Dreaming of Africa.
Well hello there!
I just finished vacuuming the "whole" apartment! JUST as I wrote that I realized that I just have pictures on Facebook of how my place looks, and they are from the realtor, and that was when the place was still clinically white. I will make it my weekend projekt to take pictures of my place!
I'm actually getting ready for bed... Alarm will go off at 4:30am... *yawn*
Just wanted to update a quickie before I turn in.
Had a great afternoon with M! Went to Grafitti Café. I also added one more pretty ring to my collection. I think I might need ring rehab! So many! Can't stop! They're all so pretty!
I'm missing my Africa more and more every day! I think about "my kids" over there so much, wishing I could be with them. The other day I received an e-mail from my friend W. He had scanned a letter from Gladys and a drawing from Gracie. They went straight to the heart. My heart is aching, and I just want to hold Gracie in my arms again. My little princess!
Well... I'm gonna go give Brego his medicine, then I'm off to a date with Sandman.
Nighty night folks!

Just another day...
I just took a great picture of Binx and I:
How are you today?
I feel like my world is running in slow motion! MAYBE it's because my alarm went of at 3:45AM this morning... Yawn! This shift today was short and totally OK. But, it was VERY nice to come home and go back to sleep with my kitties! ᵔᴥᵔ
Feel like sharing the love today, so here's another InstaPic of Binxie and I:
Feel like sharing the love today, so here's another InstaPic of Binxie and I:
My latest internet addiction was presented to me by my friend A... And since the I have been hooked. SO!
I present to you; Several hours of internet fun:
Just press the logo and you will enter the Imgur realm! ツ (Opens in a new window)
Here is a preview of all the cuteness you can find on Imgur:
Here is a preview of all the cuteness you can find on Imgur:
Puppy husky licks a lime and goes... [Click here to watch]
What else can I entertain you with?
Oh yes, of course! Feel like pressing a big red button?
I don't know what I'm gonna do today. I have a head ache, zero energy, and have to go to bed at 9PM... (Have to get up at around 4:30AM tomorrow
I took my cat Brego to the vet yesterday since he's been coughing randomly for a while now...
They took some x-rays (thankful he's insured... but I still had to pay 1400 skr!) and now he's on some kind of cortisone pills... They're suspecting asthma... My poor little ball of fur... He's doing SO well when I have to give him the pills though. I lay him on his back in my lap, but some butter on the pill, and just put it in his mouth and he swollows at once. He's such a good cat ♡ ♡ ♡
Darling cat! シ
I JUST received a call from the doctor, and it can now be stated that there is nothing neurologically wrong with me! The EEG, the sleep deprived EEG and the MRI we're all good. Didn't show anything abnormal. *phew*
Now all I gotta do is try to tone down the stress. I think that might be what's eating me up. But at the same time it's not like I can pin-point the stress either. Take today for example; Since I came home I have slept, eaten pancakes and spent time in the couch with my cats... Now updating my blog... So, I can't say that today has been all that stressful... I don't know... I'll have to work on it best I can...
This is enough rambling for now. Take care out there!

I have always liked Daim. No, I have always LOVED Daim! Several years back they had Daim mint, of course Limited edition. I tried to look for a picture of that one, but I just found pictures of some Daim Dream... thing? With pear/mint flavour!? Anyone tried it? Any good?
This one, Snax Daim Rocks, is my new obsession. Mmm!
Not to self: Stop eating junk.
What else?
Oh, today my darling Alex made me realize that all I need to focus on right now is going back to Kenya (WITH HER!) and everything will be ok. I've been so blue for a long time now cause of everything that has happened. But just thinking about the fact of going back and share the experience with her made me so happy.
I have been in Kenya in my mind all day. I miss my Africa so much!
I remember one kid, Sammy, he told me about his favorite singer P-Square, and about a song called No one like you. Today I found it on iTunes and bought it for 9 kr! Happy! Listening to is right now!
The first time I met him he told me about 2Face Idibia and the song African Queen, which still warms my heart every time I hear it! ♡ ♡ ♡
>Click here< to listen to P-Square - No one like you (opens in a new window)
>Click here< to listen to 2Face Idibia - African Queen (opens in a new window)
♡ My beautiful Africa ♡
Nakupenda milele!

Gallstones... YOU SUCK!
Well good morning (day) to you all!
So my night sucked big-time!
Well, okay... I did get to see my friend A who has been in Stockholm for the past month, and we watched Source Code (Jake Gyllenhaal - no complaints there!). So! The evening was quite nice... But before he left I started getting cramps under my chest... Took me a while to realize it was gallstones... but thankfully I had medicine at home....
The cramps didn't go away until like 4 am though... So it has been a rough night... (>.<)
Oh what more can I say; Holy hotness!
I am so incredily lucky though, to have such wonderful cats. Unconditional love. Need I say more?
I'm just glad I had the medicine at home... Before I realized it was gallstones I was considering going to the E.R. but I just REALLY didn't want to. I was extremely tired and I have been to the E.R. three times cause of gallstones... The second and third time I told them I believe it is gallstones, and they just told me I'm wrong, I'm way too young to have gallstones. Even though I told then I have had it before.
Anywho.. My cats - the VERY best! Just saying. Can't be said enough! シ
Speaking (writing) of my darling balls of fur... I'm taking Brego to the vet tomorrow... Partly cause I suspect he has some sort of asthma... and he also needs to get vaccination shots.
Sunday. Today is Sunday. I have no plans what so ever, and that feels kinda nice. Until I take a look around my apartment and realize I should use my time today cleaning it. *Boooooriiiiiiing*.
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Here's another Instagram picture of mine. Yesterday I rubbed cat-nip on Binx and Brego's pillow... They went LOCO! I love it! Haha! They also went loco for my right hand that was used for rubbing!

