It's all in my head...
Geez, nine days has passed since I last updated my blog. Bad, I know.
Right now I'm in the notorious ''Fritzl basement'' (inside joke at work), in Alvesta.
I'm gonna be here for the next four hours... Crazy shift. Go up to Alvesta. Have a 5 hour break, and then go back to Malmö, and I'm done for the day. I'm just glad 4 out of 5 hours are paid!
I did go back to NYC, and spent one last day there... Which was really great! I sure love that city!
I got to see Melissa, Mike and Kathryn (and Josephine of course) again.. Which was nice.
Stayed for dinner... and then I went back to my hotel close to JFK.
Something I didn't check in advance (from now on I sure will) was that I had a 12 hour lay over in London... Joy!
It was ok though... I spent the night at a café on Heathrow, talking to strangers and reading magazines, surfing the web... But the 12 hours went by slooooooooooooooowly...!
I have been home for a week now, but I have also been jet lagged for a week! It has been the most awful jet lag so far!
And as you know, I'm back in business... And I couldn't be more bummed. I like vacation. I like travelling. I like not being in Sweden.
Though, I did miss my friends terribly when I was away. They made the home coming easier. Love you all!
Well, Dakota and I aren't together anymore...
And so, now my plans for the near future are a bit... un decided.
I was supposed to go to the states in the winter... I still want to go, and I'm looking in to other possibilities...
I am even considering college... But I don't know what to study. I know exactly where I want to study, but I don't know what. Frustrating!
But, I have also contacted Brandon, the guy I met in Kenya, who offered me a job as an English teacher and a mentor for young girls... I'm thinking about going away to Kenya for a few months again...
Though the job isn't paid, he'll pay for my ticket over there, and my living arrangements... I'll just have to pay for food... And since it's not all that expensive, I guess I could be there for like 3 months or so without any problemd...
I'm just in another crisis right now...I don't know what I want to do in life... All I know is that I don't want to be stuck in Sweden anymore! I'm miserable here.
My friends make it worth while though... They are my everything here. Love love love!
I think I should start college soon, before I get too old... but I still don't know WHAT I want to study... And I don't want to get a HUGE student load, studying something I'm not gonna use in the future... I want to be sure. Absolutely sure.
... But can you be ?
I'm a mess right now... AND I have to move soon.
Anna's moving out on the 29th of October, as will I. I'm moving in with my friend Sandra and her boyfriend. For now at least.
I don't want to be a burden, so I won't stay for long, but during the time I do stay there I need to figure out what my next move is gonna be...!
Right now I just want to go home and go to bed and just stay in bed for the rest of the day... But no... I'm here for 4 hours more... *sigh*
At least I'm alone... Enjoying the silence and me time... That's nice.
I'm gonna go get something to eat, and then I'm gonna spend the 4 hours watching movies.
Right now I'm in the notorious ''Fritzl basement'' (inside joke at work), in Alvesta.
I'm gonna be here for the next four hours... Crazy shift. Go up to Alvesta. Have a 5 hour break, and then go back to Malmö, and I'm done for the day. I'm just glad 4 out of 5 hours are paid!
I did go back to NYC, and spent one last day there... Which was really great! I sure love that city!
I got to see Melissa, Mike and Kathryn (and Josephine of course) again.. Which was nice.
Stayed for dinner... and then I went back to my hotel close to JFK.
Something I didn't check in advance (from now on I sure will) was that I had a 12 hour lay over in London... Joy!
It was ok though... I spent the night at a café on Heathrow, talking to strangers and reading magazines, surfing the web... But the 12 hours went by slooooooooooooooowly...!
I have been home for a week now, but I have also been jet lagged for a week! It has been the most awful jet lag so far!
And as you know, I'm back in business... And I couldn't be more bummed. I like vacation. I like travelling. I like not being in Sweden.
Though, I did miss my friends terribly when I was away. They made the home coming easier. Love you all!
Well, Dakota and I aren't together anymore...
And so, now my plans for the near future are a bit... un decided.
I was supposed to go to the states in the winter... I still want to go, and I'm looking in to other possibilities...
I am even considering college... But I don't know what to study. I know exactly where I want to study, but I don't know what. Frustrating!
But, I have also contacted Brandon, the guy I met in Kenya, who offered me a job as an English teacher and a mentor for young girls... I'm thinking about going away to Kenya for a few months again...
Though the job isn't paid, he'll pay for my ticket over there, and my living arrangements... I'll just have to pay for food... And since it's not all that expensive, I guess I could be there for like 3 months or so without any problemd...
I'm just in another crisis right now...I don't know what I want to do in life... All I know is that I don't want to be stuck in Sweden anymore! I'm miserable here.
My friends make it worth while though... They are my everything here. Love love love!
I think I should start college soon, before I get too old... but I still don't know WHAT I want to study... And I don't want to get a HUGE student load, studying something I'm not gonna use in the future... I want to be sure. Absolutely sure.
... But can you be ?
I'm a mess right now... AND I have to move soon.
Anna's moving out on the 29th of October, as will I. I'm moving in with my friend Sandra and her boyfriend. For now at least.
I don't want to be a burden, so I won't stay for long, but during the time I do stay there I need to figure out what my next move is gonna be...!
Right now I just want to go home and go to bed and just stay in bed for the rest of the day... But no... I'm here for 4 hours more... *sigh*
At least I'm alone... Enjoying the silence and me time... That's nice.
I'm gonna go get something to eat, and then I'm gonna spend the 4 hours watching movies.

