Friday, June 09, 2006 ~ Cowgirl in Norco

Okay guys... I am really, really tired, so I'm gonna try to make this a short but still rich on information :P~

This morning Daryl, Elizabeth and I went to Melissa's and Jonathan's house in Norco - a real horse town! :D
We went by Chino on the way actually ;) And Daryl told me that it is not at all as "ghetto" as they present it at "The O.C"...

Anyway.. When we got there, we talked a bit, then Melissa and Jonathan took out the horses we were gonna ride and prepared them...
And oh! They had the cutest dogs! One tiny tiny dog, soo cute and cuddly, named Paris (Yes, Hilton) and another, a pitbull named Oreo! Oreo was sooooo sweet and cuddly. I didn't think he was a pitbull at first!
Theeeeen, when everything was set, we got on the horses and went on our way.. rode out on the front yard and went along the road, and then down a hill (that was pretty scary!) and then rode along the river - very nice. And then came in a area with alot of bushes and sand, and LOTS of weird tiny bugs. Totally annoying! And all of the sudden my horse, Mervin by the way, lays down, and I didn't notice at first, Melissa just screamed "Get off him now! Get off quickly!" Cause he could've rolled over...apparently! :P
If I HAD noticed, I probably would feel a bit scared.. but I didn't realize it, so I was like.. what? oh, okay...sure... and then I got on the horse again! :P~ And we went back home. We were out for a little less than an hour, but it was sooooo great!
And Melissa told me to come back if I had a day left or so and didn't know what to do... and I think I have 3 more days to fill out, so we're gonna do that :D
It is sooo wonderful to be on a horse again! I love it!
When we got back we talked for a while.. then we went back to Whittier... I was gonna have dinner at Cricket's and Peter's house tonight soooo, I needed a shower :P~
And we chilled for a while... then Elizabeth drove me over to their place, and I had dinner with them and their kids Lauren and Jane.... (Like 3 and 5? years old) And then Peter had to go to work...
But I stayed for a while, and I showed the Kenya movie to Cricket and she loved it too.. :)
Then we decided to go to Target! :D
I was gonna go there with Elizabeth when I got back from Cricket's but we decided to go then instead! I needed to look for another bag...!
So we went! =)
And I found one. A really good one! I am very pleased :P~
I have put most of my stuff in there now and I can still fit lots more :D Wonderful! :P
Then Cricket drove me back to Elizabeth's....
And Elizabeth and I have been sitting in the livingroom for a few hours now just's been very nice...!

I gotta go now though... I am getting SOOOO tired! And I have to get up at 8am tomorrow!
We're leaving here at 9am... for Venice, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, City Walk...that sort of thing ;)

Sooo, night night people... sleep tight...!



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