What's going on? What happened? When? Updates!

Yay! I'm back!
I wish I could tell you I had a new trip planned. I don't. Not yet anyway. I'm hoping to go to Kenya in the end of November. But nothing is set in stone yet. We'll see! 
Right now I'm sitting at home, even though the weather outside is very nice. I did an EEG test yesterday. A Sleep-deprived EEG test. Since then I've had a terrible head ache. I had to stay awake for 24 hours before taking the test. So I got up at 7:30am on Tuesday and had the test at 7:45am yesterday.
I had to take the test cause they need to rule out epilepsy. I have taken a standard EEG test and an MRI. Both were normal. 
Right now I'm all mixed with emotions. On one hand I want to know what's wrong with me. I want an explaination. But on the other hand of course I don't want to find out I have epilepsy! 
I am so thankful to have the support of my family and friends, but also so incredible thankful for my feline friends. Dearest Thackary Binx and Alfa Brego, I love them so much. I find myself missing them even though I've just been away from home for a few hours. 
What else is there to share? Well, a lot of things really since it's been a while since my last update!
Latest news first! 
Last Saturday, September 9th my best friend Johanna had a little baby boy, Enzo! I couldn't be more happy for her and Jimmy and Enzo is just heart breakingly adorable! Judging by this picture he doesn't like "girl cooties" 
He is however, my little bundle of joy!  ♡ ♡ 
Next newest "news" I guess would be all my new piercings! Yes, me be hooked! 
I got another one on the tip of my left ear, a tragus piercing, lip piercing and (finally) a dermal anchor piercing next to my left eye! I love them all! And yes, I am getting more piercings done. If I manage to continue updating on a more regular basis, you'll see what's next! 
 ♡ ♡ 
Of course I can not forget telling you about my friend Hannah, whom I met in Kenya in 2009 and adopted her as my Kenya sister  ♡  - SHE GOT MARRIED! ツ 
Therefore I now have a brother too! Welcome to the Kenya family Mats!

There are quite a few things that have occured lately, but I'm not sure if sharing them here on a public blog is the best idea. Maybe it IS the best idea to get it out there. Write about it. Reflect. Process.
I'll think about it.
One thing I just realized... On my header it still says Ayéra. My PREVIOUS last name. Yes! I have changed my last name (again). My given name was Malmquist. Why did I change from that? 
Well, I just felt like it actually. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Malmquist, I love it! But I felt like I needed something new, a change. Creating my own last name seemed like a cool idea!
I changed to Ayéra. I loved it at first! I never thought about it sounding very foreign! Seriously, it didn't even cross my mind! But later on I started reacting to the fact that people had problems pronouncing it, people were wondering where I  was from, questioning if I was Swedish. I didn't like it, and I just felt like; enough is enough! So, I changed my name. I created a new last name, Melléus. I absolutely love it! People can pronounce it, people have even complimented it! No one question me being Swedish! ツ 
I really do feel more comfortable and more like me with my new last name. And I promise you. Last change. EVER! 
Now I just need to figure out how the h*ll I made that header. I can't even remember where I have the original picture saved! Ah, well! 
I think this is it for now. Felt good to blog again! I have missed it!
Stay tuned! Hopefully there will be more updates not too long from now! 
Take care all of you! 



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