Dog rescue! ...And return to NYC.
Hello hello!
Yesterday was an eventful day!
In the morning I got up and went to the kitchen... And I looked outside in the back yard...
I saw a dog swimming in the canal - cute, I thought at first... But then I saw it tried to get up on the sides... But it couldn't. The sides were too high.
So I went in and woke up Dak, and he helped me to rescue the dog :)
It was hard but we eventually got her out of there... At first she seemed pretty angry, but then she was so exhausted and probably realized we were just trying to help...
And when we got her out, she couldn't even stand...We probably got her out at the very last minute. I have no clue for how long she had been in there, but it was quite some time!
Poor thing was an old black lab.
We let her rest for a while and then we took her to the back yard... Gave her some water and some dog treats.
She was such a sweet heart after that. She was sitting next to me and gave me her paw. ADORABLE!
Apparently a lady on the block deals with dogs like this... Either she is or she was with animal control... And still does it...
She had gotten a call about an old black lab, and she eventually came home to her owners :)
Apparently she had been gone since yesterday! Poor thing.
The owner called us and thanked us a million... :)
That's a sunshine story for ya! :)
Now to the bad news...
I'm currently spending my last hours in Houston... :(
Yesterday evening Dak and I went to the Astros (baseball) game with Yvette! (Thanks again for getting the tickets!) :)
AND! I got to meet Sofia's sister who is visiting her uncles here in Houston! (Sofia, my dear friend from Venezuela).
She had sent a chocolate bar and a really nice scarf with her sister to give to me. SWEET! :)
Well, I'd better go. I still need to pack all my stuff... ''Weee''...
Talk to y'all later! ;)

Yesterday was an eventful day!
In the morning I got up and went to the kitchen... And I looked outside in the back yard...
I saw a dog swimming in the canal - cute, I thought at first... But then I saw it tried to get up on the sides... But it couldn't. The sides were too high.
So I went in and woke up Dak, and he helped me to rescue the dog :)
It was hard but we eventually got her out of there... At first she seemed pretty angry, but then she was so exhausted and probably realized we were just trying to help...
And when we got her out, she couldn't even stand...We probably got her out at the very last minute. I have no clue for how long she had been in there, but it was quite some time!
Poor thing was an old black lab.
We let her rest for a while and then we took her to the back yard... Gave her some water and some dog treats.
She was such a sweet heart after that. She was sitting next to me and gave me her paw. ADORABLE!
Apparently a lady on the block deals with dogs like this... Either she is or she was with animal control... And still does it...
She had gotten a call about an old black lab, and she eventually came home to her owners :)
Apparently she had been gone since yesterday! Poor thing.
The owner called us and thanked us a million... :)
That's a sunshine story for ya! :)
Now to the bad news...
I'm currently spending my last hours in Houston... :(
Yesterday evening Dak and I went to the Astros (baseball) game with Yvette! (Thanks again for getting the tickets!) :)
AND! I got to meet Sofia's sister who is visiting her uncles here in Houston! (Sofia, my dear friend from Venezuela).
She had sent a chocolate bar and a really nice scarf with her sister to give to me. SWEET! :)
Well, I'd better go. I still need to pack all my stuff... ''Weee''...
Talk to y'all later! ;)

