
Yap! That's the time right now, and I recently woke up from sleeping for 2 hours... good job, Madeleine, good job.
Although, I'm not gonna work tomorrow after all, so it's not as bad as if I would have to get up at 3:30 tomorrow, again!

After work today I went to Espresso House with L and Em, and we had a delicious breakfast! It was really nice actually. Felt like forever since we did that!

Oh, I want to ask you; Do you say ESpresso House or EXpresso house.
I've noticed a lot of people say EXpresso... But... Where's the x in espresso? :P~

Damn, I just have 185 SeK left to live on until I get my´next paycheck. Sure, it's only one more week, but it's haaaard!

Tomorrow, I'm gonna go to Alex during the day and I'm gonna make meatballs, and stewed macaroni and apple pie for dessert (with an insane amount of custard)! Yumm, huh? :)
Her son LOVES my meatballs, and he's been asking for 'em, so :)

 and  = Yuuuuummm!

This is it for right now, I'll check in again later!




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