Min resa till California, 2006
Bloggen är skriven på engelska... Mycket av den anledning att jag egentligen helst uttrycker mig på engelska... :)
Nu har jag ju den fördelen att jag har väldigt mycket släkt runt om i USA, och de är hos dem jag har bott.
Så resan i sig handlade mest om att få träffa mina släktingar. Vissa som jag träffat sedan tidigare och andra som jag fick träffa för första gången. Underbar resa var det iallafall!
Jag beställde mina biljetter på TICKET i Helsingborg till denna resa. Även om jag beställde långt i förväg (ca 5 månader) så blev det en rätt dyr biljett (ca 8000 SEK). Det går absolut att hitta billigare resor till L.A!
Men detta var min första resa på egen hand, och hade rest med Ticket till Kenya i början på året, så det var därför det föll på Ticket igen. Men som sagt, billigare alternativ finns! Gäller bara att ligga i!
Jag flög till LAX i Los Angeles och påbörjade min resa där.
Jag hade läst väldigt mycket om Los Angeles på nätet innan och visste vad jag ville göra.
Saker som säkert är standard utflykter i L.A. är ju t.ex. Disneyland, Universal Studios Theme Park, Warner Bros Studios, Paramount Pictures, Hollywood (Walk of Fame), Santa Monica, Venice osv...
Alla dessa ställen besökte jag och jag håller med, det är saker som ska upplevas!
Los Angeles har ju mycket att bjuda på och jag var lite överallt!
T.ex. så finns ju världens första McDonalds i Downey. Lite snabbmats kultur i snabbmatens hemland!
Att gå på bio i USA kan ju också vara en upplevelse. Sätena är riktigt bekväma! Om man säger såhär; så anpassas de efter den förutfattade mening man har om amerikanare! De är stora!
Jag var i en stad som heter Norco. Jättemysigt ställe. Några släktingar som hade en ranch där, så vi var ute och red.
Riktig häststad. Inga trottoarer utan ridspår längs vägarna. Fanns parkering både för bil och häst utanför restauranger och butiker. Hel mysigt!
Var även i Visalia, Porterville och Ducor, hos yttligare släktingar... I Ducor var det mer ridning på en ranch med ofantligt stora marker... Underbart!
Från Visalia tog vi en biltur till Kings Canyon och Sequoya National Park. En riktigt naturupplevelse med Redwoods och Sequoya träd! Enligt mig ett måste! Iallfall för naturälskaren!
När det kommer till Theme Parks så var favoriterna Universal Studios och Knott's Berry Farm.
Disneyland var helt klart ett måste, det också... Men det är ändå något som jag tror att jag hade uppskattat mycket mer när jag var mindre. Men man måste ha varit på Disneyland minst en gång i sitt liv. Så är det bara!
...Det är ju dock väldigt många som tycker så, så köerna var inte roliga... Men ändå så kom jag innan högsäsong... med 'bara' ca 60 000 besökare!
Positivt är ju dock att Disneyland har slagits ihop med California Adventure, som tidigare var en egen Theme Park, men floppade totalt, så det ingår nu i priset till Disneyland.
Stranden är ju absolut ett måste! Huntington beach, Newport Beach, Santa Monica, Venice och Laguna Beach var några av dem som jag besökte... Det är bara att hoppas på bra väder och sedan avnjuta en heldag på stranden!
Mysigast var nog när det var Memorial Day Weekend. Då var det Bon fires över hela stranden. Folk som satt på stranden och myste till en eld... Grillad korv, Smores, Plunger biscuits... Amerikanare kan sånt, det vill jag lova!! :)
Ett annat måste är ju så klart all shopping! Plånboken kan dock kännas väldigt tunn efter 3 veckor i USA! Speciellt om dollarn ligger lågt.
När jag var i L.A. så låg den på ca 7 SEK per dollar, vilket var helt ok!
Några affärer som jag gillade var Kohl's och Old Navy... Men annars är det bara att hitta ett mall, då har du att göra i ett par timmar framöver!
När det gäller souvenirer så är ju Hollywood ett klockrent ställe... Du har nått på varje gatuhörn! :)
Saknar du Sverige, så kan du ju alltid ta dig till IKEA ;)
Det var allt jag kunde komma på just nu. Är det något du undrar över så är det bara att höra av dig!
Saturday, May 27, 2006 ~ Change of plans...or planes...
Hey hey!
Right now I'm sitting at the airport Kastrup in Copenhagen...
My flight to London was delayed, and after a visit at the transfer centre... This is the new flight info:
Copenhagen 3:50pm local time - Seattle 4:50pm local time
Seattle 6:40pm - Los Angeles 9:13pm.
I bought some internet time... to email Elizabeth and to keep myself occupied for 30 minutes.... or until my battery dies, that is...
And of course... this morning, my cell phone's battery was full, and now it's almost empty... "yay"...
I was lucky to hear the message about my transfer... I was sitting at another café and was listening to my MP3 player...
And all of the sudden I just decided to turn it off... and then I heard "...quist flight bla bla bla bla bla to London 1:55, please contact the transfer centre..."
Sooo, yeah... I'll arrive about 2 hours later than planned... but, it's still good... as long as I get there.... and as long as my bagage gets there.... aaaand as long as I don't get lost on the way :P~
They said Seattle wasn't that big... one can only hope :P~
Bah! of course I sat down in the smoking area at the café....
Though... not really... there's just alot of people who can't read the no smoking sign...
Well, that's about everything that's going on right now...!
I might update more tonight when I'm safe and sound in L.A.
It's about 1 hour till I'm going to the gate.... and stand in a long funny line.. *wohoo*
Anyway, take care out there. I'm off!
Sunday, May 28, 2006 ~ Safe and sound in L.A.
I couldn't update yesterday when I got here... The electricity wasn't plugged in to the trailer, so I couldn't charge it... And I was running low on battery...
It's working now though.... And I'm sitting in the livingroom eating sandwiches with brown cheese.
So far Elizabeth, Paul and Mike has tried it, and they liked it! =)
Ooooh, Yeah, so... I had to change flight in Seattle... It was a "small" airport, so it was okay...
They freaked me out in Denmark when they said that I might have to change flight in Chicago... cause... yeah... THAT'S big...!
They put me in the tail section...and that was NOT nice...!
It was a looooong flight... and they movies sucked :P~
But when I finally got to Seattle I had to do that Visa thingie check... and had to stand in line for quite some time...