Around Los Angeles and then off to Houston, TX!
Yes, I'm still alive... Just haven't had the opportunity to update lately!
Right now I'm in Houston, TX... And damn it's hott here...!
And this morning I woke up with a soar throat... And a few days ago i hurt my wrist.. And now it's all infected and gross.
Good thing I still have the antibiotics the dentist gave me last time I pulled out my tooth... But I don't know if it's helping... Doesn't look pretty. And yesterday I didn't eat at all... felt constantly sick...
...I hate being sick when I'm not at home...
Short about the trip to LA!
Didn't make it up to Karin and Joe or Karol and Matt unfortunately... That will just have to wait until next time!
One night we stayed at Dak's cousin Chandler in Hollywood hills... And the view from their place was AMAZING, over looking down town Hollywood!
...But getting to the apartment? Daaaaamn!
Let's just say the people who live there, all have the nicest, well toned ass in LA! My calfs are STILL hurting! ...That is just sad!
Then we stayed at Dak's cousin Corbette's house... She's together with the guy who wrote the Saw movies...
That house was AMAZING! And it was right on a hill side... and had a hot tub and an infinity pool in the back... Once again; Amazing house!!!
One night we went to the IMAX theatre at Universal City Walk to check out the new Harry Potter movie in 3D...
The first then minutes were AMAZING! Harry Potter needs to be seen in 3D!
....But apparently... they ONLY show in 3D the first 10 minutes... Such a total rip-off! Paying 18 dollars for that... noooooo...!
First ten minutes though - Wow! That's how HP should be experienced!
We also went to Venice and Santa Monica.. just enjoyed all the weird people and funny shops... :)
One day we also went with Dak's brother to a movie set in Simi Valley... They're recording a movie called Elevator girl... With Lacey Chabert (Gretchen in Mean girls) and Ryan Merriman (Final destination 3), who I got to meet at the set.
Lacey seems like such a sweet heart, and omg she's short! :)
Got a pic together with them, I'll post them later :)
What else...?
Oh yeah! We went to the La Brea tar pits where a scene from My Girl 2 was shot!
And after that we went to the Museum of Holocaust... That was really something... Next time I'm in LA I really want to visit the museum of Tolerrance!m! "next time".
We also drove up to Malibu one day... Damn, those houses...!
....That's something though... The houses here in the states... The ones I have been in so far, are all so amazing!
The interior and decoration... I love it!
Now I just have 4 more days in Houston, then I'm going back to New York... and then I'll head back to Sweden on Saturday... :(
Gotta go find out what's up for today!
Later peeps!

Right now I'm in Houston, TX... And damn it's hott here...!
And this morning I woke up with a soar throat... And a few days ago i hurt my wrist.. And now it's all infected and gross.
Good thing I still have the antibiotics the dentist gave me last time I pulled out my tooth... But I don't know if it's helping... Doesn't look pretty. And yesterday I didn't eat at all... felt constantly sick...
...I hate being sick when I'm not at home...
Short about the trip to LA!
Didn't make it up to Karin and Joe or Karol and Matt unfortunately... That will just have to wait until next time!
One night we stayed at Dak's cousin Chandler in Hollywood hills... And the view from their place was AMAZING, over looking down town Hollywood!
...But getting to the apartment? Daaaaamn!
Let's just say the people who live there, all have the nicest, well toned ass in LA! My calfs are STILL hurting! ...That is just sad!
Then we stayed at Dak's cousin Corbette's house... She's together with the guy who wrote the Saw movies...
That house was AMAZING! And it was right on a hill side... and had a hot tub and an infinity pool in the back... Once again; Amazing house!!!
One night we went to the IMAX theatre at Universal City Walk to check out the new Harry Potter movie in 3D...
The first then minutes were AMAZING! Harry Potter needs to be seen in 3D!
....But apparently... they ONLY show in 3D the first 10 minutes... Such a total rip-off! Paying 18 dollars for that... noooooo...!
First ten minutes though - Wow! That's how HP should be experienced!
We also went to Venice and Santa Monica.. just enjoyed all the weird people and funny shops... :)
One day we also went with Dak's brother to a movie set in Simi Valley... They're recording a movie called Elevator girl... With Lacey Chabert (Gretchen in Mean girls) and Ryan Merriman (Final destination 3), who I got to meet at the set.
Lacey seems like such a sweet heart, and omg she's short! :)
Got a pic together with them, I'll post them later :)
What else...?
Oh yeah! We went to the La Brea tar pits where a scene from My Girl 2 was shot!
And after that we went to the Museum of Holocaust... That was really something... Next time I'm in LA I really want to visit the museum of Tolerrance!m! "next time".
We also drove up to Malibu one day... Damn, those houses...!
....That's something though... The houses here in the states... The ones I have been in so far, are all so amazing!
The interior and decoration... I love it!
Now I just have 4 more days in Houston, then I'm going back to New York... and then I'll head back to Sweden on Saturday... :(
Gotta go find out what's up for today!
Later peeps!

