KENYA 2010-11-29 [11:50pm]: Last day in Kenya....
2010-11-29 11:50pm
Good evening..
Right now I'm sitting by gate 10 at Jomo Kenyatta Inl airport... waiting for my flight... And I am sick as a dog... This really truly sucks!
I got up at like 7:30am this morning, and after breakfast I started walking off to the city.
It sure felt like a a great idea to pay for another night... SO I could come and go as I please and not having to be back by 8:30pm to pick up my stuff from the saftey deposit.
I met up with Mary at like 10am, and we went to pick up the High School musical movies... Finally!
Then we went to Shangilia, and got there at like 11:30am...
When we got there a bunch of mzungus were there, and they were from an organization called Skate aid. They were from Germany and one even spoke Swedish! A cool bunch.
And one guy, the guy with the skateboard, teaching the kids how to ride... Mmmhm, he was really really good looking! Skater boy! :)
I spent most of the day at Shangilia. Mary and I left at around 5pm, and it took quite a while to say goodbye... And Grace started crying really bad, and anything I said just made it worse. I felt so bad, my heart was breaking for sure... First her best teacher, Emily, who was like a mother to her got killed... And 2 weeks later I leave... My heart was breaking.
Many of the kids wrote me letters... And I've been reading them throughout the day and sob, sob, they are just wonderful. It was harder to leave this time. And the kids begged me to stay.. They were so adorable... They even said they had called my mom and asked her if I can say, and they said she said yes, so I don't have to go.
I love the kids at Shangilia with all my heart. They are my jewels... And I wish they had all been there to say good bye... I will miss them all terribly.
And the most fantastic day was last Sunday when we had the girl talk... It was so rewarding... And some girls thanked me a lot for it in their letter. They appreciated me being honest with them and sharing my own experiences.
Oh! And the good looking skaterboy was also staying at YMCA, apparently since last Wednesday, but we just haven't crossed paths. Bummer.
When Mary and I left, we decided to go to ABC Place and eat at Java, but first we went in to the supermarket, and the group of Germans were there too! They had been passing by the new Shangilia land, and we just happened to meet up there too!
Since my throat has been killing me all day, my heart just wasn't in it to enjoy my last meal at Java, this time...
After Java we went to YMCA and I had already packed, but my worries were how much my big backpack was weighing... and the fact that I had two heavy carry ons, and I'm allowed one, 8kgs.
I fell asleep, cause the cold made me really exhausted (after saying a tear full good bye to Mary)... And slept till like 11.15pm, (3 hours).. And Simon was picking me at 11.30pm.
My bags were so heavy! But Simon is the best cab driver I have ever come across, so even though I got the price to the airport at 1200 ksh, I gave him 200 ksh extra just for being so nice. He has been calling me every now and then to check up on me, since he drove me to the hospital... Great guy!
Oh! And on our way to the airport we saw two zebras crossing the road. Only in Africa! :))
Nakupenda milele Kenya. This is my second home.
And I even got an African (Luo) name, Achieng, and I have found out that it means sunshine. :)
Imagine if I would add that to my names, and would be Achieng Ayera (which is also African)... If I would go back to Kenya, they would probably think I am a recident. :)
Well, I'm still waiting on the gate to open... Everything's closed... So no magazines here... I did get a coke and herbal tea at Java house though. But I was so disappointed that they don't have the ginger, lemon, honey tea... I could so use that right now.
I have taken two pain killers, but my entire body feels so weak... It's awful.
Oh, and before I go, the luggage was fine. My backpack was 25kgs (HEAVY!) and one carry on was 9kgs and the other 5kgs, but they said I could bring them all. I love Turkish for this! Asante sana! :)
Nighty night! They'll hopefully open the gate any minute now!
Kwaheri <3