When I got there I had filled out this form saying I brought food in to the country, and the guy asked me "what kinda food?" And I said brown cheese. "Brown Cheese?!?!" Yeah, brown cheese from Norway..... "So, is it like... really brown?! ..Umm, yeah.. you know BROWN cheese...? ;)
Haha, he didn't really believe me there...
The I had to go to bagage claim, and go through customs.. and then drop it off again at the connecting flights terminal...and then I had to take these little subway thingies to the terminal that I was going to..umm.. C!
And then I just had to sit and wait...
I was thining about calling Elizabeth and Mike... buuuuut, I kinda needed their number to do that...so umm... No luck! :P~
And I got to L.A at around 9:15pm... When we flew over the city - WOW! The city of lights! It was incredible!
The guy I was sitting next to on the plane was so amazed that I came from Sweden, he said I talk such good English/American, that he thought I was from the US! Always nice to hear :)
And he told me about a Scandinavian village close to Visalia called Solvang, and said I should visit it :P So we might...!
Then I went to bagage claim, and of course my bag was put out last... but at least it was there!
And then I realized that I hadn't decided on a place to meet Elizabeth and Mike!
Sooo, I went to the information thingie and asked them to make an announcement. And shortly after that, I saw Elizabeth and Mike! =)
And we went home in a really cool van! ;)
It was like 30 minutes away from the airport, but it was a nice ride. And Mike pointed out to me where there was a...something something prison!
When we got home I got to meet Paul and Jan and Ed and Jan's friend Lauren.
Then we just sat a talked for a while, it was really nice! They are all so funny! It's gonna be a blast staying with them.
Then I gave the their gifts and I think they really liked it! =) Swedish chocolate, is the best ;)
Then I went out to the trailer and we made the bed, and I sent an e-mail to Johan before my battery died...and then I fell asleep right away.
This morning I woke up at 9:30am and I had a really good night's sleep.
Then I went into the shower and got dressend, and now I'm sitting here updating the blog and eating breakfast.
I just talked to Karin. She's going to Universal Studios with Joe and his niece today.
And we're having a lunch get together here. It's gonna be great. There are a few people coming :P~
When I stepped out of the trailer this morning there was a turtle outside the door... apparently there are 3 of them in the back yard :P
Yup! I see all 3 of them now :P
Well, I'm gonna finish eating, and I'm gonna go help prepare stuff.
I'll update later when I have the time.
Sunday, May 28, 2006 ~ Day one.
Well, I just got back from a car ride with Paul and Suz. We were supposed to go to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some stuff for Suz, if I'm not mistaking... But, they were closed.
We just went for a ride, it was really nice. We drove to Suz's dad's house. The view from there - AMAZING! Uh huh!
People started showing up at... I don't know what time...buuut around noon? Sure! :)
And well...I think there were about 15 people... and that means 15 new names to remember...sort of anyway... Didn't go to well... Someday I might learn? :)
It was really nice anyway, it was fun to meet everyone!
That went on for most of the day (and alot of picture taking by Elizabeth!) Hehe.
I'll upload the pictures on my computer and post them whenever I can.
Then when everyone had left except Suz.....aaaaaand... Grant? Ah heck, I might as well take up on Mike's idea and call him George.
Anyway... We went for a car ride, the weather today has been AMAZING! So it was a really nice ride! The neighborhoods here are soooooo cool!
Then we went to El Pollo Loco. It's like a chicken....fast food kinda thing ? Yeah, anyway, I ordered a Chicken wrap with spanish rice, guacamole aaand vegetables.
It was really nice, but it was so big!! I only ate half of it...! And when I got my cup, for drinks.. I asked the gang if they gave us the wrong ones..cause it said Small drink included in meal...
Buuuut, no... The small sized cups in the US...are about the size of the large cups in Sweden.
Anyway, the food was good. Didn't think it was too spicy at the time, but now I'm not feeling too well, but it'll pass, so no worries!
I'm going to bed real soon, I'm so whiped out!
Getting up early to go to the beach tomorrow with a BUNCH of people.
Suz will pick me up at 10am.
Soooo, I'd better go to bed :P~
Nighty night!
Monday, May 29, 2006 ~ Memorial Day at Huntington Beach
Sooo, the sand is EVERYWHERE! But it's all worth it. It's been a fun day at the beach.
Suz was fasionably late again (apparently that happens alot) today, and I think we got to the beach at around noon.
And that beach? Yeah... okay... WOW! ... BIG! Totally Baywatch! ;)
Tam and Kathryn were already there with their friends, Robert, Hailey and Georgina.
We were chillin' in the sun for a while...
Then I went to the shops with Kathryn, Robert and Hailey... We went for ice cream, and YEAH! That was great ice cream (No, Johan...not as great as gelatio (spelling?) ).
Huntington beach is in the O.C area, and it was a really great place.
And it really was Baywatch with those lifeguard towers and the yellow pick-up truck going around on the beach...
I also got to try some rice crispies thingie with marshmallows. It was actually quite good!
Didn't think it would be.
Then I worked on the tan some more. The mission of today (for me, anyway)...
And Then I actually went into the water with Kathryn, Robert and Hailey...
And yeah.. those waves?? They kept telling me they were just small ones.. SO NOT!
I did try body surfing...didn't go to well, and I felt like I was gonna drown three times... the waves were so incredibly strong!
...oh, and yeah... my suit almost came of twice.. embarrasing!
But it was great fun.
Then I kept working on my tan...and at around 5pm maybe? I went to Fred's Mexican café and...something with Suz and her two friends (can't remember their names though... it's a shame... they were really great!)
I got a chicken taquito...it was an apetiser (spelling?) and it was like 5 pieces! I was full after 4!
The sizes of their food over here are crazy!
You should have seen the margerita drink Suz got. It was huge!
Then we went back and chilled in the sun for a while more, then we started the fire...
Shortly after Paul had arrived we began with the hot dogs.
It was nice...
Then I learned how to make a smore, and it was really good!
Then! We had the plunger biscuits (yeah...spelling?) That was also really good. I ate 2. But I shouldn't have done that. One would be more than enough! :P They were just really tasty!
And we went home shortly after 9pm I think... I went back with Paul in his cool van :P~
It was a nice ride... We got to talk some... which was nice, since he's going back to school in Texas tomorrow morning, so I won't get to see him any more this time...
He's darn a cool cousin! :D
I am so freakin' tired! I'm gonna write an e-mail to Johan, and probably upload my pictures...THEN I'm going to bed.
