Gallstones... YOU SUCK!

Well good morning (day) to you all!
So my night sucked big-time!
Well, okay... I did get to see my friend A who has been in Stockholm for the past month, and we watched Source Code (Jake Gyllenhaal - no complaints there!). So! The evening was quite nice... But before he left I started getting cramps under my chest... Took me a while to realize it was gallstones... but thankfully I had medicine at home.... 
The cramps didn't go away until like 4 am though... So it has been a rough night... (>.<)
Oh what more can I say; Holy hotness!
I am so incredily lucky though, to have such wonderful cats. Unconditional love. Need I say more?
I'm just glad I had the medicine at home... Before I realized it was gallstones I was considering going to the E.R. but I just REALLY didn't want to. I was extremely tired and I have been to the E.R. three times cause of gallstones... The second and third time I told them I believe it is gallstones, and they just told me I'm wrong, I'm way too young to have gallstones. Even though I told then I have had it before. 
Anywho.. My cats - the VERY best! Just saying. Can't be said enough! 
Speaking (writing) of my darling balls of fur... I'm taking Brego to the vet tomorrow... Partly cause I suspect he has some sort of asthma... and he also needs to get vaccination shots. 
Sunday. Today is Sunday. I have no plans what so ever, and that feels kinda nice. Until I take a look around my apartment and realize I should use my time today cleaning it. *Boooooriiiiiiing*. 
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Here's another Instagram picture of mine. Yesterday I rubbed cat-nip on Binx and Brego's pillow... They went LOCO! I love it! Haha! They also went loco for my right hand that was used for rubbing! 

Well, this is it for now y'all!
Take care, yo!
(I feel so gangstah!)



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