be great!
I'm gonna stay home from work tomorrow too... But on Monday I'll be back...
Then it's just next week left at DSB Sweden... On the 12th I start working at DSB First.... Mixed feelings..!
Well, I'm off to clean out my closet... well... start with it anyway...

No quiero estar en Suecia nada más...
Anna and I stayed up watching the Haunting last night... And then we ended up watching a documentary about self starvation... Creepy... We didn't go to bed until like 4am!
Poor Anna, she had to get up at 9-ish, something... And I slept until 1:30pm... Totally needed that.
I found something new to spend my days with though!
I'm learning Spanish, again... :) It's actually a very good page! And it's free! :)
But all this Spanish learning has made me want to go back to South America and study it for a longer period of time...
And I found an organisation called AFS Intercultural Education.
It will cost me 32 000 SEK, and I'll be gone for 6 months. I'll work and live in a country of choice (I chose Honduras or Bolivia). And I'll get to live with a host family... And that is really the best way of learning... That, and working in the country.
And I'll hopefully get to work with kids and/or health issues.
There is so much I want to do... Like Australia and New Zealand as well... But I really want to learn Spanish... I want to be able to speak fluently. And I can work in Australia and New Zealand later on...
All though my plans change like all the time... I find something new all the time...
But I'm starting to feel now like if I don't plan on doing somthing soon, I'll never get to it... I need to start making plans...
And I know I want to be able to speak Spanish fluently. And I know the best way to do that is to go back to South America.
And hopefully, after those 6 months I'll still have money to travel around... And I'll be able to go back to Venezuela and visit all my friends again... Oh how much I miss them all!
I'm gonna go practice more Spanish at Live Mocha!
Nos vemos! :)

January 1st 2009