A new cell phone... or cell watch?!

Okay, so I haven't gone to bed yet. I should, but I haven't. Started looking for a new phone online. And I found this:
Watch Cell phone
How incredibly lame-cool is that?!
I'm not gonna get one of those... no. Hopefully, I'll get a full refund for my crappy phone I have right now, and if I do, I'm gonna buy me a Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro. That's right! :)
Well, here's hopin'...!
Okay, NOW I'm gonna go to bed.
Good night moon!

Postat av: crem - music & a bit of fashion

sv: Haha sounds like you had a cosy saturday:D,

i went for some shopping with my brother and his wonderful girlfriend. And after that i had a fika with my girlfriends hehe:).

2010-09-12 @ 10:44:08
URL: http://cremak.blogg.se/


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