Back in LA. Gone crazy at TARGET.
Hey everyone,
This will be a short update, Dak and I are on our way out! The weather is fantastic. I LOVE L.A!
Yesterday when we got back to L.A. we chilled most of the day...
Bruce and I took a trip down (his) memory lane, looking at pics from the Macahan era, it was so cool!
And it all sure looked like a lot of fun... Not to mention all the clothes... I'd do anything to get to dress up like that!
That was a lot of fun! :)
In the evening Dak and I went to TARGET, and I went crazy... I spent like 300 dollars... Not so much on clothes...
DVD's! 11 DVD's and E.R. season 1 and 2! (yaaay!!)
And sooooo many hair products! I love the Aussie brand... And then some make up. And a shirt, and 2 bras... and a razor and extra razor blades...
Aaaaaand then some cinnamon bagles, jam, creme cheese, juice, milk, Hershey's (spelling?) chocolate syrup (yumm!), mozarella sticks... I'm sure there was more, but I can't think of any at the moment...
Well, this is it for now, gotta get going!
Later peeps!
This will be a short update, Dak and I are on our way out! The weather is fantastic. I LOVE L.A!
Yesterday when we got back to L.A. we chilled most of the day...
Bruce and I took a trip down (his) memory lane, looking at pics from the Macahan era, it was so cool!
And it all sure looked like a lot of fun... Not to mention all the clothes... I'd do anything to get to dress up like that!
That was a lot of fun! :)
In the evening Dak and I went to TARGET, and I went crazy... I spent like 300 dollars... Not so much on clothes...
DVD's! 11 DVD's and E.R. season 1 and 2! (yaaay!!)
And sooooo many hair products! I love the Aussie brand... And then some make up. And a shirt, and 2 bras... and a razor and extra razor blades...
Aaaaaand then some cinnamon bagles, jam, creme cheese, juice, milk, Hershey's (spelling?) chocolate syrup (yumm!), mozarella sticks... I'm sure there was more, but I can't think of any at the moment...
Well, this is it for now, gotta get going!
Later peeps!

Suz & Dave's wedding was amazing!
Good morning sunshine!

Right now I'm at the Viking motel in the Danish village Solvang.
The wedding yesterday was amazing!!! I am so glad I made it out here... And seeing everyone again just felt wonderful!
I'm home!
Everyone says hi to everyone back home!
Suz looked beautiful!
Just the great misfortune of a fire that was on the other side of the hill...I huge cloud of smoke covered the sky and eventually it started raining ashes... And of course a helicopter flew by right when they were gonna say their vows...
Other than that - awesome!
And I do hope to get out to Ducor to Karol and Matt and also over to Karin and Joe's new place... Just gotta figure out some kind of transportation... which seems impossible if you don't have a driver's license or if you're under 21-25 years old...
So... I don't know anything at this point.
We're gonna hit the road soon and head back for LA, so I'll talk to y'all later!
Be safe!

First Class to Cali and then headed for Solvang and Los Olivos!
Hey heeeeey!

