So right after I posted the last entry I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up I was even more tired... *yawn*
But, I got going pretty quickly...
I went to the mall and got a pair of winter shoes.... Handed out some flyers.... had lunch at Tamnack Thai... then went to Cili and her intern did my hair and make up again :)
I have cuuuuurly hair and a discrete very nice make up! :)
I got up at 7am to take care of the laundry... I just finished... Booring!
I'm gonna go to the mall to get me some winter shoes today... but I think I need a power nap before I go... Just doing laundry and I'm wiped out... ? Sick.
Anyway, just filling in some blanks.. I'll be back later!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
Hey peeps!
How's your day so far ?
I went to my Cili [Sandra Ili´c hair and make up] earlier today and her intern made my hair and I was a make up model.. It was very nice! It's been a long time since I was a make up model.
Then I went to Skopunkten to see if they had any good winter shoes.. But nope... I'm gonna continue my search tomorrow... My feet are starting to get cold in my converse.... Fall is really here... :(
I also have laundry scheduled for tomorrow... "yaaay"... But it's long over due.
Mt. Laundry... Here I come, yet again.
OKay, not to get too deep here, but you know Eleanore Roosevelt said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"...
I wonder... How come it's so easy to give away that consent? I mean, it's not like you give it away on purpose... But people are masters of conquering that consent and put you down....And what really kills me is that it's for no reason what so ever....!
I'm probably not making any sense, but I just hate it when people try to bring you down for no reason... WHY?!
Well, enough sentimental babble for now... I'm sure there's more where that came from!
More people added to the sponsor list! Click HERE to see it!
Well, my day hasn't been all that interesting... The migraine has been stuck since yesterday...
D & L were sweet to invite me to a delicious dinner, and Em was also there! It was so nice!
Dinner really was delicious, but the fact that milk and I aren't pals bugs me... I'm having stomach cramps....but it is so worth it! L makes yummie food :)
Well, I gotta get back to Full House...! Very important ;)
Hey peeps, sorry I haven't updated today, I haven't been in the mood. I hate it when other people bring you down.
Sure, they can't bring you down without your consent, but sometimes it's just plain hard.
Anyway! I also wanted the other post to shine a bit more, I might actually update the same one a few more times, so bear with me! I'm just doing what I can to help Shangilia!
I just went through my closet, cleaned it out a bit. I have a few things I'm gonna give Mary when I see her, and I have a bunch of stuff for Gracie ♥
I also took 30 minutes to kick the crap out of my boxing bag. Man that felt great. I haven't been using it much lately, but sometimes when I hit with my right hand it hurts in the spot where I got that big bruise... So I try to take it easy.
I didn't have a sprain last time, but I don't want to get one either. Especially before I go to Kenya. After, I don't care :P
Okay, so this morning I decided to go to NetOnNet to talk to them about my phone, and the guy at the customer services was really really nice, and told me that I should change it to Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini Pro, cause even though it's smaller, it's a whole lot better, not to mention cheaper!
So I did, and I am not a proud owner of this little pretty thing:
isn't it pretty :)
And now to the irony... On the other one I could only update my blog with capital letters and the enter button didn't work.
On my new phone I can only write in lowercase, small letters, and the enter button doesn't work here either... SO! It's not the phone, it's, not working very well on the phone....! Oh well...!
Oh, did you notice the fact that I have RED hair? I though so ;)
I bought L'oreal Casting semi permanent color, Red copper, and I LOVE it!
It wasn't hard to do it by myself, but sure, I wouldn't mind an extra hand or two next time.
It's just THAT good!
It didn't take long, and the best part, it didn't leave stains... which is good, cause I managed to get little spots all over the place! :P
Well, now I know I should stick to red. Red is my color! :)
Dolly Parton's brown haired twin and zombies. Just another day in Malmö?
Hey peeps,
Still haven't found a way to unlock the caps from my phone...
But the camera worked just fine!
Here's a picture of a Dolly Parton's brown haired twin... Gosh!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that the square was crawling with zombies!
I asked one of the what was up, and they said it was a flash mob to be...
I was too tired to stay and check it out.. But here's a preview:
Cool, eh?
Oooh, after the doctor's I walked around a bit before I sat down by the zombie square and as I walked by MATA's I saw a big sign saying 50% off, and in the window I saw Escada, with the red price tag.
Oh yes! I bought Escada for 215 SeK!!
Good thing it's pay day!
Greatest scent in the world!! I love it! But it didn't seem ok to spend 430 Sek for a tiny bottle...
Half off - oh hell yeah!
Well, well... I gotta go, John Stamos is calling! Mmmmm!
Later dudes! (Been watching way too much Full House...Michelle Tanner).
Damn, I need to get back to my normal sleeping pattern...
But I just can't seem to go to sleep at night... It's frustrating!
I don't like to sleep so late either... But I just can't seem to get up.
Today I'm going to the doctor at 3pm... And that's about all the plans I have today.
I should probably clean up around the apartment too... Well I'll get back to you on that :P
By the way...! Still watching Full house, currently on season 3... OMG with the colours, shoulder pads and gigantic hair styles and gazillion tons of hairspray... I have to say I'm glad that era is over!
Good evening everyone!
Guess what I got today ? A Sony Ericsson Vivaz Ui8 Pro! :)
Currently loading all the music to my new baby :)
Watching Full House and just relaxing!
Brief but informative, eh?
This morning I set the alarm at 8am, good, I know! And for some reason I turned off the snooze ad turned on the sound (thankfully!)...
And then I woke up when my doctor called me at 9am... Scared the crap out of me though...And I accidentally clicked "hang up" instead of "answer"... But she called back! :)
Anyway, then I hurried my butt to the train station and went to Helsingborg to see my uncle and get my new computer, which I'm using at this very moment and I LOVE it!!
I'm too comfortable right now to reach for my phone and take a pic of it, so you'll just have to wait until tomorrow...!
Thankfully I'm wiped out right now, so I won't have any problems going to sleep...
Which I'm about to do soon, so night night for now!
Didn't have time to send the VISA request today, I'll do it tomorrow!
Yup yup! This is the very VISA form I have to fill out, and send along with my passport to the Kenyan Embassy in Stockholm. I called them last week and they said it only costs 200 Sek to get the VISA from them, and they recommended me to get it before I get there, since there might be long lines to get it at the airport.
To get the Visa form, click [HERE]. You need to fill out the form, and send it togehter with your passport (or go to the Embassy in Stockholm at Birger Jarlsgatan 37) and 2 recent passport sized photos. You also need to pay the fee of 200 SeK to: Kenya Embassy Post Giro Bank Account Number: 663966-0 Please note: Copy of the payment receipt should be attached to the previously mentioned documents.
You'll find a lot of useful information at the Kenyan Embassy's website and if you have further questions you can always call them during office hours or e-mail.
I'm gonna take care of all of this tomorrow... "Yaaaaay, taking passport pictures.... whoopheee"...
SO! Tomorrow's mission(s) will be: ✮ Visa application form; A duly completed visa application form V.1 in duplicate ✮ Pay 200 SeK to the Kenyan Embassy Post Giro AND get a copy of the recepit. ✮ Get 2 passport sized pictures taken to send along with the Visa application. ✮ Get a pre-paid stamped self addressed envelope for return registered mail. ✮ Write down a travel itinerary which also need to be attached to the application
It would be so much easier just to go up to Stockholm and get it over with in one day...! :P
Phewwww! This day feels like it's been going on forever!
Well, I just got back from down town... (I wish it was down town Nakumatt in Nairobi... But I have to wait a little while longer)
Today I got the money from the insurance company... which I was supposed to get like a month ago... But better late than never I guess. It was a good thing though, since I just had 85 SeK left to live on until Friday!
After I had been at work, again, dropping off some papers... I went to Triangeln to look for a new lap top case for my new computer.. I hoped Stadium had their cheap ones left... but no. ALTHOUGH, I did find an awesome Fred Perry jacket! It used to be 799:- but I got it for 249:- AND they had it in my size! Even the guy at the register said, "Uh, sorry but I think this is the wrong price... it's too cheap". but I told him I checked the other ones too and they all had the same price tag... and I was right, which I'm really happy about.
Sorry, I'm too comfortable at the moment, to get up, try it on and take a picture, so this will have to do for now! :)
I also got wet-ones for my glasses! They're really good! I tried a sample a while back and thought they were awesome, and I never got around to go there and buy them... And when I saw them, and I saw the price tag, I was like "aaah what the heck, they're good!"... It said 49:- for a pack of 30 whipes. What I didn't see was the on sale sign...! They sold each pack for 19:-(!!!) So I got 4 packs :) Should last me a long long time!
Thumbs up for SmartEyes! :)
Oh yeah, and since I was around Triangeln, I went to Thamnack thai and had dinner. Same old, same old...! Chicken in coconut sauce with red curry and rice... SOOOOO yumm! :)
I remembered to take a pic, when I was basically done.. but again, better late than never! And oh yes, it was yuuuuummmm....!!
Good evening guys, I'm watching "Ullared"... Sure, I LOVE GeKås... but this TV show is just insane. Talk about finding the weirdest people in Sweden... I don't know how they manage to make them all sound so NOT bright. ...I feel sorry for them. But yes, it does make me want to go back and SHOP! ...No can do. I'm gonna save up like crazy... Only 1½ months until I leave for Kenya!! Tomorrow I'm gonna send my passport to the embassy to get my VISA. I called last week and they said the lines might be VERY long once I get there... Which I doubt, since I arrive at 2am something.. But I'm not gonna take any chances... and they said it's just 200Sek for the visa, so... it's all good :)
I just spent the last hour playing SIMS 3 :) Call ne a dork, but I love it :)
I also ordered my new laptop today! I need a new computer for school, and I think this one will be perfect! Check it out HERE! I've saved money for a while now, JUST for this :)
Well, I'm not gonna bore you anymore now... And this will probably be the last post today, so GOOD NIGHT everyone! Dream of little angels!