We're probably doing the Hollywood thing tomorrow during the day, and in the evening I'm going to a baseball game with Suz. It'll be fun!
Anyway, write more later! Take it easy out there!
Wednesday, May 30, 2006 ~ Hollywood cruisin'
And well... right now it's 12:20am...so yeah... I need to go to bed soon...!
It has been a great day!
Though, there was some trouble with the international phone card stuff, and I never got to call Johan this morning, but I just got off the phone with him, so it's all good. SOOOO sweet to hear his voice again. Really wish he was here...!!
Caaaause, today I went to Hollywood with Elizabeth and Lauren! It was awesome.
It took maybe 30-45 minutes to get to downtown L.A... Heck, what do I know? I was looking at the scenery! ;)
We found a parking spot, and then we started to walk on the Walk of Fame! :)
And we went in to lots and lots of cool souvenir shops and other shops. It was great! I got some really great stuff today.... and yeah... I spent like... (sigh) $500(!!!)
But hey! I bought like one pair of Levi's jeans and 2 pair of Converse shoes and 1 pair of Levi's shoes and a big cozy Hollywood sweater. And some other gifts... :)
The ones for Johan - Oh yeah... That's good. ;)
We spent aloooot of time in Hollywood. We went to the Chinese theatre of course... and then we (I) did some more shopping....and we went to Burger King for lunch...and then kept on shopping... and then we went back to the car.... And we wanted to find the Hollywood sign more up close.
And we did! :D
Went up a really big hill, and OMG!!! The houses are gorgeous!!! Big WOW!
And then we were going to find Rodeo Drive (You know, where all the stars hang out) ;)
But we got kinda lost.... for a while there... :) But it was cool...!
We found Beverly Hills and Bel Air and all that and eventually we found Rodeo Drive and cruised through it...
The we were heading back home... sooo we were looking for the freeway...yeah...that's hard to find! Damn...
Well we had been cruisin' along the freeway for quite some time, but we did find it eventually.
The traffic in L.A. can be really bad... I haven't seen anything yet though... but for now, I have to say it's so much worse in Nairobi :P~
When we got back home, Mike had put hamburgers on the grill, and we sat down and ate with him and Ed.
Ed told me that we're going to Laguna Beach on Thursday! We're gonna have lunch with Lila (another relative).
Then Elizabeth, Lauren and I went to Wal*Mart! And it was like 9pm :)
Wal*Mart was just one thing that I had to do...cause it's Wal*Mart! ;)
And you could compare it with Gekås/Ullared in Sweden actually... a bit...! :P~
It was cool, I'm glad we went! I got some really good movies!
And some perfume (MK&A brand actually...) and some other stuff...
Now I'm in 'my trailer' and this is pretty much everything!
I'll update later people... (after a full day of DISNEYLAND!!!) :D
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 ~ Disneyland!
As you probably know by now, I went to Disneyland today.
I went with Elizabeth and Edward. And we met Elizabeth's friend Wendy and her 2 sons who work there, and they got us in for free. How nice is that?!
So, yeah... We got there at 8:30 this morning...(and for the record, we left at 10:20pm!!!)
So it's been a loooooong day at Disneyland! :)
We started off in the Fantasyland, which was very cute...and we worked our way through the parks... I went on some really cool rides!
There was one in particular... In the California Adventure Park... You were sort of flying over different parts of California. It was AMAZING!
And I went to this 3D thing "Honey, I shrank the audience" it was really cool!
Then I did some Indiana Jones thing, that was also awesome!
And a really cool flume-ride called Splash mountain. I didn't get soaked at least! :P
So, I've been on many rides today, and (I thought) there was ALOOOOOT of people there today... Wendy said there was about 40 000 people... And you had to wait about 25 mintes to every ride... And Wendy and Elizabeth kept saying that's nothing! :P~
Oh, the "Pirates of the caribbean" ride was closed, unfortunately....
And they're hosting the World premiere of "A dead man's chest" here at Disneyland in L.A. on July something....or in the end of June.... And Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Kiera Knightley etc. will be there....and then they are going to re-open the ride on after the premiere...
But hey, that's just a big WOW, and wish I'd be there :P~
After we did that "flying over California" ride, we went for ice cream... I smelled it when we were going TO the ride, and yeah.. it smelled yumm!
Sooo, I got a 2 scoop Nestlé Toll House Cookie Swirl with hot fudge... And Y-U-M-M!!! I have a new favorite!
Cookie dough is amazing!!!
Hmm, I'm sure I've forgotten to tell you tons of stuff, but it's been such a long day and we've done so much, I'm so freakin' tired!!!
Oh! There is one ride in the California Adventure that I want to try next time... The Tower of Terror! Johan will hopefully join me... I didn't know they had it actually untill it was too late and the park had closed down....
I've seen the movie, and it is pretty cool! ;)
Anyway... I'm getting up at 9am tomorrow to go to Laguna Beach with Ed and Laila...
And yeah, as I said, I'm freakin' tired... sooo Nighty night!
Thursday, June 01, 2006 ~ Laguna Beach & Newport Beach
This day is slowly coming to an end...
I got up at around 8am and went in to the shower and then I ate breakfast at around nine and talked to Johan... That was really really nice!
Then..after 10am Ed, Elizabeth and I got in to Ed's car and went to Laila's house to pick her up.
And OMG! What an incredible house!! Uh huh! She lives in Orange County, and yes, that was amazing! Not to mention the view!
Then, we went down to Laguna Beach... We went to this really cool hotel to eat lunch at Splash. It was a very nice restaurant, RIGHT at the beach. It was awesome!!
And the waves were HUGE today! Even the others said so! :P~
I got a smoked chicken sandwich, and it was really good!
After dinner we went down on the beach..and I took lots and lots of pictures. Amazing scenery!
And then we went around in Laguna and did some shopping (me)...
We went in to this really cool funky store, and I tried on the coolest outfit... Buuuuut the price on everything was like 200 dollars. And it was just a pair of mini shorts, a tank top and umm, another halter neck thingie...
Oh well, Elizabeth took my picture, and that was cool! :P~
The people in the store were SOOO nice! If I had that kind of money... I'd buy it! But for now, it was just fun to try on ;)
Then I found a store where everything costed $15 or less.... my kinda price ey! ;)
And I got a pair of really cool jeans and a pair of earrings. Really cute.
After that we went down to the beach again and I got some sand for Johan...
Then we went to Newport Beach...and I got some sand from there too...and we went out on the pier... It was really nice, and the beaches - amazing!
