Am I THAT one in a million ?

There we go...! A new international look for my blog. Looks good, yeah? :)
I'm very busy with laundry right now... Or not. It must be one of the most boring things to do... Especially on a Saturday afternoon.
The weather pretty much sucks tho'... I think we've had enough winter, and I'm soo ready for spring and summer.

I'm listening to some really good music at the moment... Angels and Airwaves, totally awesome! 
I guess I'm looking for the energy to make this afternoon even more exciting by cleaning my apartment.. Long over due!

I'm a member at the Swedish site You have a profile, and all kinds of companies put up ads if they're looking for an extra on a TV show, a movie, a music video etc.. 
Unfortunately most of the jobs are in Stockholm... A bit far to go from here... 
But yesterday they had one in Ystad (it's like an hour from here)... It's a role for the new Wallander movie (Swedish crime movie)... They're looking for an American... Or someone with a real American accent.. Someone like me ;)
Well, I applied for it anyway... And I actually really, really hope that I get it. It would be awesome!
It's like one in a million kinda thing... But at least I applied, right ?

K is going home to the states today! 
Even though the distance between us will be a lot longer, I'm quite excited, cause he'll have more time... I'll be able to talk to him over the phone... So it's a good thing :)
I know, judging from the picture you can totally tell who's from the Sunshine state and who's not... Gosh.. 
But I blame my albino-ness on the extremely cold weather! It was freezing, and we had been out basically ALL day.. and it rained non-stop... And I was just wearing Chuck Taylor's (not a smart choice, I know.. 
But Chuck Taylor's, they're the real deal!)
I've been on replay ever since I got back at like 3am on Wednesday morning... It was an amazing day we spent together.. 
Well, the laundry room is calling me again.. 
More soon!




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