I'm baaaa-aaaack! Sorry, I really needed a computer free weekend. It was really nice! The weather sucks today, and it's Monday. Not the nicest combination. I set the alarm to 9am this morning, but woke up at 12:30pm, and I have no idea how, but I've turned off the alarm in my sleep. I can't even remember it went off! Oh well...
I'm gonna go to the bank. Fun errand... :/ Then I'm gonna go to work and put up the poster. And after that, I have no idea. Maybe I'll go to Netonnet anf buy my phone. I don't know. I'll check back later, and you'll know about all the adventures I've had today! "Weeee"
A trip down memory lane with the Full house crew from season one! :)
Buenas noches mis amigos! Sorry, I just wrote a note in Spanish to my friend on facebook, and I kind of got stuck with the Spanish... I love Spanish... I want to go back to Venezuela so bad and just learn the languane completely... Like I know English! I still study at whenever I can, but I've finished all the courses...
Anyway, I've spend the last couple of hours watching Full house, season one (still not done, though). And first of all, despite the mullet, OMG Jesse-John Stamos is HOT!!! Second of all, how cute is Michelle-Mary-Kate-and-Ashley-Olsen? It amazes me, their talent at that early age! And they were just adorable! And now they're both gorgeous! Too bad about MK's eating disorder... Call me a dork, but I just love all the MK&A movies... No matter how cheesy they are, I find them sooo good because it's MK&A. I've been a fan since I first saw Full house, and then "It takes two". I have meet some really awesome people online in different MK&A fan chat rooms! Lova ya Lisa! Love ya Tara! :) And I can't thank Lisa enough who provided me with MK&A movies (video tapes) back in the day when Sweden was really slow on bringing em' here! I remember when I got Winning London, and it didn't work in my VCR cause of the NTSC/PAL different system...things! But it worked in out small TV with a built-in VCR. I watched it over and over! :) Lisa, THANK YOU!!! :)
Anyway, I've been enjoying myself, watching Full house, first season, making fun of Uncle Jesse's mullet, the AWFUL 80's fashion and hair-dos, with TONS of hairspray...! (GOOOOOSH!!!) And I made myself a big bowl of Swedish (fall) apples with cinnamon. Yumm! :)
Well, sorry for the lousy updates today.... But it's just been one of those days... Hopefully I'll do better tomorrow!
Just realized I haven't updated here today. Sorry about that! Last night I watched Dear John and Maria full of grace. Both AMAZING movies. I highly recommend them! I'm just gonna chill the rest of the day, so I'm gonna go pop in a movie, and I'll update again later!
Heeeey everyone I'm home! I'm too tired to go out with the gang tonight... So I'll just watch a movie or something until I fall asleep! ...But first! Here are some pics from today!
To make my delicious meatballs, you need: minced pork and either "all-round spice" or "BBQ spice". I know, simple as that! (Don't know if these spices are available outside of Sweden, but some of the spices in this mix are: salt, paprika (pepper), union, garlic, celery).
I didn't count them, but I used like 900grams of minced pork... maybe 35-ish? We were 4 people, and there were none left!
Meatballs and stewed macaroni! Yuuuuuummm!
And for dessert... Apple pie and A LOT of custard!
This is the before shot! Alex wanted raspberry in it too, so half is apple/raspberry and the other half (my half, haha) is apple, apple, apple! I put some powdered sugar on the apples and squeezed a bit og lemon juice on top as well, and added some powdered cinnamon. The dough mix consists of: 200g butter (7,055 Ounces) 1,5 dl powdered sugar (5,072oz) 2,5-3dl wheat flour (8,454-10,14oz) 1 table spoon powdered cinnamon (We didin't have any, but I would also like 1 table spoon vanilla essence, and in that case maybe a little less powdered sugar, depending on the size of your sweet tooth!) :)
Put the oven on 225°C (437°F) and I'd say 15-20 minutes in the middle section of the oven will be close to perfect :)
Yuuuuuuuummm!! Apple pie with TONS of custard! It was beyond delicious! :)
Sorry if the 'measurement conversion' isn't correct. I used Well, this is my day in a nutshell! It's been great hanging out with Alex and her son, and his friend :) But now, I'm almost falling asleep by the computer... I'm exhausted! If I don't update more tonight - Good night bloglings and have a great Friday night! Be safe :)
Good morning tweethearts and bloglings! How are you today ?
I got up at 8am... and I slept through the night. Didn't wake up once. O-M-G! It was so nice! Feels like it's been forever since I actually slept through the night.
Last night I washed my hair and but in hair treatment (conditioner) ((hårinpackning)), and wrapped a towel around my head and went to sleep. Hence, I started the day by washing my hair, and it's softer than ever! I should do it more often!
I also put together the poster I'm gonna put up at work. But I realized I don't have any glue, so I have to wait until next week to put it up! Oh well...!
Many people have complimented my hair since I was at Cili's the other day! Apparently flat hair rocks! ;)
Okay, I have to get going! I'm gonna get some custard before I go to Alex's, and I might even have the time to hand out some flyers! :)
Have a great day everyone! I'll be back later tonight!
Hello again! Right now I'm investigating more about the scholarships and grants online... Unfortunately many of them are un-applyable because the last day of application was in August or early to mid September... OR the fact that many of them don't give out grants to individuals... But I'm keeping up my search. So far I've written to:
✰ Svenska kulturfonden and ✰ Lions Clubs International
...But I have been going through what feels like thousands and thousands...! They all also have lots of criterias... Stuff like, you have to be a student, you can't make more than a certain amount of money each year (which is, not a lot), you need to be a member of a project or organization... And so on, and so on...
Hi again! This post will be updated everytime I get a contribution from a sponsor (from a company) or a donor (from an individual) added to my fundraiser!
☆ I want to thank Svenska Handelsbanken for sponsoring me with my bank giro account! I really appreciate it! It makes everything a whole lot easier!
☆ Me, myself and I :) ☆ Erik Mortensen ☆ Elizabeth Wantland
Apparently this is a "time-headline-day", probably in lack of other ideas. Oh well. Hi! Nothing much has happened since I last wrote here, but soon I'll post a in the 2010 Kenya category! Who knows? I might even give you another Life of Roberta! Stay tuned!
Yap! That's the time right now, and I recently woke up from sleeping for 2 hours... good job, Madeleine, good job. Although, I'm not gonna work tomorrow after all, so it's not as bad as if I would have to get up at 3:30 tomorrow, again!
After work today I went to Espresso House with L and Em, and we had a delicious breakfast! It was really nice actually. Felt like forever since we did that!
Oh, I want to ask you; Do you say ESpresso House or EXpresso house. I've noticed a lot of people say EXpresso... But... Where's the x in espresso? :P~
Damn, I just have 185 SeK left to live on until I get my´next paycheck. Sure, it's only one more week, but it's haaaard!
Tomorrow, I'm gonna go to Alex during the day and I'm gonna make meatballs, and stewed macaroni and apple pie for dessert (with an insane amount of custard)! Yumm, huh? :) Her son LOVES my meatballs, and he's been asking for 'em, so :)
and = Yuuuuummm!
Well! This is it for right now, I'll check in again later!
Yes, it is now 6:45am, and my first assignment is all done. Only 2 more to go. I'm getting more and more tired as we speak....As I write! Soon I'll b..e...Zzzz...zzzz..zzzz.zzz...
Nah, j/k! I'm still here... Just wanted to pop in and say hi! And I'll write more throughtout the day!
*YAAAAWN* ...Yah, the alarm went off at 3:30am today too... I did not care for that...! And now I'm at work. Waiting to take on my assignment. "wee"..
Good thing is that I get off at 10am! Me likey that-ey :) Don't really know what I'll do after work. Can't really go home and sleep... Start 5-something-am tomorrow too... :/
Hey heeey! Now I'm FINALLY at home! I has been such a long day. But I did get to see Alex again, and I have missed her like nobody else! It was so great to see her again! AND! I got to see Debbie, TWICE...AND Linda! TWICE! It was just a good day, simple as that!
At this very moment I'm applying for schools for the spring semester! I can't wait. It's gonna be really good to get out of Malmö! AND! You know what I did yesterday? I ACTUALLY applied for the SAT's...! October 23rd! ...Damn, I'll be so happy if I just get 0,1! (of 4,0)
THERE! I've applied to: Växjö, Kalmar, Halmstad, Gothenburg, Jönköping, Lund AND an additional course "English for international health care".
I'm so excited! I sure hope I get accepted!!
Gonna go get me some afternoon snack! Later bloglings!
Finally done with work! Now I'm just waiting for Alex to get off work too...
Hopefully she'll be here soon, really don't want to be here anymore. Sitting next to a former friend. Sucks that we're not anymore, but oh well. I deserve better people in my life. She's definitely not one of them.
Well, I have been up since 3:30am, so it feels like afternoon in my head! Right now I'm at work, I get off at 11am, which is nice. Then I just have to stay awake until at least 7pm... I start early tomorrow too, so I'm going to bed pretty early.
I'll go for a fika after work with my dear Alex. Haven't seen her in ages! It's gonna be so great to see her again! So, this is it for now!
Yeah, I just made myself another cup of hot cocoa! This evening I tried it with a little lime juice, and it was so so so delicious!!! Highly recommended!
Find at a thrift store! And a new favorite BBQ sauce! :)
Hi again!
I'm here, with my mouth full of Flap-Jack Berry! :)
Oh! And here's the new thing I bought for my kitchen!
And no, it's not the microwave!
Isn't it cool? I got it at a thrift shop here in town! Only paid 70 SeK for it! (€7,34 / $9,44). I know, right, what a find!
