New found energy. I've had enough! No more!

So much crap has happened at work lately.... It's sick!
Really starting to question the humanity. There are som seriously sick people in this world... And this is just on the trains!
...I guess we're all aware what's going on in the rest of the world... Sick sick sick...!
And I'm so sick of it all!

BUT! I've decided that I refuse to be a freakin' victim in this mess! I'm just gonna go - do my thing (job) - and get out. End of story. I'm not gonna take any more crap! They're not gonna get to me.
They've destroyed enough for me this week! And it's seriously pissing me off!!! NO MORE!

Going to the gym tonight really helped getting a new perspective as well... I have missed Afro Power Dance!!!
Not gonna be able to go to the gym until Thursday... Freaky shifts tomorrow and Wednesday... So that really suck, since working out has become like my therapy... MUCH needed!

...Though, I think, ever since I stopped with -the pill- my mood has been going up and down like a roller coaster... I hate it!
Might as well start with them again... :/
Today I felt totally depressed all morning and afternoon, and I had to cancel on one of my friends... whom I haven't seen in ages, and now I just feel bad cause of that... But I know I would just have been crappy company.

I'll just focus on this new found energy... And I'll use it. USE IT!!!
8 more months in this suck fest and then I'm off to a new adventure!!! :)

...I'm just gonna miss my friends here... So so so so so so sooooo much.... Don't know what to do with that...
I'll just have to spend even more time with them while I can... :)
You should all know that I love you with all my soul, though...! You are my family! My everything!



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