This is the part that sucks with working night shifts every now and then... Turning the day up-side-down... I got off work at 6-something am.. I went home to sleep, and I slept until 2-ish pm... And now it's almost 3am, and I can't sleep.

I've kept myself busy the last couple of hours with Grey's anatomy marathon... I have never seen that show.. just an episode here and there, but that's all.... And now: I'm sold. I love it. McDreamy... hell yeah. McSteamy... Jup. Denny... Need I say more? (Jeffrey D. Morgan IS hot in Grey's, but he's still number one in P.S I love you. Especially with the accent).
Still... SO many thoughts going through my head. I wouldn't know where to begin.
I bet this is another reason for my insomnia. Crap.
I need to start studying for my up coming do-over exam... But I just can't find the motivation to do it... Got some to spare? 27 days to go...
..No stress.
I have a head ache... I know... I probably shouldn't sit by the computer anymore... But it's either this or lie in bed and stare at the ceiling...
Oh well... Might as well..
