Dolly Parton's brown haired twin and zombies. Just another day in Malmö?

Hey peeps,
Still haven't found a way to unlock the caps from my phone...
But the camera worked just fine!
Here's a picture of a Dolly Parton's brown haired twin... Gosh!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that the square was crawling with zombies!
I asked one of the what was up, and they said it was a flash mob to be...
I was too tired to stay and check it out.. But here's a preview:
Cool, eh?
Oooh, after the doctor's I walked around a bit before I sat down by the zombie square and as I walked by MATA's I saw a big sign saying 50% off, and in the window I saw Escada, with the red price tag.
Oh yes! I bought Escada for 215 SeK!!
Good thing it's pay day!
Greatest scent in the world!! I love it! But it didn't seem ok to spend 430 Sek for a tiny bottle...
Half off - oh hell yeah!
Well, well... I gotta go, John Stamos is calling! Mmmmm!
Later dudes! (Been watching way too much Full House...Michelle Tanner).



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