And the water was really hot too! It's been about 85 F today (around 30 C)... Really sweet!
Then we went to Crystal Cove, that's the area you see in the TV show "The O.C"...with all the fancy houses and all.. and yeah, those houses - WOW! It was really nice up there!
After that we went to a place called Hometown Buffé to have dinner with Mike.
That place was cool!
Elizabeth said that you find alot of.... over sized(?) people there... cause you can eat all you want for one price!
It was a nice place. I got some really good sallad, and tried a bunch of other stuff...and I ate chicken wings.
I tried Mac&Cheese, but it wasn't really that good... and I tried one fried shrimp, which was ok... The chicken was good though..
And I tried some dessert... they had SO much to choose from. And I got a tiny piece of lemon cake, chocolate fudge thingie, chocolate cake and some soft ice cream with fudge and chocolate chips. And then one of those rice crispies w/ marshmallows...
I know, it sounds like CRAZY much! but I just got a tiiiiiiny piece, and I didn't finsih it.. Yeah, I got full pretty fast :P~
Then Elizabeth and I went home with Mike, and then we got in to Elizabeth's car and went shopping :P~
First we went to Old Navy with Jan.. I got two tank tops there.. and then Elizabeth and I went to Target and I got some more stuff... AND a webcam! :D
It was actually cheap! =) Me like! ;)
And now were back! I'm gonna upload some pictures now.. And I'm hoping to find out if Suz and I are going to San Francisco or not tomorrow :P
Friday, June 02, 2006 ~ Fashion District and Santa Monica
So, the plan was that Suz was going to pick me up here at 10am this morning... but now that I've gotten to know Suz and her routines... I was counting on that she'd come at around 10:30am...
Well... She came to pick me, Kathryn and Hailey up at 11:30... ;) Suz, Suz, Suz...
Oh well...
And.. She got a call, saying her car was done, and she had to return her rental car before picking up her own.. And the rental place told her to bring it back with an empty tank...and the sort of did...cause it ran out of cas about a 3 minute drive (or less) from the rental place...
so she had to go there and get more gas and go back and drive the car back to the place, and fill out forms and stuff... then Elizabeth drove us over to the place where Suz's car was waiting...
Some more forms had to be filled out, then we were on our way.
First we went to the Fashion District... It kind of reminded me of Kenya actually... without the "sister! Come see what I have! Buy this! Look at this!"
The down part was that they didn't have any fitting rooms... but they had some cool clothes...
Then we went to a place with nail and beauty stuff (totally boring!) :P~
And Suz got some stuff, then we went to find her bank, and an ATM... it took us a while... but we found it...!
Then we went to a place called Phillipes French sandwiches (or something like that)... and I had the most disgusting sandwich ever...! :P The others all loved it and had been braging about it before :P~
It was rost beef, fried but in a sandwich, which they had dipped in the sauce from the rost beef..
The consistency was just...Uhgh...!
But the taste of the rost beef was good. I just couldn't handle the uueey-guueey consistensy...
Then SUz had ordered som cheesecake, and I got to try a piece.. and that was very very good. the best one I've tasted ( I haven't tasted many though)...
After that we went to Santa Monica...
It was very chilly down there actually... and windy... And down there, there was no sun... Kinda hazy lookin'... but we went to some cool shops. I found that $15 or less - store! So I got another pair of jeans...the same as yesterday but with a lighter color.
Then I got new COOL show laces for my converse! =)
I'm gonna buy a pair of white ones too, and put the black laces on them...and I got red ones also, and I put them on the shoes that I bought in Kenya :) Looks so cool! :D
They have those kinds of converse here too! I just wanna buy ALL!!!
After that we went back home... We expected A-L-O-T of traffic on the way back, cause it was like 6pm, and it people were heading home from work + it's Friday!
It didn't take much longer than an hour though! And that was a surprise! :P~
When we got back I got a sandwich... and tried some Oreo cookies that Elizabeth brought home - YUM! But the ones I got in Sweden are still the best ones! :P~
And OMG! She also bought the Cookie dough chocolate ice cream! - Dangerous! :P~
After that Elizabeth and I went to Marvyn's. And I got some reallt cool clothes there! And I spent around $112 there... Weeeeeiiooo...!
I might go shopping tomorrow with Elizabeth's friend...
Elizabeth is going to a funeral along with Karin, Karol, Teri and the others...
Apparently a friend to the family, a 10 year old girl had died in a car accident.. :(
After that Karin and Joe will pick me up here, and I'll be with them for a few days...
And I don't know how much I'll be able to update while I'm there... We'll just have to wait and see :P~
I've been re-arranging my stuff in the trailer, and I have a bag full of new clothes that I got here, and the 3 pair of shoes, and then some more gifts... I won't fit everything in my back pack I think... but I will buy a bag somewhere around...!
Just hope it's not more than 20 kilos...! Don't think it will be...
Though.. I'm not done shopping yet ;)
I still have alot of ground to cover when I get back from Visalia...!
And we'll probably go back to Hollywood... That was a nice place to go shopping! :D
Well, I think I've told everything about today...
I've tried to upload pictures to my previous entries... but it just won't work... I don't know what's up...
Oh well...
Nighty night...!
Saturday, June 03, 2006 ~ Shopping at Kohl's.
I just got back from Kohl's with Jan!
That place was really great!
I got a pair of converse (oooh yeah!) :) a really cool outfit, another pair of Levi's jeans, some presents to people backk home, and a few more tops... Very good shopping, yeah ;)
Aaaand I spent like $184 there... but I got ALOT for that!
Then we went to shoe city.. I was gonna look for the Reebok shoes for Johan, but they didn't have them.. They DID have more converse though... Soooo I bought another pair ;)
I found these really cool ones, and I wanted then sooo bad! But they didn't have my size :( *bummer* only sized for bigfoots :P
Then we went to a sandwich place and I got a chicken sandwich... which apparently had a very hot and spicy sauce!
But it was good.
Then I got a cookie... not a big one, but still, they managed to put 300 (!!!) calories in it! Oh! but it WAS free from trans fat :P~
It was really good, didn't eat all of it though... That sandwich was (to me) really big, even though I got the small size.. and I was really full... but still.. it was good...
