KENYA 2010-11-13 [6:20pm] On the plane to Nairobi
2010-11-13 18:20
Hello again,
Right now I’m on the plane to Nairobi…
The plane to Istanbul was a bit delayed, so I just had about 30 minutes until my next boarding started.
I’m sitting next to a very nice Kenyan lady, but she has had a whole lot of bad experiences with Turkish airlines apparently, and swore off to never use them again. Understandable. She had quite a trip!
She did spook me a bit though, she asked if I had picked up my luggage in Istanbul, but I never had to do that in a transfer before (other than in the US, but over there you HAVE TO!)… And since the transfer wasn’t that long, I’m nervous… What if my luggage is left in Turkey? Oh bugger.
…Well, it’s mostly just clothes for Shangilia and several gifts, but… still… I really want my luggage to arrive when I do… Please please please!
I can’t wait to arrive to Nairobi! It’s ”just” 6 hours to go… And it will be 2am when I do arrive.. so…yeah.
My knee has been bugging me A LOT since I left home this morning… There were no appointments available yesterday… The nurse was actually quite rude about it….
But then again it’s been bothering me since I was in middle school… on and off… but for the last couple of weeks it’s been aching on and off every day. I just hope it won’t ruin my trip. Good thing I’m not going on a hike (…which on the other hand would be really nice….but not with a knee like this).
Enough about that!
I met a Danish girl waiting for the gate to open, and we planned to sit together if there were available seats… but as soon as I borded the plane I got a really bad migraine attack… It was awful!
I did more or less sort of watch a movie called Flipped. The little I watched I liked!
They’re about to hand out the menues… and VISA forms…. Later peeps!
Over and out!
...I thought it was funny...! :)
Istanbul fromthe sky, by night