Well, this is it for now y'all!
Take care, yo!
(I feel so gangstah!)

Internet shopping.
Yes. It is in fact an addiction. You don't even have to leave the house! Unless it's for picking up the parcel!
So! What did I buy tonight, besides my Lady title?
The following:
A blue flexible nose stud
A purple star shaped nose stud
>Press HERE to enter the website<

Lady Madeleine of Chaol Ghleann
How could I forget!
Today I bought a piece of land at Dunans Castle in Scotland! One square foot to be exact (0,009m²).
Why? To get the Lady title! How cool is that?!
At te same time I am helping to fund the renovation of the castle after a big fire in 2001. So it is also for a good cause, AND it's giving me a reason to visit Scotland for sure!
SO! I will let you know as soon as I get my certificate! (I bought this through Groupon!)
Dunans Castle
Lady Madeleine

New design - Just temporary though!
Well hello there!
As you can see I have a new design on the blog. I just cooked something up with the best of my abilities. I'm hoping a friend of mine can help me with the layout later on!
This one will have to do for now... I just wanted my old last name removed... ツ
Not too much has happened today. I had to work 5:14-7:45. Lame, I know, but I'm only working 50% at the time. I don't mind. It's nice to take it slow.
After work I had a doctor's appointment. Didn't give me much... Just made me want to change health care facilities even more. I will get around to do it at some point.
My head ache since the sleep-deprived EEG is still gracing me with its presence. It's getting better though.
Oh, and they're making some major staff cuts at work and it totally bums me out... So many wonderful colleagues will have to leave... It's so unfair!
I found out I just made the cut. Of course I am extremely thankful for that, but I can't help but to feel for those who didn't. I just hope they (my employer) will realize they need them - ALL!
This is it for now. I'm gonna rest my eyes from the computer for a bit. Light candles, burn insence and meditate.
Peace to you all! ♡
Oh! Of course I can't leave without sharing a picture of one of my purring balls of fur ツ
Brego and I chillin' in the sofa! ♡

What's going on? What happened? When? Updates!
Yay! I'm back!
I wish I could tell you I had a new trip planned. I don't. Not yet anyway. I'm hoping to go to Kenya in the end of November. But nothing is set in stone yet. We'll see! ツ
Right now I'm sitting at home, even though the weather outside is very nice. I did an EEG test yesterday. A Sleep-deprived EEG test. Since then I've had a terrible head ache. I had to stay awake for 24 hours before taking the test. So I got up at 7:30am on Tuesday and had the test at 7:45am yesterday.
I had to take the test cause they need to rule out epilepsy. I have taken a standard EEG test and an MRI. Both were normal.
Right now I'm all mixed with emotions. On one hand I want to know what's wrong with me. I want an explaination. But on the other hand of course I don't want to find out I have epilepsy!
I am so thankful to have the support of my family and friends, but also so incredible thankful for my feline friends. Dearest Thackary Binx and Alfa Brego, I love them so much. I find myself missing them even though I've just been away from home for a few hours. ♡
What else is there to share? Well, a lot of things really since it's been a while since my last update!
Latest news first!
Last Saturday, September 9th my best friend Johanna had a little baby boy, Enzo! I couldn't be more happy for her and Jimmy and Enzo is just heart breakingly adorable! Judging by this picture he doesn't like "girl cooties" ツ
He is however, my little bundle of joy! ツ ♡ ♡ ♡
Next newest "news" I guess would be all my new piercings! Yes, me be hooked! ツ
I got another one on the tip of my left ear, a tragus piercing, lip piercing and (finally) a dermal anchor piercing next to my left eye! I love them all! And yes, I am getting more piercings done. If I manage to continue updating on a more regular basis, you'll see what's next! ツ
♡ ♡ ♡
Of course I can not forget telling you about my friend Hannah, whom I met in Kenya in 2009 and adopted her as my Kenya sister ♡ - SHE GOT MARRIED! ツ
Therefore I now have a brother too! Welcome to the Kenya family Mats! ツ
There are quite a few things that have occured lately, but I'm not sure if sharing them here on a public blog is the best idea. Maybe it IS the best idea to get it out there. Write about it. Reflect. Process.
I'll think about it.
One thing I just realized... On my header it still says Ayéra. My PREVIOUS last name. Yes! I have changed my last name (again). My given name was Malmquist. Why did I change from that?
Well, I just felt like it actually. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Malmquist, I love it! But I felt like I needed something new, a change. Creating my own last name seemed like a cool idea!
I changed to Ayéra. I loved it at first! I never thought about it sounding very foreign! Seriously, it didn't even cross my mind! But later on I started reacting to the fact that people had problems pronouncing it, people were wondering where I was from, questioning if I was Swedish. I didn't like it, and I just felt like; enough is enough! So, I changed my name. I created a new last name, Melléus. I absolutely love it! People can pronounce it, people have even complimented it! No one question me being Swedish! ツ
I really do feel more comfortable and more like me with my new last name. And I promise you. Last change. EVER! ツ
Now I just need to figure out how the h*ll I made that header. I can't even remember where I have the original picture saved! Ah, well! ツ
Now I just need to figure out how the h*ll I made that header. I can't even remember where I have the original picture saved! Ah, well! ツ
I think this is it for now. Felt good to blog again! I have missed it!
Stay tuned! Hopefully there will be more updates not too long from now! ツ
Take care all of you! ♡