U.S.A here we come!! :D

Hello hello hello! Hi hi hi!

YESSS!!!! I got time off work in August, and I will be able to go to the US with Hannah and Dakota!!! :D
It's going to be soooo great! I can't wait to see everyone again, meet Dakota's family, go to Suz's wedding, and just have an amazing time! :) Yay!!

So! Why haven't I ordered the tickets yet?
Well, I just got time off from the 3rd - 23rd of August... And I'm trying to change weekends with someone at work so we can leave already on the 1st! And thanks to my dear friend Davud it's gonna happen! :D
Next week, on Monday I'll settle everything with the schedule planners, and we'll book our tickets first thing when it's all set in stone! :D
I'm also gonna try to get 2 more free days on the 24th and 25th, so we can leave on the 23rd... Need a few days at home for the jet lag to brush off...!
But that really shouldn't be a problem, since I have 2 more free days to use from this week.
It's gonna be a loooooong weekend, since I can not wait to deal with all this, have it set in stone and just ORDER the tickets!!! :)

Hannah's gonna come down here next week, so we'll probably order the tickets together then :)
...I'm gonna give Dakota a call tonight and ask how his return ticket works... =/
He has to be able to book a ticket on the same flight as us! ...right??

Anyway, I'm off to the doctor's...! (It's for work... yet again!)
Then I'll enjoy the rest of this Friday outside. Nice weather! Just sucks that it's so windy =/

Have a good one!

Postat av: Lokisjohan

Jambo! Skoj med USA, grattis. Jag får väl nöja med med Karlstad i år, mycket exotiskt... Ses på jobbet!

2009-05-29 @ 19:22:27


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