Hey hey!

Well, I spent this morning/day at United (church) making chocolate cakes and had a great time with my girls :)
Tomorrow's Super Sunday is going to be amazing!! Can't wait!
Last night I went to Lund to meet up with Johanna and Jimmy, celebrating Johanna's birthday!
It was so nice, and the restaurant was great!
I'm getting ready to go to Cili, to spend time with my other group of girls!
It's going to be a great night!
Well, I better get ready! More soon!

Life group á la Africa! :)
Hmm, I don't know what's up with blogg.se... but the layout is different... :/

I just got back from my life group meeting! Feels weird calling it a meeting though... cause it's just a bunch of wonderful people together, eating good food, having a great time and talking about the previouse Sunday's sermon.
Tonight was Africa night! I made Ugali na mboga! And for dessert I made...umm... We'll call em' nutella squares :)
It was so nice to meet up with everyone again...!
This will have to be a short update, cause I have to get up at 4am tomorrow, and I am NOT looking forward to it... But at least I have the rest of the weekend off! And on Sunday it's SUPER SUNDAY in church!! :))
I'm so excited! It's the first time for me at a Super Sunday!
I'm off to bed!
Nighty night peeps!

Updated sponsor list!
Hey hey!

Here's an update on the sponsor list!
☆ Thomas Granath
☆ Anonymous
☆ my lovely life group gang
☆ Johan Andersson
☆ "Ville Valle" :)
☆ Emelie N
☆ Me, myself and I :)
☆ Erik Mortensen
☆ Elizabeth Wantland
☆ Erik Mortensen
☆ Elizabeth Wantland
☆ Anonymous
☆ Sandra Ilic [Sandra Ilic Hair & Make up]
☆ Sandra Ilic [Sandra Ilic Hair & Make up]
It's getting closer!
I just wish I could go, like right now!!
Going to my life group meeting tonight :) Hanging out with the girls! Looking forward to it :)
More later! (And I'll try not to make it two weeks later... sorry 'bout that!)

My visa got a little lost
Hey peeps,

I've spent the last half hour tracing my package with my passport!
I called the embassy in Stockholm and they told me they had returned my passport on September 30th... But I haven't got a slip that says I can pick it up... So I called a postal services, and they told me the mailman had delivered it to the wrong "postal agent"... SO! I will be able to pick it up on my regular postal agent on Monday!
Pheew! I was getting worried there for a minute!
Oh, if you're wondering why the posts about the competition have been removed is because I didn't get any feedback what so ever, so I decided to skip it. It's back to being a normal fund raiser, which was the idea from the start! :)
Since I haven't had any feedback I do't think anyone will mind.
But if you do have any questions just hit me up with an e-mail and I'll get back to you a.s.a.p.
I'm gonna get back to hot stuff one and two (Matthew Gray Gubler and Shemar Moore) on Criminal Minds!
Have a good day lovelies!

Keep going! Keep giving!
Hey peeps!
Now I have about 2500 SeK from the fund raiser! It's awesome!
Thank you all of you who have helped out!
Here's the list again:
☆ Erik Mortensen
☆ Elizabeth Wantland
Thank you!
And please, keep giving!
Help me; help the kids at Shangilia!
It's getting closer!
I hope I'll be able to at least double the amount of money before I go!
Help! :)

Now I have about 2500 SeK from the fund raiser! It's awesome!
Thank you all of you who have helped out!
Here's the list again:
☆ Erik Mortensen
☆ Elizabeth Wantland
☆ Anonymous
☆ Sandra Ilic [Sandra Ilic Hair & Make up]
☆ "Ville Valle"☆ Sandra Ilic [Sandra Ilic Hair & Make up]
Thank you!
And please, keep giving!
Help me; help the kids at Shangilia!
It's getting closer!
I hope I'll be able to at least double the amount of money before I go!
Help! :)

Crazy for Swayze night and dreams of Africa.
Hey peeps,

Last night I went to Em for "Crazy for Swayze" night with her and A. We watched Dirty Dancing (duh!) and Ghost.
It was actually the first time I watched that movie, but it was really good!
We all pigged out with chips, cheese rings and Hemmakväll candy (the best!) :)
Oh yeah, the other day I saw an ad in the paper (Metro), about "The worlds toughest job"...
If I hadn't already ordered my tickets to Kenya, I would so apply!
You get to go to Kenya, to a village called Kirwara (outside of Nairobi) and you get to work together with a woman called Elizabeth. You work all day together with her... from sunrise to sunset. You make like 1 Euro a day... Same as the women in the village!
You also blog about the experience while you're there and you get to make presentations about it when you get back.
It's only for three weeks, and I would LOVE to do it, but it's from Nov. 8th - Dec 4th....
Too bad they didn't post it sooner!
Who knows, I might take a matatu out there and say hi one day! :)
While searching the net for more experiences in Kenya I found the Kibera tours website!
I just wrote to them and said I wanted to have a tour when I get there.
Kibera is the biggest slum in East Africa, and I actually went through it last year when I went to Mombasa by train!
The tracks go through Kibera!
In the movie "The constant gardener" (one of my favorites) they also have some scenes from Kibera!
My friend Anna (annasandahl.blogg.se) went there last year and I've wanted to go since she told me about it!
Since they arrange these tours, I'm gonna go! :)
It's just 2500 KsH Per person and the money goes to the Kibera community!
Gosh, I can't believe it's just a little more than a month until I get to go!
The fundraiser is still going, so please! Don't forget to make your contribution at:
BANKGIRO 0663-7458
Have a great Saturday evening folks!
Nite nite!