Yes! I am still alive!
Currently I am in Solvang, California!
Dakota and I hung out in the apartment most of the day until the car picked us up to go to the Newark airport!
It sure was a great experience!
Just walking up to the First Class - priority access counter when we were gonna check in was so awesome!
I sure sound like a broken record by now but I can not thank Melissa enough for arranging the flights for us, and this one being in First Class!
We were assigned seats 3J and K.. I think. And the seats were so comfortable! They even had massage mode!!
I could lie down and watch the movie "Grey Gardens" that they showed... It wasn't a good movie though... But I didn't care!
Then we got menus! I chose Salmon... And we got salads, bread and some other weird appetizer... Then we got dessert! Vanilla sundae with chocolate syrup! And then topped that off with a chocolate...
Oh, and before landing we got chocolate chip cookie... :)
I did take pics, and I will upload them when I get the chance! :)
We arrived in Cali around 10pm.. limo came to pick us up and drove us to Tarzana!
It felt so good to back in Cali! I have missed it here!
And then we came up to the house... I got to meet Bruce, he's such a nice guy, and funny too!
He was surprised I actually knew of the Macahan Family... Tssss, please! :) Of course I do!
And their house... Oh, my, God... It was just gorgeous... Fantastic...!
There are no words...!
But the coolest thing though was when I saw the actual dress Melissa wore in Little house on the prairie, running down the hill in the intro...
It wasn't just framed... It was perfectly framed.... It was WOW. To sum it up :)
Oh, and the dogs!!!
Napoleon, what a snore master!! Snore and snot! Lovely! But he was just adorable... But I totally fell in love with their King Charles Cavalier... What a beauty! Such a sweetheart!
And mentioning a sweetheart... Their cat... Can not remember the name at this moment.. But what a darling!!!
I could just take her with me! And she did jump into my bag, so she felt it too. haha.
No, seriously, what sweetheart animals...
I got to sleep in Mike's room, which, by the way was awesome! Gotta say! Coolest room of a 13 year old I have ever seen! ;)
And he also had some sort of flying squirrel... Can't remember what it's called... :/
We went to bed around 2 am... and I had such a good night's sleep!
Until the cat wanted t sleep on my head, Napoleon on one side and the other cutie on my other side... And it wasn't that big of bed! ;)
This morning was really stressful... Cause at first we didn't have a car to get up to Solvang, as planned... but it all worked out ok... But when we had gotten to Oxnard, I realized we had forgotten the wedding gift, and we needed to go back... And then we drove straight to Solvang, checked in to the motel, Viking Motel, probably the cheapest one in the village, compared to the others...
Then we went to the rehearsal dinner and met a bunch of cousins! ;) Not everyone was there, I am looking forward to seeing them all tomorrow! I can't wait!!! ;)
But seriously it feels so good to be back in Cali. This feels like home...! I am home! :)
Now I gotta go to bed, but I'll update again as soon as I get the chance! :)
Later sweethearts!

Little house on the prairie sing and dance and then... More shopping!
Hello again!
I'm taking my time to update today's events as well before Dak and I are going to see the Mama Mia MUSICAL!!! :D
Melissa got us the tickets!! It's gonna be so much fun!! :)
Dak, Mike Melissa and I went to Times Square in a limo this morning, and then we got to sit and watch one of the scenes from the show... It's mind blowing, just like Melissa said... The music and songs are fantastic!!!
I can not wait to see the musical!
At noon Dak, Mike, Kathryn (Melissas assistant) and I went back to TriBeCa...
Then I went to Chinatown/Soho to do some more shopping... I just walked alond Canal, and I just love all the shops there... And I spent probably 200 dollars... ''Wiiieee'' :)
Now I'm back in TriBeCa, and I'm exhausted... gonna change clothes soon an soon we'll be off to Mama Mia! :D
Tomorrow we're flying off to California!!! :D
Later! :D

I'm taking my time to update today's events as well before Dak and I are going to see the Mama Mia MUSICAL!!! :D
Melissa got us the tickets!! It's gonna be so much fun!! :)
Dak, Mike Melissa and I went to Times Square in a limo this morning, and then we got to sit and watch one of the scenes from the show... It's mind blowing, just like Melissa said... The music and songs are fantastic!!!
I can not wait to see the musical!
At noon Dak, Mike, Kathryn (Melissas assistant) and I went back to TriBeCa...
Then I went to Chinatown/Soho to do some more shopping... I just walked alond Canal, and I just love all the shops there... And I spent probably 200 dollars... ''Wiiieee'' :)
Now I'm back in TriBeCa, and I'm exhausted... gonna change clothes soon an soon we'll be off to Mama Mia! :D
Tomorrow we're flying off to California!!! :D
Later! :D

