Morning glorious!

Yes, this is my "good morning greeting" to you all...! When I HAVE BEEN sleeping it has been great.... But I've been waking up several times all night... I hate that. I miss sleeping through the whole night!
I just got a call from my doctor, and she said I'll be on sick leave until Sunday, so I start working like normal again next week. It's gonna be nice to have another week to gather my strength...
So, I'll be going to the doc's office to pick up my sick leave papers...
Other than that I don't really have any plans...
I do however need to clean up a bot around the apartment... It's amazing to me how messy it can look after just a day or so.. And all the dust bunnies!? They're getting down even more than actual bunnies...!
Oh! And you know that scale I told you about yesterday (at least I think I did)...I don't think it's working properly.. Since I've been pending like a kilo, a kilo and a half since I first tried it last night... and I've tried it three times... I doubt I gained/lost a kilo in like, what? 13 hours?
Aaaanywho... I'm gonna hit the shower and get this day started!
Later peeps!



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