Computer free weekend! Pretty much anyway!

I'm baaaa-aaaack!
Sorry, I really needed a computer free weekend. It was really nice!
The weather sucks today, and it's Monday. Not the nicest combination.
I set the alarm to 9am this morning, but woke up at 12:30pm, and I have no idea how, but I've turned off the alarm in my sleep. I can't even remember it went off!
Oh well...

I'm gonna go to the bank. Fun errand... :/
Then I'm gonna go to work and put up the poster. And after that, I have no idea. Maybe I'll go to Netonnet anf buy my phone. I don't know.
I'll check back later, and you'll know about all the adventures I've had today! "Weeee"

 Great extensions huh? I'll show you later!



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