Hot cocoa :)

Hey honey, I'm home! :)
Yap! I'm back from Cili's! She almost became blond! As for me, you can't really tell in this light *webcam light*, and I just sat down, and I'm too tired to get up... So yah, you can see certain areas are lighter though, here it is:

I like it :)

Mmmm, I just made a cup of hot cocoa. I used  3 table spoons cocoa powder, 2 ½ table spoon (powdered)sugar, 1 table spoon vanilla essence (vaniljsocker), and mixed that together  with a little milk in a cup, and then I heated the milk and poured over and then I added just a tiny dash of cinnamon. It was yumm!

Anywho! I'm gonna update again soon, in the 2010 Kenya category, so MORE SOON! :)



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