American Pancakes for brunch! DELICIOUS!

Good afternoon darlings!
This morning the alarm went off at 4:30am... Which is, if you ask me, not OK! :P
...When the alarm went off I just stared at the phone, kind of wishing it was playing a prank on me... (I was tired - ok?!)
...Well, it wasn't and I had to get up... And darling Anna didn't leave the keys for the bike on the shelf, so I kind of freaked... But eventually went to her room and found them in her bag. Phew... Made it on time. But damn it's cold in the morning!
I had one trip to Elsinore today, which was ok... But when I went back to Malmö I had some rude, drunk Danish people on board... They just don't know when to stop... Sometimes humanity scares me.

After work I went home, but I stopped at Coop to buy some strawberry jam and milk for the pancakes!
And I thought is was rather funny, this is what I found outside of the store:


Maybe I was just so tired, everything seemed funny at the time, but actually... it still cracks me up a bit ;)

I went home, and I slept for two hours, which was sooo so nice!
And I woke up at noon... Alex had a party to go to so she couldn't make it... and Anna wasn't in the mood for pancakes (I know, right? How is that even possible??) ;)
Anyway, I was! And I wanted to try the banana pancakes!
I check the pancake recipe at - It's SUCH a great page! So many kinds of pancakes! It's awesome!

The banana pancakes were really good, but not nearly as good as the cinnamon pancakes!
I tried cinnamon last time too, but I just sprinkled a little on top, this time I put it in the batter... I don't know, a table spoon maybe? Or 2/3 of a table spoon...
They were DELICIOUS!!! Those are by far the best pancakes I have ever eaten!

This is the recipe I used: (sorry it's not translated... but it was quite difficult to convert it to oz's...! )

  • 2 ½ dl vetemjöl (wheat flour)
  • 2 tsk bakpulver (baking powder)
  • ½ tsk salt (...duh)
  • ½ msk socker (sugar)
  • 2 msk vaniljsocker (vanilla essence)
  • 2 ½ dl mjölk (milk)
  • 2 msk smält smör + smör till stekning (butter)
  • 1 ägg (egg)

  • I divided the batter into two bowls, in one bowl I added:

  • 1 msk kanel (cinnanon)
  • And in the other:

  • 1 mogen mosad banan (mashed ripe banana)

  • Banana batter   Cinnamon batter
    Banana batter                    Cinnamon batter

    dl = deciliter (decilitre)
    tsk = tesked (tea spoon)
    msk = matsked (table spoon)

    I don't wana brag but.... well, yeah, okay, I do! I'm so good at this! ;)
    ...Except maybe flipping them over, gotta practice that part a little bit more... So the entire stove isn't splashed with pancake batter... :)
    Pancake in the pan :) Beauty, ain't it? ;)

    And this is my brunch... How can you say no to this ?
    Pancakes with maple syrup, strawberry jam and bananas with milk and Ketepa Kenyan tea :)

    That's right!
    This is a banana pancake with Maple Joe's maple syrup, Bob's strawberry jam and Chiquita's bananas (haha)...
    Washed down with cooooold milk and Ketepa Kenyan tea... Mmmm mmm MMM!! :D
    Is your mouth watering up?  ;)

    Anywho... That was one great brunch, and now I'm too full for my own good... Just chillin out at home... I'm gonna go to bed early today... Tomorrow I start at around 4...something... and that means I have to get up around 3:30am... And I'm not looking forward to that... Just so you know...!

    I'm gonna watch some Tru Calling!
    Later peeps!
    Have a nice Sunday! :)



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