Little house on the prairie rehearsals at Times Square AND a bomb threat downtown!
2009 - 08 - 04:
Hey guys!
Sorry for the late update, the internet was out yesterday, all day.. so I was totally disconnected with the internet world!
Dak wasn't feeling well yesterday morning, so he stayed home... But I went with Melissa and Mike to Bubby's at around 9:15am to meet up with Meredith (who's playing Eliza Wilder/Mrs. Brewster) and Steve (who's playing Pa) to take the subway to Times Square together.
When we got to the studio there were so many people... and they all seemed to know eachother pretty well.. And they were all very social, and I met so many great people!
Then they had a meeting with producers, crew people and the actors... Even that was interesting to watch!
Then they had their very first read through of the play... I got to be in there for that as well! Taking pictures of Mike's first read through! :)
And Oh, my, God...! It was just sooooooooo Amazing!!! I got all teary when I heard Melissa read....
I've followerd Little House since I can remember... and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it all!
They really nailed the other characters aswell... The girl who's playing Mary (Caroline...something) She's doing SUCH a good job! When she read the part where she's going blind... I was crying.. It was sooo good!!
A M A Z I N G ! ! !
At lunch break we went to a burger place around Times Square... Can not remember what the place is called...
They offered me to join them on the second part of the reading... But I wanted to take care of some shopping in the city, and I am absolutely gonna go see this musical at some point so I'll let it all be a surprise!
I went around Times Square... Not really knowing where I was going...
Then I went downtown to Christopher st. and Bleecker... I wanted to find that random t-shirt store...which I didn't, but I was happy anyway... I did find my way back to Magnolia Bakery... It was sooo crowded... How couldn't it be, being that small and all... But still...!
I bought some cup cakes and a key lime cheese cake for Mike. Delicioooouuuuuusssssss!
Then I went back to TriBeCa to drop off the cupcakes...
Then I headed back out... And went downtown to find Century 21...
And yeah, I found it, but the place was swamped with cops and firemen (HOT!)
... But apparently there was a bomb threat at Church st.... I had to go in the back door through the Century 21 shoe store...
But first I went to another shoe store and bought a pair of really nice boots! :D
Then I spend like 2 hours at Century 21 and spent like 250 dollars all together.... But I was in heaven for sure! :D
Me liiiiiiike shopping! :)
Hey guys!
Sorry for the late update, the internet was out yesterday, all day.. so I was totally disconnected with the internet world!
Dak wasn't feeling well yesterday morning, so he stayed home... But I went with Melissa and Mike to Bubby's at around 9:15am to meet up with Meredith (who's playing Eliza Wilder/Mrs. Brewster) and Steve (who's playing Pa) to take the subway to Times Square together.
When we got to the studio there were so many people... and they all seemed to know eachother pretty well.. And they were all very social, and I met so many great people!
Then they had a meeting with producers, crew people and the actors... Even that was interesting to watch!
Then they had their very first read through of the play... I got to be in there for that as well! Taking pictures of Mike's first read through! :)
And Oh, my, God...! It was just sooooooooo Amazing!!! I got all teary when I heard Melissa read....
I've followerd Little House since I can remember... and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it all!
They really nailed the other characters aswell... The girl who's playing Mary (Caroline...something) She's doing SUCH a good job! When she read the part where she's going blind... I was crying.. It was sooo good!!
A M A Z I N G ! ! !
At lunch break we went to a burger place around Times Square... Can not remember what the place is called...
They offered me to join them on the second part of the reading... But I wanted to take care of some shopping in the city, and I am absolutely gonna go see this musical at some point so I'll let it all be a surprise!
I went around Times Square... Not really knowing where I was going...
Then I went downtown to Christopher st. and Bleecker... I wanted to find that random t-shirt store...which I didn't, but I was happy anyway... I did find my way back to Magnolia Bakery... It was sooo crowded... How couldn't it be, being that small and all... But still...!
I bought some cup cakes and a key lime cheese cake for Mike. Delicioooouuuuuusssssss!
Then I went back to TriBeCa to drop off the cupcakes...
Then I headed back out... And went downtown to find Century 21...
And yeah, I found it, but the place was swamped with cops and firemen (HOT!)
... But apparently there was a bomb threat at Church st.... I had to go in the back door through the Century 21 shoe store...
But first I went to another shoe store and bought a pair of really nice boots! :D
Then I spend like 2 hours at Century 21 and spent like 250 dollars all together.... But I was in heaven for sure! :D
Me liiiiiiike shopping! :)

Putting up drywall with Habitat for humanity and SHOPPING around NYC!
Now I'm back in the apartment, totally exhausted from today, but I've had an amazing time! It's been great!
We went to the Bronx to join Habitat for Humanity and help them put up drywall to an apartment buildning. I really admire the work Habitat do... it's amazing... And to be a part of it sure has been an honor!
There were so many nice people and a bunch of press.... camera crew... video... everything...
Apparently a bunch of TV stations were there filming and a bunch of magazines as well...! Very interesting!
I'd love to do more work with Habitat for Humanity when I move to L.A.! That would be so cool!
And Melissa is too funny! And she looked to good with the hard had and power tools! :)
Also got to meet the girl who's playing Nellie in Little House on the Prairie the musical, and basically the whole producing team. It was very nice!
After that Melissa, Dak, Michael, Michelle (stylist) and I went back to TriBeCa and had aaaaaawesome hamburgers at a restaurant on the other side of the road from the apartment. Greenwich st. Tavern or something, I think it's called... It sure was amazing!
Then Dak and I headed for Pier 17... I've spent several... dollars at Bath and Bodyworks... LOOOOOVE!!!
I'm so so so glad to be back!
Then we walked around and I tried on clothes, clothes, and more clothes... Looovely!
Bought SUCH a nice sweater at Abercrombie and Fitch... But OMG the prices!!! Loco! They have SUCH nice clothes thought...
Then we took the subway up to the shopping district in SoHo and walked along Spring street... I eventualy had to force myself NOT to go in to some stores... But we were looking for a Levi's store and eventually we found it, and I found a pair of jeans, that I looooove! :)
Then we took a cab back to TriBeCa and changes clothes, a little fancier... I wore my new jeans and a top I bought at The NewYorker in Malmö... and Converse... Classy, right ? ;)
Anyway, then we went to MrChow... and i'm telling you that was the most amazing food I have ever had.
Thank you over and over Melissa - I am now hooked on Mr Chow!
Haha, oh yeah, and I found out quite a lot about Dak's younger years... L O L !
It's been an amazing day and I thank all the womderful people around me for it... You all made it what it was!
We'll probably going to bed soon, cause Dak and I are going to the Little house on the prairie rehearsals tomorrow with Melissa and Micheal! It's gonna be really exciting!
Then I'm dragging Dak around for more shopping! Wiiieee! :)
Oh, How much did I spend today?... Hmm, probably around 300-350 dollars... ! Wiiiieee! :P~
Nighty night!

