hello again!

Well, wasn't this ages ago!
I miss blogging, I really do... I can't tell you why I haven't been updating much lately. I could tell you I've been otherwise engaged in other things.... but that would only be half true... I would be able to make time to blog as well...
I could tell you I forgot my password... which would be half true, cause when I decided to log on here it did take me a while to get in.

Anywho... Last post was about where I would go in the spring... well the spring has passed and I didn't make it to NYC or Kenya (bummer... I know!)

BUT! I did make it to Rome and London, so it turned out pretty damn well anyway! :)
Well... I will tell you about those trips, but not right now. I'm gonna watch What I like about you and drink my Pepsi max WILD SIDE (baobab flavor)... I took the last ones in the store. I'm sad. It's limited edition.... and I think the limit is up :(




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