Oh yeah, and they put waaaaaaay too much guacamole on the sandwich! yuck! :P
Anyway.. oh! guess what!? I am SO clever!! I got chocolate for Karin, Karol and Teri...and guess where I've had it for a week now ? In the freakin' trailer!!! Where it get to like 100 F during the day.... ooooh it is sooo good! :P
Today, it's REALLY hot here! It's about 89 F outside (I love it!)... (About 31 C) But it feels like so much more!! like closer to 40C! And I'm kidding! :P~
Oh well, I'm gonna go take care of my laundry, and then I'm gonna go pack...
Karin will come in an hour or so I think....and then we have about 4-5 hours to Visalia I think...
I'll update again when I can...
Until then, take care!
Saturday, June 03, 2006 ~ Going to Visalia
But when I'm done with this post I'm sure it'll be the 4th :P
Anyway! I am in Visalia now.. it was sooo good to meet everyone again! It was quite a long trip out here, about 4 hours...
We did stop at an Italian restaurant on the way... I just got an apetiser cause I was still full of the canterlope (What the hell is that in Swedish!? It is so delicious!! The best melon I've ever had!) :P
Sooo I just got garlic bread...and yeah, my breath is really bad! :P~
Oh, Karin told me a joke today that Amos just looooves...
Something like this...
A guy had a snail in his house....and one day he opened the door and he threw it out...
2 years later it knocked on the door... it was the snail, and he said "What did you do that for??"
I just thought that was sooo cute!
And speaking of cute and the most adorable kid ever... Rosalind, omg, she's soooo sweet! And her voice is just so cute! Can't believe she's 3 already!!
I haven't met Amos yet, he was asleep when we got here...
And speaking of that I should do that too....
We're going to Teri tomorrow to chill by her pool, that will be nice! :)
Soooo, nighty night!
Sunday, June 04, 2006 ~ Porterville & Flynn cattle ranch
This morning I woke up at like 9:30am...felt good to sleep in a bit... :)
We just got ready to go to Terri's house for a day in the swimming pool! ... And we went ! :)
We chilled by the pool all day, and yes I did get some color this time... Din't use SPF45 this time... I used a good ol' 15 :)
It was very nice... Karol was there with Elsa as well...
We were all going to Karol's and Matt's ranch in the evening...
At around 6pm Karin, Amos, Rosalind and I went to an ice cream place, and yes, they DID have chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream - VERY nice. Not as good as at Disneyland though :)
Then we went to rent Pirates of the Caribbean...theeeen we went to Karol's...
The nature out here is so amazing!!! It was a beautiful sunset...!
The mountains around here are... wow, really!
When we got to their ranch, which was really cool... to sweet dogs came up to me and they were just sooo cute! :)
One of them - Suki, she was missing one leg, but man! could she run!! I threw a ball for the dogs and she ran!! wohoo! :P~ She was a very tiny border collie..
The other one "Little dog" was just so sweet! She was a mixed breed, can't remember which ones though :P
We all went to get supper.. I was rather full from my ice cream though, but I had some, and it was some kind of Italian sausage and it was really good!
Then I played some more with the dogs :)
After that they all wanted to see the movie from Kenya... so we watched it, and then I showed some pictures...
It did get rather late... So we never got to see Pirates of the Caribbean... but we're gonna see it tomorrow at Karin & Joe's...!
It's 3:28pm on June 5th now, and I didn't have access to a computer yesterday som I'm updating now...!
But I went to bed at around 11:30pm I think..
Karol and I were getting up at around 5:45... so we needed sleep...
Rosalind didn't feel so good though, so she was screaming for a long long time...
I don't have ANY time frame on tonight though.. It felt like right after I fell asleep, Karol came by and woke me up.... To go HORSE BACK RIDING! :D
More on the entry of the 5th! :)
Monday, June 05, 2006 ~ Cowgirl at Flynn Cattle Ranch :)
Maha! This morning Karol and I woke up at 5:45 am...
Went down stairs for some water, then we got Elsa and went down to the horses...
Karol got the two horses we were going to ride... She walked with them back to the house, and I got to drive the car back... It was nice to be in a car again...! :)
Karol hadn't been on a horse for like 9 months so she was very happy that I wanted to go with her! :)
We (Karol) prepared the horses, and then we left Elsa with Terri and we went out on the fields! Little dog and Suki followed us all the way...
It was AMAZING! We saw a bunch of hawkes and toooons of squirrels! And oh! Yesterday we saw a cayote on our way to the ranch! and tons of bunnies!
I even got to see a bat which was apparently living in Karol's and Matt's garage...!
I even got to see the dogs...getting a ...lunch...or 2 :P
We were out for about an hour and it felt so good to be on a horse again, and actually, I felt so safe this time!
Even though I have been nervous before, since my accident... but this felt really good! And I had a western sadel which is so much cooler than an English one :)
It was alot of fun, and real sweet to spend time with Karol! :)
When we got back we had a bit of breakfast...
I didn't bring my camera on our tour, for ...ah... safety reasons :) But Karol said I could take her car and drive out on the fields... aaand I did! :)
It was real nice to be alone in the car listening to cool country music :) hehe, and just going out and take pictures... and ALWAYS look out for rattle snakes :P ANd I wore flip flops ! But I never left the car so I was ok! :)
Then I noticed there wasn't too much fuel left, so I decided to go back... But I think I got some good pics :)
When I got back, I was just sitting around for a while and watched very energetic (spelling?) Lucy run around.. I do not understand where she gets all the energy :)
Then Karin, Amos, Rosalind and I went home to Visalia again...
There was something in the air that I just couldn't take.. my eyes were sooo itchy and BAH! It was not good!
Joe and I are on our way to the grocery store now... Then Terri, Karol and her family will come by tonight for dinner, and another cousin I haven't met yet :)
And we're gonna see Pirates tonight :)
We gotta go!
Talk later!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 ~ Kings Canyon & Sequoya National park
So... I'm tired... How about you ? :P
I woke up this morning at around 9am, and shortly after, Rosalind & Amos walked in.. "Gooooood morning" :)
We got ready to leave, packed lunch and all...then we left Visalia at around 10:30am...
We've been riding the car alot today, but it has been very very nice.. the nature - Amazing! Yup yup!
First we went to General Grant tree...and had a tiny lunch...and walked around a bit...
We actually met two guys there with rather large camera equipment...and they were doing a nature project...They went to a school, very known and well thought of.. and I can't remember the name at all.. but anyway, Joe had been telling me about this school yesterday, and said it was an expensive school, but like the best in the country (I'm talking photography here...)
We ended up seeing these guys like everywhere we went, and Joe (who knows the surroundings very well, gave them lots and lots of tips with great places to visit with great shots)...