Now I'm back in the apartment, totally exhausted from today, but I've had an amazing time! It's been great!
We went to the Bronx to join Habitat for Humanity and help them put up drywall to an apartment buildning. I really admire the work Habitat do... it's amazing... And to be a part of it sure has been an honor!
There were so many nice people and a bunch of press.... camera crew... video... everything...
Apparently a bunch of TV stations were there filming and a bunch of magazines as well...! Very interesting!
I'd love to do more work with Habitat for Humanity when I move to L.A.! That would be so cool!
And Melissa is too funny! And she looked to good with the hard had and power tools! :)
Also got to meet the girl who's playing Nellie in Little House on the Prairie the musical, and basically the whole producing team. It was very nice!
After that Melissa, Dak, Michael, Michelle (stylist) and I went back to TriBeCa and had aaaaaawesome hamburgers at a restaurant on the other side of the road from the apartment. Greenwich st. Tavern or something, I think it's called... It sure was amazing!
Then Dak and I headed for Pier 17... I've spent several... dollars at Bath and Bodyworks... LOOOOOVE!!!
I'm so so so glad to be back!
Then we walked around and I tried on clothes, clothes, and more clothes... Looovely!
Bought SUCH a nice sweater at Abercrombie and Fitch... But OMG the prices!!! Loco! They have SUCH nice clothes thought...
Then we took the subway up to the shopping district in SoHo and walked along Spring street... I eventualy had to force myself NOT to go in to some stores... But we were looking for a Levi's store and eventually we found it, and I found a pair of jeans, that I looooove! :)
Then we took a cab back to TriBeCa and changes clothes, a little fancier... I wore my new jeans and a top I bought at The NewYorker in Malmö... and Converse... Classy, right ? ;)
Anyway, then we went to MrChow... and i'm telling you that was the most amazing food I have ever had.
Thank you over and over Melissa - I am now hooked on Mr Chow!
Haha, oh yeah, and I found out quite a lot about Dak's younger years... L O L !
It's been an amazing day and I thank all the womderful people around me for it... You all made it what it was!
We'll probably going to bed soon, cause Dak and I are going to the Little house on the prairie rehearsals tomorrow with Melissa and Micheal! It's gonna be really exciting!
Then I'm dragging Dak around for more shopping! Wiiieee! :)
Oh, How much did I spend today?... Hmm, probably around 300-350 dollars... ! Wiiiieee! :P~
Nighty night!

Little House on the Prairie press conference and Habitat for Humanity!
Today will be exciting! We're soon off to a Little House on the Prairie press conference and then we're helping out Habitat for Humanity to build a house!! It's so awesome and I feel so honored to get to be a part of it! It's amazing! :)
After all that we'll go down to South Street Seaport... That's where I hung out with Marie last year... At pier 17 and around...
I sure need to do some shopping pronto!
We didn't really do anything yesterday! It was raining all day, so we just stayed in... it was nice though! :)
We're gonna leave soon, so I'd better get off this thing and get a move on... More soon!
Today will be exciting! We're soon off to a Little House on the Prairie press conference and then we're helping out Habitat for Humanity to build a house!! It's so awesome and I feel so honored to get to be a part of it! It's amazing! :)
After all that we'll go down to South Street Seaport... That's where I hung out with Marie last year... At pier 17 and around...
I sure need to do some shopping pronto!
We didn't really do anything yesterday! It was raining all day, so we just stayed in... it was nice though! :)
We're gonna leave soon, so I'd better get off this thing and get a move on... More soon!

