Phone lines...!

You are number 124 in line...
Don't you just hate phone queues?
...Okay now I'm number 85, so it's moving pretty fast, but it's just a big fun-sucker.
I fell asleep around 5am... and got up at around 11:30... I am so friggin' tired!
Suuuure hope I'll be able to go to bed earlier tonight...
Oh! By the way! Yesterday my friend D, gave me a little samlpe bag of the new O'boy Limited Edition Daim flavour. I had it this morning for breakfast... and I have to say, it was quite yuckie!
I think I'm just gonna stick to the O'boy (which is chocolate powder to be mixed with milk, for those of you who don't know) with no added sugar. It's the best one. It tastes just like O'boy did when I was a kid!
Have you also noticed that they have put more sugar in just about EVERYTHING since "back in the day" when we were young?! It WAS better... back in the day! 
...Number 56 in line.. *Yawn*
Well, when I'm done on the phone I'm gonna get ready to go out... I'm gonna get the stuff I need to make the posters today at Panduro Hobby.
What are y'all gonna do today ?



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