I was supposed to get a bar table and 2 bar chairs for my kitchen, but since I'm moving up north for school in the spring... why bother?
But I've wanted something for the microwave for such a long time now. Looks so not-cool when it's on the floor...!
Much better!
Oh, and THIS is what I put on my macaroni earlier!
Mmmhm! That's right!
(New favorite, I'm gonna use it on friggin' everything!!) :)
Well, I think 2 posts is about what you're gonna get today.. I'm still struggling not to take a nap. And that sucks, cause I am so so so tired... I'm gonna make it until 6pm, then I'll go to bed...
Don't judge! I have to get up at 4am tomorrow... *YAWN*
Hello hello! Sorry I haven't updated sooner! The day started quite early, 8:40am to be exact, and then I went straight to Cili's hair salon and har breakfast with her. Mi love :) Then we did eachothers hair - again :) It was really nice.
Then I went to work, had some stuff to figure out and talk about over there... And now I'm back home. I just ate meatball-left overs :) It was yumm... And I put something else on the macaroni today, you know what it was? No, of course you don't... :P I'll show you later! AND I bought something for my kitchen today too, which is WAAAAAA-aaaay overdue, but better late than never! More soon bloglings! :)
Yeah... I'm trying to reach as big of a crowd as I possibly can, so I started to write to all my friends at Facebook... All 300+ friends at facebook... Facebook didn't like that... After several posts I got a message saying I might get blocked if I continue... so I'm just gonna have to lay low for a while and hope the posts I DID send out will have an effect :) Sorry Facebook!
Well, I'm gonna go to bed. I'm meeting Cili for breakfast tomorrow at her hair salon! ( ...She's just awesome! Did you know she was one of the stylists on IDOL 2008 (Sweden edition)! :)
Anywho, I'm gonna hit the sheets! You should too! It's late! 12:30am *yawn* Nighty night!
Help me help the kids at Tumshangilieni mtoto in Kenya!
Yes! Today I got the bank giro account!!!
☆ Contributions can only be made to this bank giro from SWEDISH banks ☆ If you are NOT FROM SWEDEN and want to make a contribution, please send me an e-mail and I will let you know how to send the money. ☆ WHEN you transfer money to this bank giro DO NOT FORGET to write your name (and/or company name).
Please note that I will post on my blog all the people and companies who donate money to this project. If you want to be anonymous, just write anonymous on the note when sending the money transfer!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
Hey honey, I'm home! :) Yap! I'm back from Cili's! She almost became blond! As for me, you can't really tell in this light *webcam light*, and I just sat down, and I'm too tired to get up... So yah, you can see certain areas are lighter though, here it is:
I like it :)
Mmmm, I just made a cup of hot cocoa. I used 3 table spoons cocoa powder, 2 ½ table spoon (powdered)sugar, 1 table spoon vanilla essence (vaniljsocker), and mixed that together with a little milk in a cup, and then I heated the milk and poured over and then I added just a tiny dash of cinnamon. It was yumm!
Anywho! I'm gonna update again soon, in the 2010 Kenya category, so MORE SOON! :) MUAK!
Hey hey! Quick update! I'm at Cili's and we're doing eachothers hair! :) I'll show you the result of mine later when I get home! And I finally got the bank giro account today! I'll update more about that when I come home and have access to all the information! Chao for now bloglings!
I just ate meatballs with whole wheat macaroni mixed with béarnaise sauce. You might think it sounds weird, but it's really good!
I learned that from a class mate when I attended the Glass school in Orrefors. Damn I miss those days.
Yeap, there I was workin' with glass... I miss it so much! See how happy I was ?
I'm so thankful to my teachers over there that they let me come over when I want to just have it for a little while in my life again!
I had to quit cause I hurt my wrists... And the doctor I went to told be that I could continue if I wanted to but I would be retired at 25... So I didn't really have that much choice.
Anyway, my Cili just called me and wanted me to come over, and I'm missing her like crazy, so damnit, I'm gonna go over there, like right now! :)
Later bloglings (blogger+darling=blogling) :) Ain't I inventive? ;)
Well, I am sorry I haven't updated until now. I actually got up at 8am today - imagine that!
Yes, I GOT UP at 8am! And I've been at work copying some documents, sent my phone back to Nokia and did some grocery shopping. I'm makin' meatballs today. I'm famous for my meatballs - maha! :)
Do you like meatballs? How do you like your meatballs?
Well, I'm gonna continue with some work here with my laptop, but I'll be back later!
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been a bit off today...! I've spent the last couple of hours searching for grants. There sure are a million out there.. And only a few that I can apply for... And many of them are already too late to apply for... Oh well...! Those who search will find. This is me, very concentrated:
So far I've applied to:
❀ Anna Lindhs minnesfond ❀ Skandia bank och försäkringar ❀ Palme stipendiet ❀ Prins Gustaf Adolfs och prinsessan Sibyllas minnesfond
And more to come more to come, but right now I'm doing some work for my uncle... So I'll be back later! ㋡
But hey! Check this out! I made an omelette!
I know, It's huge! But the half I ate was delicious... Note to self: 2 eggs are enough.
Quiet? Yeah I know I have been, sorry about that, but I just got back from a great American pancake dinner at a friends house. He's such an awesome friend and co-worker and his family rocks ツ Thank you Fredrik! Not a very flattering picture of me, as I am in the middle of a sentence, but Fredrik took this picture of me and their ADORABLE dog Mira! ツ
I can't tell you all how excited I am to go back to Kenya! It's insane!!! Tomorrow I'll get the bank giro account, hopefully! And I might even go around town handing out flyers. That is if I get the bank giro account number. *hope hope hope*.
Tomorrow I'm also sending my phone back to Nokia. Oh, please give me my money back...! BAH! ...I also have to make a list on all the schools I'm gonna apply to, cause I'm applying on Wednesday! It's gonna be hard to wait for my letter of notification! I have to be accepted to Växjö or Kalmar, I just have to!! I'm so excited about that! Especially if I get to do the internship in Kenya! That would be a dream come true! ツ
Well, this is it for now, I have to clean up a bit around here... Heck, I might even take another work out session with my boxing bag. Damn! I love that thing! :)
Good morning good people! Okay, so yesterday I actually went to bed at a decent hour... And I set the alarm to 9am... and I woke up from it and turned off the snooze.... And I just got up, and yes, it's 11:30am.
Then I came straight to the couch, and curled up in my blanket, and now I'm totally chillin...!
What are y'all gonna do today? I don't really have any plans. Back to work next week.... Can't remember if it's on Tuesday or Wednesday... Oh well, time will tell...!
Hey, do you ever remember what you dream? I can't remember what I was dreaming last night, but it sort of feels like I'm in a dream state of mind. If I close my eyes and concentrate I could probably remember parts of it. Do you ever feel like a dream can change you or change how you feel? -I do. It can be as simple as dreaming that I've been to a concert with for example Gavin DeGraw, and the next day I feel a very very strong need to listen to his music. It also happens if I'm dreaming that I meet someone. Either a celebrity or someone I actually know. I have met quite a few celebs in my dreams. ツ One recurring is Matthew Gubler, I just find him totally irresistible. Even more so, if I had a dream about him. An annoying thing though, is that sometimes I dream that a person I know is very mean to me... And the next day I feel totally wierd about this person. Mostly cause all my dreams seem so damn real. Or if someone did something nice for me I want to go and thank that person... It's just wierd. Most annoying thing so far was that I had a dream about my ex (we all have'em...both exes and dreams)... I dreamt he was being so nice to me, but I don't think that's gonna happen ever again... But when I woke up I felt totally strange, and I wanted to see if it was true. But thankfully I came to my senses pretty fast, and didn't do anything about it. But sometimes I wish I could just hit a "NO dreams tonight, thank you" button, before I go to sleep. Wouldn't that be something?
OH! I dreamt something about a carrot cake last night. I remember that part now, and I have BAD munchies for piece of carrot cake right now... See! Dreams are messed up!
Oh well, enough philosophy for now. I gotta go get this day started!
I'm not gonna get one of those... no. Hopefully, I'll get a full refund for my crappy phone I have right now, and if I do, I'm gonna buy me a Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro. That's right! :)
CHECK! ㋛ I'm all done, didn't fall asleep in the washing machine! Only had 3 loads... And I didn't want to wait for the last load in the dryer, so I brought it all up to my apartment, and I'm now using pretty much all areas possible as a laundry hanger, dryer, thingie...
Inventive, huh :)
Oh, how I love my himmelsäng, which according to google translate is called poster bed... Does anyone here have a clue as to WHY that is ? I don't think it makes any sense, really...
...Have you lit a candle yet? Sure hope ya would :)
Btw, don't you (people in Sweden) think it's kind of bizarre that they're showing both United 93 and World Trade Center today on TV... Isn't that just a tad insensitive?
Oh well... I guess it would be a bigger deal if they showed them on TV in the states... But really it shouldn't be allowed. There are 364 other days to chose from!
Gosh, I'm so tired, it's ridiculous... and I'm so happy! That means I just have to try and stay awake for a few more hours, then I'm gonna sleep through the whole night, like a normal person :)
...Heck, it might be sooner than a few hours.
Here's me, wishing y'all a good night! And I dedicate it to Dakota and Bo (Texas)! I miss you tons!
Oh yeah, and I cannot get enough of Pepsi Max - limited edition - Wild baobab flavor - It's yumm!
Only half an hour to go before I take on the mountain (of laundry).
It's not THAT bad though.. just a small peak.
I just got back from the store. The weather outside is anything but uplifting.
