"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

Hey peeps!
How's your day so far ?

I went to my Cili [Sandra Ili´c hair and make up] earlier today and her intern made my hair and I was a make up model.. It was very nice! It's been a long time since I was a make up model.

Then I went to Skopunkten to see if they had any good winter shoes.. But nope... I'm gonna continue my search tomorrow... My feet are starting to get cold in my converse.... Fall is really here... :(

I also have laundry scheduled for tomorrow... "yaaay"... But it's long over due.
Mt. Laundry... Here I come, yet again.

OKay, not to get too deep here, but you know Eleanore Roosevelt said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"...

I wonder... How come it's so easy to give away that consent? I mean, it's not like you give it away on purpose... But people are masters of conquering that consent and put you down....And what really kills me is that it's for no reason what so ever....!

I'm probably not making any sense, but I just hate it when people try to bring you down for no reason... WHY?!
Well, enough sentimental babble for now... I'm sure there's more where that came from!
Nite nite bloglings!



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