Cleaning out my closet... sorta.
Hey peeps, sorry I haven't updated today, I haven't been in the mood. I hate it when other people bring you down.
Sure, they can't bring you down without your consent, but sometimes it's just plain hard.
Anyway! I also wanted the other post to shine a bit more, I might actually update the same one a few more times, so bear with me! I'm just doing what I can to help Shangilia!
I just went through my closet, cleaned it out a bit. I have a few things I'm gonna give Mary when I see her, and I have a bunch of stuff for Gracie ♥
I also took 30 minutes to kick the crap out of my boxing bag. Man that felt great. I haven't been using it much lately, but sometimes when I hit with my right hand it hurts in the spot where I got that big bruise... So I try to take it easy.
I didn't have a sprain last time, but I don't want to get one either. Especially before I go to Kenya. After, I don't care :P
I'm gonna get back to pretending to clean.
