Searching for grants

Hey everyone!
Sorry I've been a bit off today...!
I've spent the last couple of hours searching for grants. There sure are a million out there.. And only a few that I can apply for... And many of them are already too late to apply for... Oh well...! Those who search will find.
This is me, very concentrated:

So far I've applied to:

❀ Anna Lindhs minnesfond
❀ Skandia bank och försäkringar
❀ Palme stipendiet
❀ Prins Gustaf Adolfs och prinsessan Sibyllas minnesfond

And more to come more to come, but right now I'm doing some work for my uncle...
So I'll be back later! ㋡

But hey! Check this out! I made an omelette!

I know, It's huge! But the half I ate was delicious... Note to self: 2 eggs are enough.



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