Saturday, May 27, 2006 ~ Change of plans...or planes...

Hey hey!
Right now I'm sitting at the airport Kastrup in Copenhagen...
My flight to London was delayed, and after a visit at the transfer centre... This is the new flight info:
Copenhagen 3:50pm local time - Seattle 4:50pm local time
Seattle 6:40pm - Los Angeles 9:13pm.

I bought some internet time... to email Elizabeth and to keep myself occupied for 30 minutes.... or until my battery dies, that is...

And of course... this morning, my cell phone's battery was full, and now it's almost empty... "yay"...

I was lucky to hear the message about my transfer... I was sitting at another café and was listening to my MP3 player...
And all of the sudden I just decided to turn it off... and then I heard "...quist flight bla bla bla bla bla to London 1:55, please contact the transfer centre..."

Sooo, yeah... I'll arrive about 2 hours later than planned... but, it's still good... as long as I get there.... and as long as my bagage gets there.... aaaand as long as I don't get lost on the way :P~

They said Seattle wasn't that big... one can only hope :P~

Bah! of course I sat down in the smoking area at the café....
Though... not really... there's just alot of people who can't read the no smoking sign...

Well, that's about everything that's going on right now...!
I might update more tonight when I'm safe and sound in L.A.

It's about 1 hour till I'm going to the gate.... and stand in a long funny line.. *wohoo*

Anyway, take care out there. I'm off!



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