And damn... he sure did!!
The road up there is amazing!
After General Grant we went to Grant Grove museum a short stop...Then Karin and I got out to see General Sherman, which is the larges tree on the planet! And yeah - wow! :)
Then we drove to Moro rock, which Karin and I climbed :) It was sooo cool! And the view was spectacular!!! We saw a few lizards on the way... and later I saw a chipmunk, and a few squirrels today as well :P
Theeeen we were heading back and that was like at around 6:30pm! So we've been out all day! It has been great!
On our way back I actually saw a black bear cub hiking on a hill!! And I saw a bobcat!
When we got back, Karin and I went inside to see what was ingredients were missing, cause we were going to make cookies!
Well, Karin was gonna make Nestl'e TollHouse chocolate chip cookies from scratch, and I was gonna make White chocolate cake :)
Karin and I went shopping, I bought some interesting jell-o :P and we got the ingredients we needed then headed home to start baking :)
The cake turned out good I think... Apparently Karins cookies didn't turn out too good, but she thinks it's because she didn't add enough flour.. oh well, the one I tasted was yummie, so I'd say it was good :P
We're gonna save the cake till tomorrow... We're driving out to Karol and Matthew in the morning to meet Elizabeth and Daryl and I'll go back to L.A. with them...
But right now, I'm gonna go to bed.. YAWN!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 ~ Visalia > Flynn Cattle Ranch > Santa Monica > Whittier
I am now back in L.A. people!
We left Karin's house in Visalia at around 10:30am I think... made a little pit stop on the way to pick up some gifts... :)
Then we headed out to Karol and Matt! We got there at around 12:03 pm ;)
Elizabeth and Daryl got there at around 9:30 am! So when we arrived, we went inside for lunch!
Karol had made home made (greasy) ;) tacos....with pork and vegetables. It was very good!
Until she said that it was the made of the pigs they used to have on the farm :P~ Then I got a bit....yeah... oh well...
Then, we ate dessert! My white chocolate cake was highly appreciated!! Yup, it was yummie! :D
And of course the home made Nestlé TollHouse chocolate chip cookies too! :)
Then, at around ? 1:00pm? 1:30pm? Elizabeth, Daryl and I said bye to everyone, and headed for L.A.
It was as good 4 hour drive at least :P~ But I think it went by rather fast...
We decided to go to Santa Monica, and the pier though...on our way home...And we did!
The sun was shining in Visalia and it was very hot... but in L.A. it was hazy and gray (and smoggy)... But it was ok!
The pier was a very nice place...though, probably alot better in sun shine!
We might go back when it's better weather..!
Theeeeen... we headed for Whittier... and got stuck in traffic.. Geeee-ez! I think THAT was the worst traffic I have experienced so far.... or maybe I was just tired! :P~
Ah! When I woke up this morning...the room was shaking... and no it wasn't an earthquake.... They were working on the road outside the back yard... EARLY!!! Bah! :P~
Anyway...when we got back, I went inside to call Johan, and yup, I woke him up ( it was like 5am there...) oh well, very very very extremely nice to hear his voice again... felt like a week ago, at least!
And after that I went with Elizabeth, Daryl, Jan and Edward to El Pollo Loco (around 8:30pm) they were gonna eat dinner... but I couldn't eat that late again... It's a bad habbit.. :/ for me anyway... we ate spagetti yesterday at maybe 9:00pm or 9:30.... and I couldn't eat breakfast this morning... (just some honey dew - OMG, I love that! That and cantaloupe - YUM!)
Soo, I settled for a drink... and I am not hungry at all to be honest, even if I ate at noon...last time... and had 2 more choclate chip cookies on the road...
I was actually going for a quick update, cause I'm so extremely tired... but when I start writing.. .I just can't stop - till I'm done :P~
Soo... Tomorrow at 9:30 we're off to Knott's Berry Farm Theme Park! :)
Night night!
Thursday, June 08, 2006 ~ Knott's Berry Farm
Guess what I have been up to tonight?
I have been packing my back pack - FULL! There is no more space! And I still have loads to go :P~ So, yes.. As I predicted... I will have to buy another bag ;)
And I highly doubt that my backpack is close to 20 Kilos.. cause it is actually very light.. And it's mostly clothes.. and I also fit one pair of converse in there ;)
I still have to call the airport to check how much they charge for overweights.. Jan said something about 25 dollars, and it is SO worth that :P~
Anyway! This morning we went to Knott's Berry Farm! That was awesome!
ALOT more and bigger rides than Disneyland (But hey, Disneyland is DISNEYLAND!)
And I went on lots of rides with Daryl... I told him and Elizabeth that I would NOT go on Xcelerator...which to me seemed to be the worst one.. OMG! But eventually I did, just for the hell of it ;) And that was awesome!!
I would upload a pic, but it still doesn't work... I don't know what's up with it.. :/
Anyway.. we went on a lot of rides BEFORE lunch, which Daryl and I agreed was the best solution.
Oh, and by the way... The tickets to Knott's Berry Farm we got from Julie! (Yet another cousin) :) It was sooo sweet! Thank you so much!!
I got to meet her and her son as well. He's in 8th grade and they were having sort of a ditch day at school... so they went to Knott's Berry farm :P~
And we had lunch with Julie, her son and his class mates at a really cool place. Totally inspired by the 50's. The chefs and waitresses even danced to the music (not on the counter though...) :P
And the waitor that helped our party was SOOO gay!!! :D Haha, it was so much fun, he was so nice! And so obviously gay! And Julie was so much fun going on with her kinda flirty way with him.. It was hilarous!
After lunch, Daryl and I decided we shouldn't go on any more rides (Elizabeth doesn't do the "barf rides" at all...)
And we just went around in the stores and was shopping...
And I had my portrait made... sort of... my mom knows what I mean.. and Elizabeth and Daryl...
I kinda wanna punch Daryl for saying it looked like me :P But anyways, it WAS cool, the guy was talented.
Then I had another thing made for me.. which will be a surprise for Johan.. :) It is sooooo nice!
It's for both of us, really... VERY nice =)
Then we went shopping some more, and then we went home.. I think it was about 5:30 when we left...
We had all had enough and were kinda tired...
But I do have to tell you that I tried a piece of Funnel cake here too.. At Knott's Berry Farm AND at Disneyland... But what I can say is that I am not at all impressed by it :P~
When we got home...oh and here comes the AMAZING news!!! :D
We had one message from Wendy...