Oh, and as I was waiting for the bus to take me back home I saw this guy in one of them electric wheel chairs. (Permobil in Swedish, and according to google translate it's the same in English, but the spelling check when I write here doesn't agree)... Anyway, you know how Batman has his Bat-mobile... Well, this guy's electric wheel chair was like his smoke-mobile... He drove up to people asking for a cigarette... And then he asked another person, and another and another... and people kept giving him cigarettes (Waited for the bus for about 20 minutes, he managed to get quite a few of them ciggs!).
I don't know... My imagination went sky high, and I invented smoke-man and his smoke-mobile in my head...
Not a very good idea though. Smoking is bad.
As a matter of fact, Roberta has made an anti-smoking video... I might upload it tonight! ツ
Anyway... I bought skorpor today. I just checked it on google translate and it translated skorpor to biscuits... I guess we can add skorpor to the list of special Swedish words (lagom, fika, knäckebröd).
Well, I wouldn't call the biscuits anyway... To me a biscuit is really sweet!
Aaah, those who search will find!
I googled skorpor in the search thingie, and apparently they're called Krisprolls (Have you ever heard of that?)
I got this kind:
Found this picture through google, and it came from THIS website;
Butik Hemlängtan (Boutique Homesick) (Aaawh!)
How cool is this!?
Sure, the prices are insane, but it's like a security blanket for a Swede!
Oh yeah, I just realized I'm climbing Mt. Laundry today! Isn't that just... *sigh*
Sure I actually NEED to, but I just cannot find the energy to do it.
Good thing it's not until 4pm... And I have the last 'laundry shift' today, so I don't need to think about stressing to be done for the next person... That next person will start 8am tomorrow... And I WILL be done by then!
...If I don't update here after 4pm, you'll know I fell asleep in the laundry room.
I fell asleep around 4:30am this morning.. Set the alarm at 10:00am... And apparently it had been ringing for 20 minutes before I noticed it. Talk about wanting to sleep!
I ended up getting up at around 11:30am... And I feel like a zombie...!
I don't really have any plans for today...
I need to go to Coop and do some grocery shopping.. "yay".
Maybe I should try and take a nap at "normal" hours today. 5pm-9pm wasn't such a good idea.
Don't forget to light a candle today! (see previous post!) ツ
It has been nine years since 2,996 innocent people were killed...
Nine years since the lives of millions were affected forever...
And I still ask why?...Why does there have to be so much hatred and violence in this world? Why does a human being feel the need to put this hate into actions and not even care that so many innocent lives are taken, and millions more affected forever?
New York, N.Y. (Sept. 13, 2001) -- A New York City fire fighter looks up at what remains of the World Trade Center after its collapse during a Sept. 11 terrorist attack.
U.S. Navy Photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Jim Watson.
When will this ever end?
How did it evolve to this? September 11th was just the beginning...
For example, how many school shootings over the world hasn't there been in the last couple of years?
And many claim it's because they were bullied? I know, even the bullies has evolved...
But I was bullied all my years in school... It even started in kindergarten.
But you're supposed to get past it.
You're supposed to get past it.
What goes through the mind of a person who decides to take a gun to school and kill students and teachers?
How can that be considered a solution?
I ask all of you to light a candle in memory of those innocent people who were killed that day, and all other days, all over the world. Light a candle for those who have lost someone in their life to the cruelty of this world.
And let us hope that some day there will be an end to all of this. An end that is good. An end that is the start of a new beginning.
Why am I writing in English, and why are some posts in Swedish ?
Okay, it's like this:
❀ I had another blog before this one, where I wrote in Swedish, and when I shut that one down, to start this one, I copied some of the entries to this blog.
❀ I express myself a lot better in English, I don't know why. I've had the English language around me since I was born basically, with my relatives and all, and I developed an interest for English very early!
I'm not kidding, sometimes I have a hard time finding the Swedish word, and sometimes I use English when I'm talking to my friends (cause some things makes a lot more sense when said in English), probably drives them crazy, but ey, that's just who I am! ツ
❀ I have many friends and relatives in different places in the world, and I want them to be able to read my blog as well, and that's another important reason why I'm writing in English!
❀ Now that I have this fundraiser for Tumshangilieni mtoto in Kenya I can reach a bigger audience, since I'm writing in English. Sure it's harder for people to help out when they're from another country, but it's not impossible!
I went to E-center and talked to the staff at Sko punkten, Engelbrektsboden and Ekohallen:-. I'll know more next week, but they did seem interested in working with me on my project! We'll see what happens!
I'm gonna make flyers and print out that I can leave with the stores later on!
Containing my contact information, and some info about the project and the account number to my bank giro. Hopefully I'll have it on Monday!
And when I have THAT I'll put up the flyers at work. I bought two, so I'll put up one here in Malmö and one in Copenhagen. And then I'll write an e-mail to all the staff...
Oh I hope something good will come of all this. I hope I'll be able to help the kids even more this time.
I'm even gonna contact my flight company, can't remember which one it is, but I'll ask them to sponsor me with two bags... Right now I'm only allowed to bring one bag, BUT 30 Kilos, so it's still A LOT!
Gotta build up them muscles! ㋡
..Yah! How you like them apples? (Can't get it out of my head, hehe) ʘ‿ʘ
I recently got back from Panduro hobby... I got the posters I needed.
When I got home I decided I have had enough of my phone. My Nokia 6700. I had it for like a day then I had to send it to a repair place... when I got it back I had to send it back again the next day cause the same problem was still there.
Then they sent me a new one... and Sure the old problem went away... But a new one of course took its place. *Sigh*
Now the back cover is loose... and I decided it's not gonna bother me... But now I've had it!
I called the place where I got it and they said they will contact Nokia for me... and hopefully, hopefully I'll get my money back... It sucks, cause I really like the phone otherwise, and I've always liked Nokia better than Ericsson...
Oh well...
I'm gonna go out for a while... I'll be back later!
...Okay now I'm number 85, so it's moving pretty fast, but it's just a big fun-sucker.
I fell asleep around 5am... and got up at around 11:30... I am so friggin' tired!
Suuuure hope I'll be able to go to bed earlier tonight...
Oh! By the way! Yesterday my friend D, gave me a little samlpe bag of the new O'boy Limited Edition Daim flavour. I had it this morning for breakfast... and I have to say, it was quite yuckie!
I think I'm just gonna stick to the O'boy (which is chocolate powder to be mixed with milk, for those of you who don't know) with no added sugar. It's the best one. It tastes just like O'boy did when I was a kid!
Have you also noticed that they have put more sugar in just about EVERYTHING since "back in the day" when we were young?! It WAS better... back in the day! ツ
...Number 56 in line.. *Yawn*
Well, when I'm done on the phone I'm gonna get ready to go out... I'm gonna get the stuff I need to make the posters today at Panduro Hobby.
Having trouble watching the videos posted to this blog ?
This could be caused by two things!
☆One: You don't have Flash Player on your computer; which is required to be able to watch these videos. You can download Flash Player [HERE] fast and easy, and best of all; for free! ✓
☆Two: Some videos are uploaded to my blog via Facebook. I have checked all of them (at least I think I have), and they are all set to "Visible by everyone" on my Facebook settings. IF I have forgotten one, you'll probably find a message saying something like "this video is set to private", I don't really know, cause it hasn't happened yet.
But if this happens, let me know and I will investigate it a.s.a.p! But I am also using YouTube, and the ones I have uploaded so far are set to public and working as far as I can tell! ✓
It's past midnight, and I'm still up... I really want to be tired and sleep, cause I don't like the fact that I'm too tired to get up before 10am!
But tomorrow I'm going down town to pick up stuff for the posters I'm gonna put up at work, asking my dear co-workers to help me help Shangilia! ヅ
...Are you awake too? Insomnia? Why are you up? Do you have any tips or ideas about what I can do?
I've tried tea... Doesn't help. I've tried going to bed forcing myself to sleep. Doesn't work. I've tried making myself tired by watching TV, interesting as well as boring stuff... Doesn't work. I've tried beating the crap out of my boxing bag... Just makes me even more awake... Besides, can't do that right now anyway... Don't want to risk waking up the neighbors...
Okay, so I just spent the last hour filling up my very first mp3 player with all kinds of music.
I'm going to give it to my princess Gracie. The reason she gets the "oldest one" is cause it runs on AAA batteries... which means I can buy her a big supply of batteries as well!
All the new mp3 players, you have to charge them via computer or wall socket...Which isn't possible for her at the children's home.
It's only 256MB (can you imagine!?), but I fit 47 songs on there! I've selected them carefully! And of course I saved them to a playlist on my computer, so that I can play my Gracie playlist ヅ
Oh! I got the package from the US today! I ordered two shirts on, but they don't deliver to Sweden so I had them sent to my cousin in L.A. and then she sent them to me! ヅ
One of the shirts, which I totally love, size M, was a little too big, but I'm sure I'll shrink it when I wash it... It's bound to happen! :P
Okay, I'm so so so full of ideas right now! It's crazy!
I went to talk to Handelsbanken today, and they are so awesome! They're gonna sponsor me with a [bank giro] (tell me, is that the correct English word too? According to Google translate it is).
I will find out what the account number is next week and then I'll post it a.s.a.p. And you'll probably see a lot of it on the blog until I leave for Kenya cause I hope to gather at least 10 000 SeK. (You gotta keep your goals high, right?)
I mean in 05/06 a local Rotary club sponsored that project with 20 000 SeK!
I'm gonna put up posters at work like I did last yeah, and I'll make flyers and hand out to people on the street and local businesses. I'll also do my best to contact the local Rotary foundation here and see if they can help, as well as the one that helped back in 05/06!
I'll also do my best to expose my blog as much as I can all over the internet! Which means, I need YOUR help too!
Please send this message out to every one you know! I need as much help as possible!
If you don't live in Sweden, you could check with your bank in your country and ask how
to transfer money to my bank giro account, OR you could send via Western Union, but via bank giro is better since Western Union charge you for wiring money. Or just contact me and we'll figure something out.
