Just another day...
I just took a great picture of Binx and I:
How are you today?
I feel like my world is running in slow motion! MAYBE it's because my alarm went of at 3:45AM this morning... Yawn! This shift today was short and totally OK. But, it was VERY nice to come home and go back to sleep with my kitties! ᵔᴥᵔ
Feel like sharing the love today, so here's another InstaPic of Binxie and I:
Feel like sharing the love today, so here's another InstaPic of Binxie and I:
My latest internet addiction was presented to me by my friend A... And since the I have been hooked. SO!
I present to you; Several hours of internet fun:
Just press the logo and you will enter the Imgur realm! ツ (Opens in a new window)
Here is a preview of all the cuteness you can find on Imgur:
Here is a preview of all the cuteness you can find on Imgur:
Puppy husky licks a lime and goes... [Click here to watch]
What else can I entertain you with?
Oh yes, of course! Feel like pressing a big red button?
I don't know what I'm gonna do today. I have a head ache, zero energy, and have to go to bed at 9PM... (Have to get up at around 4:30AM tomorrow
I took my cat Brego to the vet yesterday since he's been coughing randomly for a while now...
They took some x-rays (thankful he's insured... but I still had to pay 1400 skr!) and now he's on some kind of cortisone pills... They're suspecting asthma... My poor little ball of fur... He's doing SO well when I have to give him the pills though. I lay him on his back in my lap, but some butter on the pill, and just put it in his mouth and he swollows at once. He's such a good cat ♡ ♡ ♡
Darling cat! シ
I JUST received a call from the doctor, and it can now be stated that there is nothing neurologically wrong with me! The EEG, the sleep deprived EEG and the MRI we're all good. Didn't show anything abnormal. *phew*
Now all I gotta do is try to tone down the stress. I think that might be what's eating me up. But at the same time it's not like I can pin-point the stress either. Take today for example; Since I came home I have slept, eaten pancakes and spent time in the couch with my cats... Now updating my blog... So, I can't say that today has been all that stressful... I don't know... I'll have to work on it best I can...
This is enough rambling for now. Take care out there!
