Rain storm!

Hey peeps,
How's it going ?

Right now I'm on the train to Nybro... And I'm telling you, going by train when ''off duty''... It's just torture!
...And this weather we have here today ? OMG!
I feel so sorry for the students who graduate today...! It's been raining non stop since I went (BY BIKE) to work, at 3:45am!
And it's like a storm! When I got to work I heard the cracking of a big branch.. I thought the whole damn tree was coming down, but thankfully, it was 'just' a branch...

Work was alright... But I was soaked... even though I had a rain coat and pants I got all damp from the inside, and my shoes were soaked.. And I was freezing my ass off!! Euuhh!
I sure hope the weather is a bit better in Nybro...!

I'm gonna continue to write my book now, if y'all excuse me..!

later! :)



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