HELP ME help the kids at Tumshangilieni mtoto in Kenya!
Jambo tena!
Yes, hello again!
I just wanted to let you all know that I will have sort of a fundraiser dedicated to the kids at the children's home [Tumshangilieni mtoto] in Nairobi.
I will put up posters at work and if YOU want to contribute, all contributions, big or small are welcome, write a comment on any post in the [2010 Kenya] category and I will contact you a.s.a.p. Don't forget to write your email!
Last year when I went to Kenya I had a fundraiser at work as well, and many of my friends chipped too!
I got about 3000 Swedish, to bring to the children's home.
One of the teachers gave me a list on what they needed and I went ti different markets and got them most of what they needed. I also arranged for the younger girls to spend an afternoon at my hostel, where they also have the community swimming pool, which also included transport and snacks.
1. 2. 3.
Picture one: My friend Mary (black dress) and I are walking together with the girls in Kangemi, on our way to the matatus to go to YMCA!
Picture two: The girls are enjoying candy and cookies and a lemonade that turned their lips and tongue very very reddish-pink.
Picture three: The poor girls were freezing so much as we were waiting for the matatu to pick us up!
I also bought a lot of yarn for the kids and taught them to make bracelets. They absolutely loved it! And they all got very good at it!
1. 2. 3.
Picture one, two and three: The girls are doing such a good job! Even the boys liked making bracelets. They kept asking me for JAMAICA colors! ヅ
I just ordered my tickets to Kenya!! I'm going back!! :D
I'll leave on November 13th and I'll go back on November 30th! I can't wait!!! ヅ It's going to be so so wonderful to see my kids again at Shangilia! (Who by the way changed their name to: [Tumshangilieni mtoto] which means "lets rejoice for the child".
Okay, so I never officially went to bed.... I'm suffering from major insomnia... But that did lead to something good! I went to Spotlife's homepage and applied for a membership... Who knows, maybe I'll get a call one of these days cause they want me to join their cool gang ? ヅ
Oh well, I'm gonna try to get some sleep now, I sure could use it...! Sucks! Earlier today I could hardly keep my eyes open...and now they're like... GLUED-friggin'-open! ...Big fat bugger...!
Well, once again my sweet peaches, good night, I hope you're all sleeping already. More tomorrow! (...or later today to be exact).
Ps. My thoughts goes out to my friends and relatives in NZ. All my love to you! Ds.
When I first saw it... I mean for the very first time, I thought it was so incredibly lame... But then again, that's probably cause I saw it in baby pink (euww!!)... But I want THIS one!!!
It is so so so cool!!!
Well, I'm not gonna buy it now... can't afford it... But maybe for x-mas? *hint hint*
Well there you go! Now both Rome and London are done! Not bad ey?
I have realized something though...
When I went to Kenya and Venezuela I kept like a diary, even if I didn't have internet access, I got a book and wrote down what I did every day, whom I met and details about things I did...
Now that I uploaded the Rome and London posts... I realized I don't remember much... I have the pictures, but I can't remember where certain places are, or when I met the people I met, and how much it cost to do certain things... So, from now on, whenever I'm on the road, I'm gonna keep a diary... or day log, if you will...
I just love going back and reading about my previous trips... Very nice to have as I'm walking down memory lane...!
And that is a very important tip to you as well!
Even if you don't keep a blog, DO write down what you've done during the day, write about the people you meet and the places you visit. If nothing else it's a really nice thing to read when you want to go back to the awesome time you spent... Where ever you spent it!
Who knows, maybe your kids, or even grandkids will read it one day and you can tell them all about it as you go through your words!
This post is all about the markets and shopping... Awesome, I know ヅ
Enjoy! And just hit me up if you have any questions! I'll do my best to answer!
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Picture one: The Borough market is a wholesale and retail food market in Southwark, South East London. It is definitely worth a visit! It is one of the largest food markets in the world, and sells a large variety of foods from all over the world! Even though you don't plan on buying anything there, it is still very interesting to just walk among all the stands and smell the fish! ヅ
Picture two: Borough Market. The wholesale market operates on all weekday mornings from 2 a.m. to 8 a.m., but the retail market operates only on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fridays from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Picture three: Lost in Borough market ? Follow the signs! ヅ
Picture five: Chapel Market! I absolutely loved this market! There are lots of things to look at; from jewelry, bags and clothes to fish and vegetables! It is open every day except Monday, operating in the mornings only on Thursday and Sunday. The market is only 2-3 blocks long.
I bought 2 pairs of pants and I absolutely love them. (I'll try to remember and put them up here too later on!)
The guy who sold them was so nice! When I bought the first pair he said I'd be back for more. (I was like; uh... yahh, sure, dude). But I wore the pants that evening and I immediately said I had to go back to get another pair... and I did :)
Take the Subway to ANGEL station, and then it's walking distance from there!
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Picture one:The Camden Market! This was my absolute favorite place in the whole of London. BEST shopping ever! I spent SO many hours here! Both because I loved it, but also cause it never ends!! The first day I went through this market, but the next day I found another one right next to it, and another one, and another one! Me likey! ヅ Oh, and be sure to bring your haggle skills! You can get stuff really cheap if you're good at it! I had lots of practice in Kenya so I did good!ヅ
Picture two: Clothes, clothes and more clothes! Everything from Goth, Rave and Hippie style, to "ordinary" ヅ
Picture three: More of Camden Town ヅ
Picture four: Camden town. Obviously this is where you get off the subway if you want to go shopping at Camden market! ヅ
Picture five: This is where I got my nose pierced! The woman who did it was so sweet! So if you want to get something pierced you should go to her. Although, you do have LOTS of places to choose from. Same with tattoos. The tattoo studios are all over the place! Me likey!
Picture six: I bought my super cool green hat here ヅ
Picture seven: Camden Town!
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4. 5. 6.
Picture one:Stables Market! At the end of Camden Town, you have Stables market on your left side.. And yeah, it's huge! ヅ You have huge selections of clothes, jewelry, accessories and all kinds of food! It smells incredible, and you won't be able NOT to eat while you're there!
Many of the places have free samples... so you could just go around the entire market and pick up samples... I assure you you will be satisfied!ヅ
Picture two: Stables Market. You have a top floor, middle floor (in this picture it is the way down to the middle floor) and ground floor... It took me some time to find them all, but if you have the time, don't stress...Just walk around and enjoy! ヅ
Picture three: Stables Market.
Picture four: Stables Market.
Picture five: Horse Tunnel Market, another part of Stables market. Lots of vintage stores! ヅ
Picture six: The prices here are more fixed than haggle-able (stables & horse tunnel)... but you can always try ヅ
1. 2.3.
Picture one: I love the way they think.
Picture two: One more of Camden Town, heaven on earth.
Picture three: Oh yeah, if you're in the mood for a swede...or a spanish...
You can buy them here!ヅ
And before I end this post, here's a picture of London's Subway map. It's really quite easy to get around, both with subway and bus!
OH! before I forget, if you're gonna be in London for at least a week, do buy the weekly card for the public transport. It's a lot cheaper than day passes... I'm sure they have like a London pass as well, that gives you even more discounts. I never got that there though.
But if you get a weekly card you need a picture (ID size)! Only you will be able to use it.
Well, okay, I'm sure anyone can use it, but you might get busted when they do random checks on the subway stations.
Damn, my couch has never been this comfortable...! True story!
Well... I don't really have any news to share, I just wanted to drop in and say hello. I'll probably update about England soon. I just have a few things to deal with first...!
Oh, and by the way, I'm still not telling what kind of piercing I'm getting! *Shhhh*!
You'll see on the 24th! ヅ
Oh, and I've realized that my new layout look different on other computers...
For my entry headers I use a font called DREAM ORPHANS, and I really like it!
But I guess you have to download the font and install it in Word to be able to watch my blog properly ?
You can download it (free) HERE (among 1000 other cool fonts!)
Right, now I'm on my way south again... It sure was a quick visit, but I really feel like crap today...I just wanna go home and lay down on my couch and not move at all for the rest of the day... Now that sounds like a gooooood plan!
I'm on the train, we just reached Landskrona... And we're like 20 minutes delayed... I don't mind... But damn, a lot of people DO mind...
Well, the internet connection sucks out here, so I'll just update more when I get home! Take care for now!
Okay, so, now I'm on the train between Malmö and Helsingborg... As I took the bus down to the train station, there was a very very good looking guy on the bus... I have to say good looking, cause I find the word hot, totally unflattering unless the situation demands it :P And this situation didn't...! And I can't say he was cute either, cause that would be an understatement... ...Anyway, I'm gonna try to get to my point...!
As I was standing there, secretly looking at him... I wanted to go up to him and tell him that he's really good looking... And I said to myself, if gets off at the Central station, I will tell him. But he ended up getting off ONE stop before... Oh well...
And now, my question is: How would you react if a total stranger came up to you and complimented you?
I've been thinking about this quite a few times, and for me, I have to say I would be very happy if someone did that to me. It has even happened a few times, and I remember feeling like, that made my day!
I mean if you really think someone is good looking, fine, hot or even cute, why not tell them? Who knows! Maybe the person is having a bad day, and those kinds words from a stranger is just what the person need to have the day turn around... Or, the person thinks you're really hot too, and you end up getting a date out if it ? OR! He returns the favor later on, and feels confident to give a nice comment to someone else?!
Seriously! There are so many bad things happening in this world, so why not try and make it better, by starting small like this and just say something nice every once in a while?
I'm greeting you from over here, on the other side of the internet!
And this morning I'm missing New York, a lot! I sure do miss the shopping....! ♥
I'm almost ready to go out... I'm gonna go to Helsingborg today. I'm feeling incredibly tired already, so I probably won't be out that long.