Hello New York!
Hey hey!
I'm finally sitting in a beautiful apartment in Tribeca, New York!
Yesterday was a looooooong day!
I stayed up all Friday, from 8:15am, local time in Sweden... Packing, organizing, trying to get everything together...
Dropped Dakota off at the airport... We couldn't go together... a one way ticket on my flight was 20 000 Swedish kronor... Insane!
Then I stayed up all day and night, tried to sleep at 3 occasions, but just couldn't relax.
Anna came home at like 1am or so and kept me company until 2:45-ish, when I called a cab to take me to the station.
I took the 3:22am train to the airport...
I had a few hours to wait there, but I didn't mind at all... I was THERE!
My plane left at 7:50am... And I tried my best to sleep but I couldn't...
Once in London, everything went smoothly... until I sat on the plane... and they called out that something was wrong with the plane... The speakers sucked, so it was hard to hear... But we were about an hour delayed from London.
It was a loooooooong flight... and the movies weren't all that good either... And sleep ? Naah, not so much... Don't know why...
We arrived in NYC an hour late... just thankful it wasn't La Guardia... it was shut down in the morning due to a bomb threat... Poor people flying from there... :/
But the line to the passport check was INSANE! Had to wait probably another hour there...
And then wait for my luggage...
The poor person waiting for me by the car had probably waited since 12:55pm, which was when I was supposed to arrive.
Then I got in to the car and we drove off to NYC... With traffic jam after traffic jam... and construction work...
I think I arrived to the apartment like 3 hours or so, later that what I should have....
BUT! It didn't matter! I was there, I'm back in New York!!! I'm happy again!
Dakota's brother Michael was happy about the t-shirt.. Looked awesome on him! :)
Later M came as well and she was happy about the glass from the Bohus series I got her, and the Lingonberry jam :)
We had such a good time together last night! And we wen't to a restaurant called Bubby's. Such a nice place!
And the food was great!
Oh, and I'm just totally in love with their dog Josephine, she's a French bulldog and totally uglicious! She's so adorable it's crazy!
Well, it's been pouring here all morning... it's like 11:30am or so... And hopefully it'll get better and we'll go out later! :)
This is it for now, later peeps!

I'm finally sitting in a beautiful apartment in Tribeca, New York!
Yesterday was a looooooong day!
I stayed up all Friday, from 8:15am, local time in Sweden... Packing, organizing, trying to get everything together...
Dropped Dakota off at the airport... We couldn't go together... a one way ticket on my flight was 20 000 Swedish kronor... Insane!
Then I stayed up all day and night, tried to sleep at 3 occasions, but just couldn't relax.
Anna came home at like 1am or so and kept me company until 2:45-ish, when I called a cab to take me to the station.
I took the 3:22am train to the airport...
I had a few hours to wait there, but I didn't mind at all... I was THERE!
My plane left at 7:50am... And I tried my best to sleep but I couldn't...
Once in London, everything went smoothly... until I sat on the plane... and they called out that something was wrong with the plane... The speakers sucked, so it was hard to hear... But we were about an hour delayed from London.
It was a loooooooong flight... and the movies weren't all that good either... And sleep ? Naah, not so much... Don't know why...
We arrived in NYC an hour late... just thankful it wasn't La Guardia... it was shut down in the morning due to a bomb threat... Poor people flying from there... :/
But the line to the passport check was INSANE! Had to wait probably another hour there...
And then wait for my luggage...
The poor person waiting for me by the car had probably waited since 12:55pm, which was when I was supposed to arrive.
Then I got in to the car and we drove off to NYC... With traffic jam after traffic jam... and construction work...
I think I arrived to the apartment like 3 hours or so, later that what I should have....
BUT! It didn't matter! I was there, I'm back in New York!!! I'm happy again!
Dakota's brother Michael was happy about the t-shirt.. Looked awesome on him! :)
Later M came as well and she was happy about the glass from the Bohus series I got her, and the Lingonberry jam :)
We had such a good time together last night! And we wen't to a restaurant called Bubby's. Such a nice place!
And the food was great!
Oh, and I'm just totally in love with their dog Josephine, she's a French bulldog and totally uglicious! She's so adorable it's crazy!
Well, it's been pouring here all morning... it's like 11:30am or so... And hopefully it'll get better and we'll go out later! :)
This is it for now, later peeps!