Back from Turkey and actually celebrated Midsummer last night!
Hello again,

SO! I'm back from a trip to Turkey! I'm more tanned than ever, but it took a lot of effort from me, lying at the beach like that...!
I'm now an owner of "Ray Ban" glasses, a "Chanel" bag, a "Puma" bag, a "Burberry" bag, a "Marc Jacobs" wallet and a bunch of "G-Star Raw" and "Diesel" tee's! ...Etc!
Last night was Midsummer's eve, and I spent it at Johanna and Jimmy's place... Good food and good company! Very nice! I haven't been off work for Midsummer's in YEARS! It was really nice!
Tonight I'm going over to my friend Therese's apartment warming party :)
Only problem is that I don't have a gift since me actually going was kind of a last minute decision... And EVERYTHING is closed today...! I'll figure something out!
I'm also gonna go by my apartment... fetch the mail, if there is any... probably just bills, ,bills and more bills.
What else...?
Umm, I just "found" a new TV show I like, "Switched at birth", same producer that created "Make it or break it" (another fave!)... I recommend it! :)

I need some (easy) breakfast tips!
I've been through a porrige phase... and now I'm going through an egg & bacon phase... Which is really good... But I think I need to vary from day to day...
I just started working out at AC Sport center again, and I absolutely love it! Body Combat ftw!
My entire body is soar today... and I can't help but to love it! Means I did something good yesterday!
But I need to look over my diet... My biggest problem is that I eat too seldom... and lately, too late in the evenings... I hate to eat when I'm not hungry... and it's a problem... Cause I can have been without food for like 5-6 hours, and still not feel hungry...
Oh yeah, and I need to lay off the sugar. Not like I'm a sugar addict or anything... but it's just not good for me.
A chocolate once a month (when it's really needed), will have to make do!
This is it for now!
Out and about over and out!