Yesterday I discovered something very annoying... You know what that was? ...No of course not!
Anyway... I absolutely LOVE the TV show Strong Medicine. It's totally awesome. And there are six seasons of this show... but only O-N-E is available on DVD... WHY?? THAT DVD, Season 1, was released in 2006...You'd think they'd have another one ready by now ?
How did you like the first post of London, btw ?
I'm gonna try to post more later tonight... If I have the energy... It's not looking good, as of right now anyway...
Okay, so! I went to London in May this year and I have to say it is a very nice city to visit in the spring/early summer.
I went to visit a former (so called) friend, and since this person is not worth mentioning, I'll just share the good memories I have, along with my pictures! Enjoy! ヅ
The tower of London
Picture one: I went on the Tower of London tour! It was great! This picture is taken with my actual camera that I brought with me to England... The other pictures from the tour are taken with my cell phone camera... Since of course, I forgot my camera that day... "Weee..."
Picture two: The awesome tour guide! Cannot remember what his name is, but I do remember it was his very first tour! And he did a great job! It's amazing how much stuff you must know to be a tour guide there! It's not exactly a short tour! ヅ
Picture three: Go Yeoman Warder! Go! ヅ
Picture four:The Traitor's gate. The History of the Tower of London is bloody and cruel and Traitor's Gate has its part to play in its story. The water-gate under St Thomas's Tower has been known for over 400 years as 'Traitors' Gate' because of the number of prisoners, accused of treason, who have passed through it.
There were tons of coins on the bottom! ヅ
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Picture one: "This wall in the Tower of London forms part of the west side of the original bailey. It was built between 1221 and 1238 during hte reign of Henry III to replace earlier defenses constructed by William the Conquerer. The slope at the base of the wall forms part of the defensive ditch believed to date from the 11th Century."
If you look really close you can see a raven sitting on the edge in the big hole!
Picture two: The ravens of the Tower of London. Seven ravens are in permanent residence in the Tower of london; their wings are clipped, so they can't fly away... According to a superstition from the time of Charles II claims that when there are no longer ravens in the tower, both the White tower and the kingdom will fall.
Picture three: The Old Hospital Block, built in the 18th century.
Picture four: This is the very spot where Henry VIII got two of his wives beheaded. ("Riiight, the fat dude, who invented divorce").
All together seven people were executed here, five of them were women.
Picture five: On tour ヅ Almost by the Crown jewels! Where no cameras were allowed...!
Picture six: Jewel House, where the Crown jewels are kept. The Crown Jewels denotes the regalia and vestments worn by the sovereign of the United Kingdom during the coronation ceremony and at other state functions. The jewels refers to the following objects: the crowns, sceptres (with either the cross or the dove), orbs,swords, rings, spurs, colobium sindonis, dalmatic, armill, and the royal robe or pall, as well as several other objects connected with the ceremony itself.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Picture one: London Bridge.
Picture two: London Eye.
Picture three: Trafalgar square. Really liked this place. It was very cozy to just sit on the steps, have something to drink and people watch! ヅ
Picture four: Fifteen!! I found Jamie Oliver's restaurant! Unfortunately he wasn't thereヅ. Jamie Oliver for president!
Picture five: Notting Hill. It was so nice to just walk around there... The houses were so cute!
There's a market around there too (Portobello Road Market), but it's just open once a week (Sundays). And of course I missed it...!
Picture six: The Globe theatre. It was built in 1599 by Shakespeare's playing company, the Lord Chamberlain's Men, and was destroyed by fire on June 29th 1613. A second Globe Theatre was built on the same site by June 1614 and closed in 1642.
A modern reconstruction of the Globe, named "Shakespeare's Globe", opened in 1997 approximately 230 metres (750 ft) from the site of the original theatre.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Picture one: Phone boothsヅ
Picture two: Me on the millennium bridge!
Picture three: St. Paul's Cathedral seen from the Millennium bridge. It is the seat of the Bishop of London.
Picture four: Me and my awesome friend Chidde. He lives in London!
Picture five: Be sure to mind the gap, please! This "phrase", mind the gap, can even be found on thongs... A bit too much if you ask meヅ
Picture six: Oh, yeah, KEEP LEFT! I don't know how many times I almost got run over by a car cause I looked the wrong way as I was crossing the street...! Talk about learning the hard way! ヅ
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Pictute one: GINGER BEER! This brand of ginger beer was the best I've ever tasted! WAY better than ginger ale! Why, oh, why, can't they sell this kind in Sweden??
Picture two: Of COURSE, I saw BIG Ben, while in London! :) Took the classic picture!
Picture three:Parliament Square is a square outside the northwest end of the Palace of Westminster in London. It features a large open green area in the middle, with a group of trees to its west.
Popular demonstration spot!
Picture four: The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster (Westminster Abbey).
It is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English, later British and later still (and currently) monarchs of the Commonwealth Realms.
Picture five: Inside Westminster Abbey. We weren't really supposed to take any pictures here, but I managed to take this one with my camera.
Picture six: This is also inside Westminster Abbey, but this picture is taken with my cellphone... I wanted to be a bit more discrete...
4. 5. 6.
Picture one: One more picture inside Westminster Abbey. It sure was amazing.
Picture two:Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch. I only went there once, that night... And no, I didn't try to make the Queen's guard laugh...!
Picture three: Memorial statue of Queen Victoria.
Picture four: Call me a dork, YES I love Harry Potter! ヅ
Picture five: View from the Millennium bridge.
Picture six: Mama Mia playing! I wanted to go see it, but I was still satisfied from watching it in NYC last year :)
Maybe next time!
Well, this is it for now... THe next update will be about the different markets I went to! :)
Where did Roberta come from? And what happened at the therapist today?
(You need FLASH PLAYER to look at the videos in this post. Free download HERE)
Roberta is back in business!!
Oh, that's right... You have no clue who Roberta is, do you ?
Well, let me tell you how it all began!
My friend Shelly, whom I met in Rome this year, she's working on cruise ships in the Caribbean (I know, how awesome is that!?). SHe told me to apply to the company she works for, Carnival Cruise Lines... What like DUH! of course I did!
My only problem with the application was that when I was going to upload my application video (required) it didn't friggin' work!
So I just sent them a short text, and told them I have a video as well... But it didn't work to upload, but I would be happy to send it some other way...
...But I think it was one of those automatic replies, saying they don't need any new staff at the moment... Bugger!
Anyway, I wanted my video to stand out, and be remembered... Which is the point of these things anyway, right ?
well, okay... stand out in a good way, that is...!
...And instead of sitting in front of my webcam just talking about myself, I let R
oberta introduce me...!
Here's my application video:
Awesome video, ey? ヅ
Well, that's how Roberta came to life! And many of my friends thought it was a really funny thing to do with an application video, and I mean Roberta, she was a hit!
So! Now she's back...! BACK from the therapist....
Apparently there might be some sexuality confusion issues... (Doh!):
I will try to make at least a weekly update from the Life of Roberta, and I hope you'll like it!
Good morning everyone! (Good afternoon, to all you early birds!)
I set my alarm to 10am this morning... Buuuuut I must have turned it off in my sleep cause I got up at 12:30pm!
Sure it felt good to really sleep in for once... But now I feel like a mashed potato in my head.
However, here's my good morning/afternoon greeting to you all:
YouCam can be fun at times!
Well, I don't really know what this day awaits me... I wish I had errands to run or something important to do... It would be easier to get up from my comfy couch that way!
I am entitled to be tired though. Rich kept me up until 3am on Skype. But it was really good to talk to that goof ball again ヅ
Sweet picture ヅ
Oh, I'm listening to Gavin DeGraw right now... Full volume on the TV... I wish he could get over here again. I want to go to his concert again. I remember when he played "I don't wanna be" at the concert in Copenhagen... The whole crowd sang along, and it was just so beautiful... I got chills!!
Getting my CD signed after the concert ヅ
Opening act: Jack Savoretti - AMAZING!!!
Followed by Gavin DeGraw... Fantastic!!
NEW! Here's a video from when he sang "I don't wanna be", at 2:40 the crowd's singing along:
Well, that was a nice trip down memory lane...! ヅ
BUT! Now I need to go on with my lazy day... And un-lazy it!
I'll update again later tonight! Who knows, maybe I'll even start with the England upload?! ヅ
OR! I might tell you what kid of piercing I'm getting at my next salary...?
Maybe, maybe, maybe...!
What are you gonna do today? Or have you already been productive?
I thought to put the party pictures and the picture that doesn't really include any Roman history... just awesome people having an awesome time... in a post of its own. Nice, ey? ヅ
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3. 4.
Picture one: Dear, dear Ben. The coolest Assie with scary likeness with Stifler from America Pie, but most of all Colin Frissell from Love Actually. It's insane! "And I've got a biiiig knooooob" became sort of a standard at the hostel! ヅ
Oh! And that gross thing that he's holding... Vegemite... tastes like... salt, salty crap. But apparently it's "the real deal" back in Aussie land.
Picture two: Em, Me, Ben and Rich at Pop Inn Hostel common room. It was such an awesome hostel!! (I totally fell for the hostel judging by its website! Haha).
Picture three: Rich and Em are chasing pigeons.... Enough said. ヅ
Picture four: Dominique and I at a restaurant close to the Coliseum... Can't remember what it's called or where it is exactly... so... Yah.
Picture one: Group shot in the common room at the hostel. The staff are the sweetest! They bought snacks for us while we were hanging out there! Good times! ヅ
Picture two: Em and Ben, first stop on our PUB CRAWL! The adorable Claire kept an eye on us all night! ヅ
Picture three: Barclay is enjoying himself! ヅ
Picture four: Ben is showing off his pole dancing skills! He was rocking it hard!