She said that she would get me in to Paramount, Warner Bros AND Disney Studios V.I.P!!!! On Monday next week!!!! That is going to be SOOOOO awesome!!!
I just wish more than anything that Johan would be with me.. He would LOVE that!
And now for some MORE amazing news!! :D
After the message from Wendy, there was another one from Randy King, Lauren's dad...
HE told me that he would take me to Universal Studios FULL day, V.I.P, behind the scenes and all on Tuesday next week! Including like CBS and NBC and some other...!!!!
OMG!!!!!! I could not sit still!! This is so incredible!! :D
But we did have to calm down, and then Elizabeth and I went to the grocery store...
I got to check some more brands, which is so much fun.. and yeah.. sorry, but no wonder Americans are that fat! You should see all the stuff they have! It is so crazy!!!
And the funny thing is that on so many things you find it marked "trans fat free" "fat free" ..."Oh, then it must be good for me"... :)
Like the bread I ate at Karin and Joe's, the raisin bread with cinnamon... They said that 'oh it's good for you and all'.... but when I looked at the label, it said that it was 240 calories in 1 (!!!) slice of bread! Even Karin and Joe was chocked :P~
But damn do I love cantaloupe... Mmhm!
And we bought some more Nestlé TollHouse chocolate chip cookie dough Ice cream :P Yuuuu-um! I had some tonight, with fudge.. yup, thaaat was good..
And then I ate some cantaloupe.. I could totally live on cantaloupe.. it is sooo delicious! We have to have it in Sweden, or I'll go crazy! :P
Tonight we have been sitting and chatting for a while, me, Elizabeth, Daryl and Edward...
It was so funny when Elizabeth started talking about cutting her hair.. and I said I should cut mine, and color it again.. And Edward bursts out "Oh yeah, you guys could go and color and do your hair together" :)
And Elizabeth's response: Fuck You! :P~ And she's not likely to use the "F-word" unless she's complaining about her camera... :P
Hahaha, it's so much fun watching this family talk to eachother! That's comedy ;)
Well, that's about it for today! Tomorrow I'm going to "Horse Town" :P I'm gonna go see Melissa, Jonathan and little baby Steven at their...house? ...ranch?
...Anyway, and then I'm going to Cricket's house for dinner... :)
Sooo, I'll write more later...
Take it easy!
Friday, June 09, 2006 ~ Cowgirl in Norco
This morning Daryl, Elizabeth and I went to Melissa's and Jonathan's house in Norco - a real horse town! :D
We went by Chino on the way actually ;) And Daryl told me that it is not at all as "ghetto" as they present it at "The O.C"...
Anyway.. When we got there, we talked a bit, then Melissa and Jonathan took out the horses we were gonna ride and prepared them...
And oh! They had the cutest dogs! One tiny tiny dog, soo cute and cuddly, named Paris (Yes, Hilton) and another, a pitbull named Oreo! Oreo was sooooo sweet and cuddly. I didn't think he was a pitbull at first!
Theeeeen, when everything was set, we got on the horses and went on our way.. rode out on the front yard and went along the road, and then down a hill (that was pretty scary!) and then rode along the river - very nice. And then came in a area with alot of bushes and sand, and LOTS of weird tiny bugs. Totally annoying! And all of the sudden my horse, Mervin by the way, lays down, and I didn't notice at first, Melissa just screamed "Get off him now! Get off quickly!" Cause he could've rolled over...apparently! :P
If I HAD noticed, I probably would feel a bit scared.. but I didn't realize it, so I was like.. what? oh, okay...sure... and then I got on the horse again! :P~ And we went back home. We were out for a little less than an hour, but it was sooooo great!
And Melissa told me to come back if I had a day left or so and didn't know what to do... and I think I have 3 more days to fill out, so we're gonna do that :D
It is sooo wonderful to be on a horse again! I love it!
When we got back we talked for a while.. then we went back to Whittier... I was gonna have dinner at Cricket's and Peter's house tonight soooo, I needed a shower :P~
And we chilled for a while... then Elizabeth drove me over to their place, and I had dinner with them and their kids Lauren and Jane.... (Like 3 and 5? years old) And then Peter had to go to work...
But I stayed for a while, and I showed the Kenya movie to Cricket and she loved it too.. :)
Then we decided to go to Target! :D
I was gonna go there with Elizabeth when I got back from Cricket's but we decided to go then instead! I needed to look for another bag...!
So we went! =)
And I found one. A really good one! I am very pleased :P~
I have put most of my stuff in there now and I can still fit lots more :D Wonderful! :P
Then Cricket drove me back to Elizabeth's....
And Elizabeth and I have been sitting in the livingroom for a few hours now just talking....it's been very nice...!
I gotta go now though... I am getting SOOOO tired! And I have to get up at 8am tomorrow!
We're leaving here at 9am... for Venice, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, City Walk...that sort of thing ;)
Sooo, night night people... sleep tight...!
Saturday, June 10, 2006 ~ Venice > Universal City Walk > The Da Vinci Code
The first thing I have to tell you about is that I saw a celebrity today (It's about time!!) ;)
And best of all... It was Sherry Stringfield! Dr. Susan Lewis from E.R!!
Heck, if you can't put a face to the name, do the same as everyone else; Google it :)
That was so cool!
I saw her walking with a friend at Venice...and I didn't realize that is was her till she had walked by me... "I know her from somewhere!!" :P~
Aaaaanyway! :)
This morning I woke up at about 8:00am - Yawn! and at around 9am Elizabeth, Daryl, Edward and I were on our way to Venice! Daryl's friend also tagged along...Robert was it? Ah well...
And oh! When we got to Marina Del Rey I asked Elizabeth if this was the part of L.A where you could find brown cheese.... (She had gone online and found 2 stores in L.A. and one in San Francisco that sold brown cheese! - Awesome!)
Anyway... I recognized that name... and it turned out to me right... so we looked for the store - and found it! :D
So I went inside and YES!!! My cheese!!! :D The brand was TINE, I can't remember if that was the same as the ones that I brought,...but hey, who cares?! It was brown cheese!
And a freakin' expensive one too!! One tiny package I think 1/4 of a kilo costed 6 dollars!!!
...but I bought 2 packages! And Elizabeth was surprised! Online it said that the cheese would cost 10 dollars each!
Heck... it was well spent money! It was delicious! :D
Anyway, after that we went to Venice, parked the van and went on the street along the beach... Apparently it is now illegal for street venders (spelling?) to be there... so it's not as much as it used to be... but there still was some...and there was many other funny stores!
