KENYA 2010-11-26 [8:15pm]: Village market & Shangilia
2010-11-26 8:15pm
Good evening!
This morning I got up at around 6:30am… My knee looked a lot better this morning too! But it still hurts when I walk on it. Annoying.
I went down for breakfast and then I started walking towards the matatu station by Biashara and Moi, to take a matatu to Village market.
When I got there the Masai market was just about to open… It wasn’t all that organized though, so I went to Doorman’s (I think that’s what they’re called) and got a chai latté. I asked if they had wireless and they said no, but when I started looking for a wireless I found a strong free one!
Soo, I sat there for like an hour… and then I went up to Masai market to do some X-mas shopping :)
Still, it’s sooooo tiring to haggle… But I got some pretty damn good deals. I even haggled a painting from 2200 to 400, again! :)
I think I spent like an hour and a half there then I was too tired to continue haggling. So… I started walking around and found a store called Identity. They had a lot of nice things.
One annoying thing though, is that they follow you like hawks in the store, and want to be all over you if you find something.
I did find a pair of jeans, really awesome ones… In the men’s section of course :P
And also two tops, one black and one white. That came to about 6000Ksh… And they had a campaign, which started on the 22nd… If you shop for 6500Ksh, you get to pop a balloon, and what ever amount (written on a piece of paper) falls out from the balloon, you get back.
That is what they told me. So I bought a pair of earrings too… Mmhm, popped the balloon and it said 200 Ksh… And the jerks give me store credit! They didn’t say anything about that.
You can expect to be fooled in the masai market… But in an upscale store like that? Hell no! Now I’ll just have to see if I can make it to the store in Westlands (cause I’m soo not going back to those bone heads)…otherwise I’ll just give them away!
The walking today had been on and off… Sometimes it hurts like hell, and sometimes it’s totally fine… I can’t wait to go home and check it out for real.
Oh, and I decided to pick up the x-rays on Sunday or Monday instead.
After the shopping I sat down by Tastes of Africa, still at Village market… And I had Ugali and cabbage. Mmmm, mmm, mmm… It was delicious!
Then I took the matatu back to the city. Actually found a post office, so I sent the post cards… And then I went to YMCA to change and drop off all my stuff, and then I headed straight to Shangilia.
I’ve spent the whole afternoon there and it was so nice. The kids finished school today so I got to spend time with them all… And sadly Beatrice went home… But she wrote me a fantastic letter, and I just wish I had more time with her. She’s such an amazing person!
I played table tennis with Cynthia and lay puzzles with some other darlings… And I gave the movies to the other kids, and they ended up watching Rush hour! :P I think they liked the movies I picked out for them :)
Just need to remember to pick up the High school musical movies too!
When I got off the matatu in Kangemi I decided to check out the shoe people’s shoes, and I found TWO converse, MY SIZE for 200Ksh each! Love Kenya!!! :)
And on my way to Shangilia I stopped by and bought 7 pairs of earrings for some of the girls. The lady who sold them was so sweet, gave me a discount and all!
At around 5:45pm I started walking towards the matatus and apparently boarded on that was just going to Westlands, so I had to change there…
On the other side of the road, the jam was crazy! But there had been a bad traffic accident… But it stopped the traffic completely.
When I got back to the city I went to G&R to have some Ugali and cabbage (yes, again…When in Kenya…!).
And then I walked back to YMCA to have a cup of tea on the terrace. Lovely evening!
Now I’m in my room, frustrated over the fact that I don’t have room for everything I’ve bought! (doh!)… Oh well… I’ll think of something… or if worst comes to worst… I’ll just have to pay the extra fee for additional luggage… I just hope that’s not a fortune…!
This is it for now! Off to Nairobi animal orphanage tomorrow with some of the kids! Wooho! :)
Nighty night!
The masai market at Village market
Shangilia moments <3