3. 4.
Picture one: At this place I got the yummiest non alcoholic drink I've ever tasted! Yah, that's right! I was sober all night! ヅ
Picture two: Some cops came for a visit, it was all good.. We started a trend by taking pictures with them. They must have felt like Back street boys back in the day or something ヅ
Picture three: Barclay & Roger, two really sweet American guys, and DAMN Barclay could dance!
Picture four: Rich and I and Sophie in the background. Started off with me and Rich, then me, Rich and Sophie...
3. 4.
Picture one: Then me, Rich, Claire, Diego, guy 1 and guy 2 (sorry dudes!)....
Picture two:...Then the whole friggin' gang! AWESOME! ヅ
Picture three: Y.M.C.A ftw! ヅ
Picture four: Awh, chucks, Roger! ヅ
Well, consindering how many pictures I have from this night, and none of them are blurry, I think that is proof enough that I actually WAS sober that night! ヅ
...Then again... I'm allergic to alcohol... so what ya gonna do?
Picture one: When you've covered the Coliseum you should walk over to Areo di Tito and Palatino, which is included in your Coliseum ticket. his picture is taken from the walk over there. Mighty, ey ? ヅ
Adults: €11, 18-24 years: €6,50, under 18 and over 65 years: Free
The opening hours vary throughout the year, so be sure to check it out before you go!
Picture two: Acro di Tito and Palatino. Walk among amazing ruins! This place is included in your Coliseum ticket and for sure worth a visit!
It's not really marked out what the different ruins once were, so just let your imagination flow! It's more fun that way too ヅ
Picture three:Acro di Costantino, by night! Located on the square by the Coliseum. It's pretty ヅ
Picture four: Sunset at the Coliseum. We were going to a restaurant close by the Coliseum one night and it was an amazing sunset. Rome sure is fantastic!
Picture one: What is there to say ? When in Rome! ヅ Found this on a wall close to the Coliseum!
Picture two:Via Appia Antica. This was the most important road to get to Rome from the south, you know, back in the day. ヅ
We were going to the Catacombs of San Callisto. Among the (more than) 60 catacombs surrounding Rome the Catacombs of San Callisto are particularly important because of its extent and its depth, the large number of tombs, inscriptions and paintings of the diversity and richness, papal crypts and other martyr's crypts.
It was both interesting and boring to be honest! It was kind of creepy going under ground like that, being surrounded by tombs... But the air was very bad down there, and the lady who were supposed to be an English speaking guide... well... Her accent was so terrible, it was almost impossible to hear what she said. I can't remember what we paid for it, but it wasn't worth it. And we weren't allowed to take any pictures under ground OR in the surrounding areas, which was actually quite beautiful.... But at least I could take pictures of Via Appia... ヅ
Picture three: Campo dé Fiori (Field of flowers or the square of flowers). This little cozy square is an open spot between Piazza Farnese and Corso Vittorio Emanuele II. Before noon every day a market is held here, and it is absolutely worth a visit! They have everything from flowers, meat, fish to fruit and vegetables and pasta, pesto and olive oil! And in the evening it's a cosy place to just hang out and relax.
There are several pubs around too, and there are plenty of people going around wanting you to join them for a Pub crawl - which is awesome by the way (more of that later) ヅ.
And to share some gross history about this place; the square was sometimes used for executions (but the most common execution location in Rome was close to Ponte Sant'Angelo.
Picture four:Area Sacra di Largo Argentina, by night! ヅ
This is a square that hosts four Republican Roman temples, and the remains of Pompey's Theater. It is located in the ancient Campus Martius.
Julius Caesar was killed on the steps of the Theatre of Pompey, and the spot he was believed to be assassinated is in the square.
And there are TONS of stray cats all over that area... F.Y.I ヅ
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3. 4.
Picture one:This is me and my friend Kintu!!ヅ We met 2006 in Kenya! He stayed in the room next door to mine at YMCA hostel! It was so so nice to meet up with him again, and in Rome of all places! ヅ
Kintu, Em, Rich and I went to a great restaurant one evening... And I can not remember what it's called, or even where it is (well, okay, it's in Rome!)... So, sorry!ヅ
Picture two: Rich, Em and I are out and about exploring the city!ヅ
Picture three: Colonna Traiana is a Roman triumphal column, which commemorates Roman emperor Trajan's victory in the Dacian Wars. The structure is about 30 meters (98 ft) in height, 35 meters (125 ft) including its large pedestal.
The shaft is made from a series of 20 colossal Carrara marble drums, each weighing about 32 tons.
The freestanding column is most famous for its spiral bas relief, that artistically describes the epic wars between the Romans and Dacians(101–102 and 105–106). Its design has inspired numerous victory columns, both ancient and modern.
Picture four: I took this picture while strolling around in the Sistine Chapel. Gorgeous, huh ? ヅ
I'm sitting in my comfortable couch, looking at pictures from my times in Kenya... Gosh I miss Gracie...
She's my beautiful little princess... And I really wish she could be legally mine too. I wanna be her mama ヅ
This picture is from 2006, the first time I met her. She was 3 years old. And she found her place in my heart right away. My baby girl ♥
My friend Cili just left... It was really good to spend some time with her. I'm gonna miss her so so much when I start school up north... Not being able to see her when ever I want...
I can't believe I'm gonna apply for schools NEXT Wednesday!! It's so so soon! And I have to give up my apartment... I have to get all that sorted out this month too!!
No stress... My ass! :P
Well... I might upload more Rome later, but I'm gonna watch some more "What I like about you" first ヅ
Check it out!!! :)) I'm so glad I got the DVD's. I was in the store for like half an hour going back and forth trying to decide wether I should get it or not... But I did! And I'm glad! :))
I just got back from running my errands in town, and now I'm waiting for my friend Cili... We're gonna hang out, watch TV and eat... hmm... maybe I should get some food for us...!
Yes, this is my "good morning greeting" to you all...! When I HAVE BEEN sleeping it has been great.... But I've been waking up several times all night... I hate that. I miss sleeping through the whole night!
I just got a call from my doctor, and she said I'll be on sick leave until Sunday, so I start working like normal again next week. It's gonna be nice to have another week to gather my strength...
So, I'll be going to the doc's office to pick up my sick leave papers...
Other than that I don't really have any plans...
I do however need to clean up a bot around the apartment... It's amazing to me how messy it can look after just a day or so.. And all the dust bunnies!? They're getting down even more than actual bunnies...!
Oh! And you know that scale I told you about yesterday (at least I think I did)...I don't think it's working properly.. Since I've been pending like a kilo, a kilo and a half since I first tried it last night... and I've tried it three times... I doubt I gained/lost a kilo in like, what? 13 hours?
Aaaanywho... I'm gonna hit the shower and get this day started!
As promised; here's some more goodies from my trip to Rome with my friend Em in April this year! Enjoy! :)
Picture one: Piazza Colonna, which is a big square where the big street Via Del Corso is crossing with Largo Chigi and a bunch of other streets. Second day in Roma, exploring to the MAX! :)
Picture two: Via del Corso: ...Shopping!! Need I say more ?
Picture three: The Spanish steps, designed by Francesco de Sanctis (Italian), funded by a French diplomat and was named The Spanish steps because it is located very close to the Spanish Embassy - Completed in 1725. And located below the Spanish steps is the boat shaped Baraccia fountain (1627), attributed to Pietro Bernini (the father of famous Gian Lorenzo). Quite crowded, but I just loved it. I did expect it to be even bigger though, don't know why, but it sure was beautiful!
Picture four: I'm sitting on the very top of the Spanish steps. It was very hot that day, so walking all the way up was an accomplishment! But it's so so worth it. The view is AMAZING!
Picture one:Trattoria Ciro & Ciro - The BEST trattoria in Rome! You can find Trattoria Ciro & Ciro at Largo Chigi 5. I think their number is: 07474321002.
Picture two: This pizza is called Monte Bianco (€9), and it was so so soooo delicious!!! I could go back to Rome JUST to eat that pizza one more time!!
Picture three: The best getalo italioano in Rome: Gelateria/Caffetteria Mariotti. We read in one of our travel books about another ice cream place, which was famous for its ice cream.. I can't even remember what it's called. We tried it but were not impressed. Mariotti is the place to go!! But be careful when you order! I ended up paying about €8 for that little cup of ice cream (SO worth it though!). I got chocolate and mint. YUMM! Address: Via Agonale 5/7 (Piazza Navona). Phone number: 06-68136084
Picture four: Piazza Navona. This square is an icon of Rome and is located on the ruins of an antique arena, which was built by Domitiatus 86 a.d. Unfortunately there was a lot of scaffolding here as well, but there's a big fountain located on this square called Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (The fountain of the four rivers; the Nile, Ganges, Danube and Rio de la Plata). This square is so cozy! There are tons of restaurants to choose from, and as you walk by in the evening the head waiter of the restaurants are calling you, hoping you will dine at their restaurant, with different offers like "first drink free" or "bread basket, no charge"! Many artist gather at this square, and you can find amazing paintings here!
Picture one: Top row: Emelie, me, Shelly. Bottom row: Richard, Barclay. This awesome picture belongs to my dear friend Richard Kerr. He's an amazing photographer and such a sweet guy! We met at the hostel Pop Inn while staying in Rome and we spent a lot of time together exploring the Eternal City! :) This particular evening we decided to explore Rome by night and had so much fun doing it! And Rich could show off his awesome photographer skills!
Picture two: At the Colisseum! It was such a powerful thing to walk around there! But like almost all the rest of the city, even the Colisseum was covered in scaffolding... It's good that they are maintaining it though:) One thing that really bothered me while I was walking around there was that people had carved in, and written on the walls like "I love this person", "this person loves that person" and things like that, things that you find in public rest rooms.... NOT at the friggin' Colisseum!! People have no respect.
