Friday the 13th is a bitch!

Yeah I should never have left my bed this morning...
It all started when I was on my way to the train... I sprained my ankle... It wasn't bad though... But that's when I felt like ''uh oh... not a good day ahead''.
You think it was that thought that made my day like crap? I dunno...

The trip up to Växjö was pretty smooth... Until people in Alvesta wanted to go with my train to Växjö, with SJ tickets... Instead of waiting for 20 minutes... I made an announcement in the speakers before we left that if you have SJ tickets for the 8:44 train, YOU NEED TO TAKE THAT ONE, cause those tickets aren't valid on my train. If you DO have them, you'll need to buy new tickets from me, with the additional cost of 100 SEK on board...
...And when I went to check tickets 2 people had to buy tickets... And were still mad at me for it...  Gosh...

Then a man yelled at me in Växjö... cause it didn't say on the door which wagon was which... (We JUST arrived, so the driver hadn't put it up yet...It did show after like a minute though...)
But he was really mad, and took it all out on me... pooor poor little me...
Then on the trip down to Malmö, people were just so rude!
They were mad at me for now having a coffée machine on board... or a coffée/snack cart... They were upset when I wanted to check their tickets... They went in to the first class section, and refused to pay the additional cost, and got mad when I asked them to move out to 2nd class... Cause there were like 20 people on board, TOPS!
NOT like it was crowded....! Siiiiiiiigh!
Then this black woman was just soooo weird! When I asked for her ticket she was staring MAD at me! She still gave me her ticket and it was totally ok.. No probs what so ever... But every time I passed her seat she stared MAD! I started to wonder if it said "POOP" on my forehead in capital letters....?
But I didn't want to say anything... She looked furious, and I didn't want to start World War III!

I was totally bummed out after that trip... and it was the first trip of the day. Promising start!
When I got to Malmö I found out that the train that was behind us had hit a person between Malmö and Lund... So there were no trains running between Malmö-Lund for like 2 hours or so...!
I had my break though, so I didn't care... But it was kind of creepy that I could so easily have been my train... :/
Selfish bastard to commit suicide by throwing him/her -self infront of a train....!

One nice surprise at work though...
My team leader called me in... and I was like '' Doh, what have I done now..."  But she gave me two movie tickets and was very pleased with me...! :)
My co-worker had written a letter to her saying I made outstanding announcements in the speakers the other day, both in Swedish and in English...
I didn't know what to say... But that totally made my day! :D It was so nice to be appreciated like that! :)

Then at 12:38 I was gonna go to Ängelholm... But the trains still weren't running between Malmö-Lund, so at first we were like 10 minutes delayed from Malmö Central, because we needed to get permission to go on another way... (Straight to Kävlinge from Malmö C)...
And when we did get to go... we drove for about 3 minutes then the signals were red... And we had to wait... FOR 20 MINUTES!
There was only one track and A LOT of trains had to share it... and that summarized MANY delays.....!
But when we finally did get to drive they told us that we could go to Lund after all, cause they were done... cleaning the tracks..
Which was good, cause there was one guy who was listening to his MP3 Player when I made the announcements that the train DID NOT go to Lund... And of course he was furious with me when I told him he'd have to go to Kävlinge and then go back to Lund from there... At least he was happy...

But after that, we stopped at every station on our way to Helsingborg, and people were just so angry! With me! It was all my fault! And I treat the customers of Skånetrafiken badly...
I was like '' You DO realize that someone DIED today, right..."
-"Still! You have costumers to take care of, you need to do a better job, We have other places to be at than being stuck at a fucking station or on this fucking train"...

OMG!!!!  I didn't know if I was gonna laugh or cry... ( I wanted to cry!)
We only got as far as Helsingborg, then we were cancelled the last bit to Ängelholm (not popular)... And many people thought we were the train to Gothenburg, but when I told them they had to change trains in Helsingborg (even less popular!!!)

Then we were supposed to leave Helsingborg at 2:27...But When the driver was going to change end of the train, the break system broke down... and we had to re-start the train a few times to get it working...
Promising start from Helsingborg...
The train was really full on the way down to Malmö, especially in Lund... There was a lot of people...
I was so tired in body and mind I just did NOT want to go on my last trip to Copenhagen Airport and back...
But I had to... so once in Malmö again I hurried over to that train.. And the trip to the airport went rather smoothly...
Except I met a girl who I had given a fine once before, and she totally flipped out and I ended up filing a police report on her... She didn't seem to remember me though... Which was good... Sooo not my day today!

BUT! On my way back...
I only had like 10 minutes in the Airport... But then I noticed that the train I was going with was supposed to have 2 sets of trains... but it only had one...and at this hour it was rush hours on the bridge... Fun fun!
When the train came, it was already PACKED with people...
After A LOT of effort I convinced some people to move... telling them a tiny white lie that I had another train to catch in Malmö, so I NEEDED to get on board...
I so DID NOT want to wait in the airport with all the other passengers that we needed to deny boarding the train, in lack of space...! They would have eaten me alive...
SO I was REALLY thankful to manage to get a teeny tiny spot on that train....
But when I arrived in Malmö I was soooo exhausted... I just wanted to hurry home and forget the whole day...!

And now I'm home, too tired to do ANYTHING!
I've comforted myself with some B&J's Phish food and a good movie...! I sooo needed that!
And other than that my entire body is aching from the work out yesterday...
Sunday's gonna be a blast, carrying boxes and all... Yay!  :P

Yeah, so I'm kind of suffering from finger cramps now.. so I'd better get going...
Can't wait for this day to be over!!
Nighty night!


Postat av: Anonym

Sounds like an amazing day! My thoughts are with you, and I'm convinced that will make it all better.


2009-03-15 @ 14:49:32


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