Rather stressful day!

Goooood day...evening...night everyone!
Sorry again about the lousy updates!
This morning I set the alarm at 8am, good, I know! And for some reason I turned off the snooze ad turned on the sound (thankfully!)...
And then I woke up when my doctor called me at 9am... Scared the crap out of me though...And I accidentally clicked "hang up" instead of "answer"... But she called back! :)
Anyway, then I hurried my butt to the train station and went to Helsingborg to see my uncle and get my new computer, which I'm using at this very moment and I LOVE it!!
I'm too comfortable right now to reach for my phone and take a pic of it, so you'll just have to wait until tomorrow...!
Thankfully I'm wiped out right now, so I won't have any problems going to sleep...
Which I'm about to do soon, so night night for now!
Didn't have time to send the VISA request today, I'll do it tomorrow!
Until then!



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