Unfortunately this seems to be all my computer is allowing me to upload at the moment. More pictures and more momories to come! :) Ciao!
Okay, so I actually did get my butt out of the couch today and I went to Ö&B to buy a scale...and I ended up buying to very cute photo albums as well...
And then I decided to buy ONE Ben&Jerry's Phish food...I just enjoyed a bowl... It was delicious! And that's it!
I'm gonna be on a "anything-I-don't-really-need-diet"... Today I turn in to a hamster! I'll eat what I have in my fridge and freezer... And will avoid going to the grocery store... And as much as it hurts.. I won't buy any Carlshamns mejeri Soy milk - chocolate flavor.... I love it... but it's unnecessary money!
Just giving a short update! I'm currently taking on my Swahili studies! When I went to Kenya last year I bought Swahili for beginners:
I never got around to start studying cause when I went back to Sweden it seemed like "why bother", it's not like I can use it here anyway! I know some short phrases and very basic stuff already that I picked up while I was in Kenya. And like every mzungu ever to visit Kenya, of course I know the Jambo bwana song :)
Jambo, Jambo Bwana, Hello, Hello Sir, Habari gani, How are you, Mzuri sana. Very fine.
Wageni, mwakaribishwa, Foreigners, you're welcome, Kenya yetu Hakuna Matata. In our Kenya there is no problem.
Kenya nchi nzuri, Kenya is a beautiful country, Hakuna Matata. There is no problem.
Nchi ya maajabu, A wonderful country Hakuna Matata. There is no problem.
Nchi yenye amani, A peaceful country, Hakuna Matata. There is no problem.
Hakuna Matata, There is no problem, Hakuna Matata. There is no problem.
Watu wote, Everybody, Hakuna Matata, There is no problem, Wakaribishwa, Are welcome, Hakuna Matata. There is no problem.
Hakuna Matata, There is no problem, Hakuna Matata There is no problem.
SO! Now I've ripped the CD's to my computer, and I will put them on my iPod, and soon I'll be speaking beginners Swahili... at best...! I do hope to return to Kenya in November-December (TAFADHALI!!!)... So now I'm gonna study Swahili, and save money like a hamster saves nuts... only I will keep my money in the bank... not in my mouth!
Okay, first things first! This is a pic of the awesome wallet I bought yesterday:
Björn Borg beauty! 349:- at Lundbergs väskor. A bit expensive, not normally what I would pay for a wallet, but it was love at first sight, and it was the last one they had, so it was destiny. I am SO happy I got it :))
Hmm, yeah, I'm still not telling you where I'm getting my next piercing...! You'll have to wait and see :)
I can't believe how tired I am still... I mean I did get to sleep all night... like 10 hours... But I feel like I could sleep for ten more!
I am SO in the mood for Ben & Jerry's Phish food right now too... But I'm too tired to get up... My couch is too damn comfortable ;)
I'm gonna get back to "What I like about you"... I'll let you know if I manage to get anywhere today, later on! Have a lovely Sunday!
Heeeeey, Finally at home...! I spent the day with E in the city. It was very nice! I changed my nose ring, to one that SO much more comfortable, and decided to get another piercing (when I get my September salary)... Where, you might ask? Haha, you're just gonna have to keep reading my blog, and find out!
When I got home I was so ridiculously tired that I went to sleep for an hour and a half... which made me more tired, but I had already made up my mind to meet up with D, L, J, his GF and her friend, M, and his GF, Em and U. Awesome company, but it sucked cause I just wasn't in for it... I was so tired, and it didn't matter that I drank 3 glasses of Pepsi, I just felt worse and worse... So at around 11:15pm I gave up and headed home... It is SO nice to be home now.... I still feel like crap, so I'm actually gonna turn in, but I just wanted to say hi before I do!
Tomorrow I'll show you what I bought today! Got the coolest wallet EVER! It was friggin' expensive, but I absolutely LOVE it!
Anyway! Peace and love to you all, and a very good night! MUAK
Okay, so now I'm waiting for my friend E to arrive from Lund. Just got up.. and I'm feeling like crap. Wish I could blame it on a hang over, but I can't :/ Bugger. Well, I need to hit the shower before she gets here, so I'm gonna have to be totally rude and leave you with these awesome quotes, and I'll update later!
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right"
Henry Ford
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man"
George Bernard Shaw
"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within"
Okaaay, so I didn't upload any Rome pics tonight... But I have been struggling with the l
ayout of the blog for the last couple of hours.... Insomnia = productivity in other areas.
Watching million dollar baby.... or well, it's on in the background. I'm just half watching it... But I do miss hitting my boxing bag...!
I just have to wait for my damn hand to heal up... Aaaand maybe not hit so hard the next time...
But where's the fun in that, if I can't give it my all and everything ? :)
Alright, now I'm on the train back to Malmö. Good thing too, cause I'm friggin' tired! Can't wait until I'm at home... Lying down in my lovely couch... And just chillin' the rest of the evening.
If I'm not too tired later I'll update more about Roma :)
Finally figured out how to make space between the rows, since I'm updating from my cell phone at the moment! :)
Catch y'all later!
Well, in April this year I went to Rome with my friend and co-worker Em. We had a blast, and it sure turned out to be an unexpected adventure on our way back! ....Yah, remember the good ol' volcano in Iceland that erupted and interrupted the whole world's flights...more or less anyway... Yah, we were kind of affected by that. First our plane was cancelled until the next day... and then the next week...! So yah, we were screwed. As it happens we both work with trains here in Sweden, so we talked to the train staff on the night train to Münich and fortunatelly I had my work ID with me, and even more fortunatelly we got to go on the train! It was PACKED though. We didn't get any seats until hours later! We got to share the floor with a bunch of other people. I didn't mind though. Of course I got the worst sinus infection from hell...! Wasn't all that fun... Since it took us like 27 hours to get home. But then again, to look on the bright side, I was very glad I didn't have to fly with that sinus infection... Just my luck, ey?
Anywho, that was just the last days and our trip home! Other than that Rome was great!
The weather was really good. A bit cold some days, but not colder than Sweden, so we were totally satisfied :) We stayed at an AWESOME hostel called Pop Inn which is right next to Termini train station along Via Marsala.
We found Fontana di Trevi. It was so amazing. My favourite spot in the whole of Rome. It was even more beautiful at night...! And we spent some of the best moments there with some of the coolest people, whom we met at the hostel. Third picture from the left: Rich, ME, Em and Barclay. MISS YOU guys!!! Fourth picture: Shelly and I, miss you too, bunches!!
Oh yeah, we went to the Vatican to see Basilica di San Pietro & the Sistine chapel ...And "accidentally" cut in line...First pic will tell you why... It wasn't very well planned though... since we kind of cut the line in the middle of a group of French kids. They were kind of pissed, and didn't mind what so ever letting us know that. Stares says more than a million French words! We also went to the Vatican the day the Pope himself was there. Can't remember what day it was. But he gives a speach (prayer) once a week for the public. Quite crowded, but totally worth it! :)
Kind of funny really... We were just walking around, and saw a big crown outside of this building and were curious what it was all about... We came from the back, and when we got in we realized it was the Pantheon...!!! The first pic is just half of the buliding cause ther rest was covered in scaffolding... That is our excuse for not recognizing it ;) The third pic is the square (Piazza dei Rotonda) by the Pantheon. Beautiful!
Castel Sant'Angelo (In the background of the first picture) by night. Really beautiful. The bridge (Ponte Sant'Angelo, second picture) gave us a beautiful view of the Vatican! (Third picture).
Well, this is all I have energy for tonight! Stay tuned and you'll get more sneaks from my awesome Rome trip... and up next, LONDON BABY! :) Nighty night!
Updating twice in one day, awesome huh ? I'm currently on season 3 of "What I like about you"...for like the 5th time... I love that show! Amanda Bynes is awesome! Not to mention hot! ...A bit skinny... but gorgeous! Have you ever watched the show ? (for some reason called "Ska du säga" in Swedish).
Oh yeah, "Vince" Nick Zano... Total eye candy! But you already knew that, yeah? ;)
Now I'm chillin' with Friends on the TV and "Love you til' the end playing on my computer... LOVE that song. It's just so good!
OH! By the way! Don't you just love that you can upload personal pictures to your credit cards?! I have had one of me and my Princess Grace for a long time now on my debit card... and last week I ordered one to my credit card, also with me and Gracie :)
Isn't it cute ? :)
...I miss my grace...! By the way times two! ...check out my awesome tattoo, dedicated to my princess!
I really hope I can go back to Kenya before I start school in the spring. As you probably don't know... I'm applying for nursing school for spring 2011. I'm gonna be a paramedic! Oh yah! Just like the awesome people on 3rd watch (except I'll actually be a paramedic and not an actress)... AWESOME! :) I can't wait actually! I might even be able to have my internship abroad, and of course I hope to have it in Kenya :)
Lots of updates now huh ? Well, I'm gonna make another post with Rome and London stuff! Until next post!
Well, wasn't this ages ago! I miss blogging, I really do... I can't tell you why I haven't been updating much lately. I could tell you I've been otherwise engaged in other things.... but that would only be half true... I would be able to make time to blog as well... I could tell you I forgot my password... which would be half true, cause when I decided to log on here it did take me a while to get in.
Anywho... Last post was about where I would go in the spring... well the spring has passed and I didn't make it to NYC or Kenya (bummer... I know!)
BUT! I did make it to Rome and London, so it turned out pretty damn well anyway! :) Well... I will tell you about those trips, but not right now. I'm gonna watch What I like about you and drink my Pepsi max WILD SIDE (baobab flavor)... I took the last ones in the store. I'm sad. It's limited edition.... and I think the limit is up :(