Hot tip for all you travelers out there!

Well there you go! Now both Rome and London are done! Not bad ey?
I have realized something though...
When I went to Kenya and Venezuela I kept like a diary, even if I didn't have internet access, I got a book and wrote down what I did every day, whom I met and details about things I did...
Now that I uploaded the Rome and London posts... I realized I don't remember much... I have the pictures, but I can't remember where certain places are, or when I met the people I met, and how much it cost to do certain things... So, from now on, whenever I'm on the road, I'm gonna keep a diary... or day log, if you will...
I just love going back and reading about my previous trips... Very nice to have as I'm walking down memory lane...!
And that is a very important tip to you as well!
Even if you don't keep a blog, DO write down what you've done during the day, write about the people you meet and the places you visit. If nothing else it's a really nice thing to read when you want to go back to the awesome time you spent... Where ever you spent it!
Who knows, maybe your kids, or even grandkids will read it one day and you can tell them all about it as you go through your words!
This is it for now! Later bloggers!



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