Lazy morning..

Well, no earthquakes tonight... Or at least not any I could feel :)
So nice to sleep in and not set an alarm...! Though.. I stayed up talking to K last night, until like 3am.. I still woke up at 10:30am.. Wide awake!
I've just been chilling all morning... No stress for me today... Though.. I should get going to Copenhagen...

I'm actually looking at new computers (yes, again)... My computer totally flipped last night... I never was quite satisfied with this one anyway... And I just called customer services... They told me that they don't send any Vista CD's.. I was supposed to make a back-up when I first got it... Thank you for telling me that back then?
I've found a couple that I'm interested in.. I'm just gonna send the list to my uncle... And he'll be the judge on that...!
It's gonna be so nice to have a quiet running laptop.. not this loud crappy piece of sh*t... Can you tell I'm not too happy with the one I have now? Am I that obvious?

I'm gonna get going! 
More soon!




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