What dreams are made of...
It wasn't at all inspiring when the alarm went off at 4am this morning...

I didn't sleep too well... And I had a nightmare... A really weird one.. All I remember clearly is how I rinsed my mouth, and when I spit it out, a bunch of my teeth fell out... Before that I had lost one tooth...
Soooo, D encouraged me to look into dream interpretation... And I did...
These are some of the many answers I found:
"Teeth falling out: Often a sense of loss, such as death of family member or loved one; the ageing process as it relates to maturity, so worries about getting older and one"s changing image. When our first teeth fall out at around seven, it is probably our initial experience of losing something from our body, something weird happening - we might even fear other bits of us could drop off or out. If single tooth: This may suggest loss, change, or death of someone."
"Teeth dreams may also indicate anxiety and insecurities about abandonment. Do any of your close relationships leave you feeling insecure and abandoned?"
Are you anxious about losing the teeth? (In the dream, I was) Any anxiety in dreams generally means there is something in real life that's also causing anxiety. Do you have anxiety about any changes coming up? Are you fearful about making a wrong decision?
"If you find that more than two teeth fall out then you are likely to encounter a serious accident. Make sure that you always remember and check when you're reversing the car or that the road is clear when you walk across."
"Spitting out teeth in dreams symbolizes that you are feeling unstable.
you exert your frustration of instability by spitting out the teeth. it is your dream's way of trying to handle the situation, to get a grip on it so to speak"
you exert your frustration of instability by spitting out the teeth. it is your dream's way of trying to handle the situation, to get a grip on it so to speak"
I've had this dream on my mind all day... it's been bothering me a lot. It was such a disturbing dream... and I ususally don't care... or I forget about them after a while... But this one was different...
Yesterday I ended up watching The emigrants (Utvandrarna) and today I'm watching the sequel (Nybyggarna)... I don't know why... It's been 9 years since I was forced to read The emigrants in school, and they showed the 1st movie... I guess it's one of those movies one just HAVE to watch...!
Today wat work was a pretty good day. I got to ride with D, for once!
But I did get hit in the head with an elbow... Jackass.
A guy came up to us saying he dropped his ticket, probably on the tracks... So, D and I stood outside the train, ON the platform, and I closed the door to see if it was under ste step that's pushed out when the door's open.
And for SOME reason the guy FREAKED and threw himself in between the doors as they were closing... And hit me in the head on his way in...
I opened the doors again and screamed at him.. I mean SERIOUSLY!? Does he think the train is going anywhere with both of the train managers standing on the platform...???
He didn't even apologize... Jerk.
That was one head ache I didn't need.
