Thunderstorm ?

Sorry for the dry spell that has been cast upon my blog...!
I've just been busy with work... And except for tomorrow, I'm not free until Saturday next week...  So it might not be a very good blog week next week...

The meeting at Previa (company doctor) was interesting... I didn't have to take any tests... Don't know if it's a good or bad thing... but oh well...
I'm back at work now anyways... And today was a rather suck-y day... Threatened twice in like 10 minutes... Jackasses...
It really shouldn't be like this... Sometimes it feels like my job is making me ill... really really sick...!
I'm gonna take care of tomorrow... Relax BIG time... and go to the gym in the evening... Then I have 8 days of work ahead... mmmm....

I still haven't found out if I get time off work to go to the US in August or not... Guess I won't find out until next week... :/
Doesn't matter all that much though... I have so many bills, and right now no money... Soooo, can't wait until Monday - Hello salary!

Anna was too cute at 2am this morning... ringing the door bell... I was asleep... But apparently she left her house keys at work... Haha, I could not have been a fun sight or company for those 2 seconds I was up! :P

That wasn't all though... No, no... At about 4 am the walls were freakin' shakin' from the thunderstorm!
The rain was pouring and the lightning was like a disco ball in my room, along with the massive bang from the thunder...
Lovely night, yeah?

It's almost 1am... I'm in my bed, listening to Laura Pausini (love her music)... and just... yeah... I'm actually gonna go to bed now... And guess what?
NO alarm set for tomorrow. You have no idea how good that feels! :P

Nighty night!




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