I recognized some parts of the street from movies... :)
There was some really freaky people there... but it was cool :P~
And I saw Dr. Lewis from E.R ;) ;) Mahahaaaaa....!
Anyway...after Venice we went to Universal City Walk! :)
That was very nice! I found Hard Rock Café...and the plan was to eat there, but no. oh no. TODAY. At THAT time it was closed for private event. My ass... :P~
So, we went to the other food places... The guys had hamburgers at Tommy's and Elizabeth and I had subs at Subway! Very nice chicken sub. Yup Yup.
Aaaand after that we walked around some more... I kept looking for the shoes for Johan...but the only had Sketchers and Nike... But now I'm pretty sure on where to find them.. :P
We went back at around 3:20pm... and were back home an hour later...
Elizabeth and I went to the BIG FIVE to check for the shoes but they din't have them either, but they told us to go to another place.. so we went there, but they didn't have the shoes either... but they told us to go to a mall... so we'll probably check that out tomorrow, if not Company D...
When Elizabeth and I got back we pretty much were going out again...!
We have been to the movies tonight and watched The DaVinci Code!
Now I said that it was an exciting movie... it is! Not a scary movie! :P~
But to Elizabeth...it was scary... so my impression was that she did not like it...! :P
I think it was good, for being a movie...but of course the book is better.
And now I'm back in the trailer!
And hey, by the way! I'm not a student at Olympia anymore! I "graduated" yesterday! [Yaaay - me!]
Now I'm going to bed cause I am exhausted.... Nighty night!
Sunday, June 11, 2006 ~ Company D > Brea Mall > Upland High Baccalaureate
Yes, I am tired tonight too... Exhausted actually.. even though I haven't done that much today... But it still makes me very very tired... I'll be sleeping for a week when I get back home (I wish)...
Anyway... Elizabeth and I left at around 10:15am today to go to Company D with Wendy and her family!
Company D = A bunch of Disney stuff, that you can find at Disneyland resort, only with a 50-75 % discount! :) Only for the staff that work at Disneyland though... And since Wendy's sons both work at Disneyland we got the discount - sweet.
They didn't have THAT much stuff that interested me though... But I bought 2 t-shirts...
I am getting tired of the tax prices though :P It's so annoying that they don't put that on the price tag! Aaah well...
Anyway...Then the oldest one of Wendy's sons, Chris, called her up and said that we could come and check Disney's wharehouse!
That's where they keep all the stuff for their parades and stuff at Disneyland...
And right now they are preparing for the bir premiere of Pirates of the caribbean and had a bunch of skeletons and stuff like that. It was really cool!
Wouldn't say no to go to that movie premiere...considering the stars will be there :P~
Then, Elizabeth and I drove off to Brea mall, where we were supposed to find the shoes for Johan... In one store they were 125 dollars!! And in another one 79,99... So yeah, guess which store I picked? :P
Though...The cheap store didn't have his size in stock, so they ordered it from another shop...from Laguna Hills...and they will ship it to the Wantlands this week!
Then we asked for a beach shop to look for flip flops...
And YES! Finally!!! I found the ones that I tried on in Laguna Beach!!!
And even better! I got them in black, instead of brown, and they are SOOOO comfortable!
Totally worth 24 dollars!!
When I handed out my ID when I was gonna pay, the girl was like "woooow, that is such a neat ID... I wish we could have IDs like that...Where are you from?!"
"SWEDEN!? WOW, OMG! That is so cool!"
...Haha, yeah... I know ;)
Sooo, I didn't want to do more shopping... though it was tempting...cause that mall was freakin' HUGE!!!
We went back to the house...and got stuff ready (brownies and stuff) and had some lunch... And the Wantlands have now tried the first part of all the Swedish chocolate I brought (Marabou Digestive) And they really liked it (I mean, hey! Why wouldn't they?!) :P~
And I was busy eating my brown cheese :D
Then we were on our way... at around 3:15pm... and we went to... Uhm...
Well.. we went to Upland High School...in... Upland? I don't know :P~
Anyway.. this was Kathryn's Baccalaureate...! It's sort of a pre-graduation thing...The real thing is on Thursday.
All the seniors were dressed up in their graduation clothes with the hats and everything. All in green.
And it was pretty much singing and speaches for about 45 minutes...
Mike asked me a few times "how much longer?".. :P
And when he asked me the last time and I said that it's 2 more things...and everyone started to applaude, he joined in and was very enthusiastic :P
After that everyone went outside and it was alot of picture taking and stuff like that for a while..
Then we all went to Kathryn's house... many of the cousins were there... and we all had some of Kathryn's spagetti and spagetti sauce... It was nice!
And for desert we had the brownies that Elizabeth had made...!
The ones with frosting - yum. Yupp, that was dangerous - big time...!
Then we all hung around for a while more... and I'm guessing we left at around 8pm?
It was nice to see everyone again, and it looks like I'm going to Melissa's and Jonathan's to go horse back riding again on Thursday or Friday next week - SWEET! :D
Well...Then we went home... and yeah...I pretty much went in to the trailer and now I'm here writing...
I need to go to bed a.s.a.p... cause I'm getting up at around 7 am tomorrow... Leaving early for a day at Paramount and Warner Bros studios :)
Apparently Disney was pretty much the stuff that I saw today, so.. no need doing that twice...!
As I said - exhausted - bed - NOW!
Good night!
Monday, June 12, 2006 ~ Paramount Pictures & Warner Bros studios
I am 'home' again... Just got back from the movies, we went to see "The break up" with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn.... It sucked! :P Hehe, I didn't like it at all... But the other did, so that was good!
Anyway! Elizabeth and I went to Wendy's house at around 8:15... and I have no clue what town Wendy lives in.. but it was a nice house... apparently they have sort of a movie salon in their house... they're not just Disney fans, they're movie fans too... :P
But Chris, Jonathan and I went at around 9:30-ish? something :P
We got to Paramount...checked the store, and then we were on our way...!
It wasn't really all that happening at Paramount... The best part was going in to the sound room (or something) and we got to see the live shoot of The Insider (or something like that...an American gosspi show anyway...)
And I got to sign a guys map, right at Helsingborg :D
And we went around the studio sets and there wasn't all that much going on... and the guide gave us a bunch of history and some interesting facts...
But the real thing, was Warner Bros! :D
We got there at around 2:30pm...and the VIP tour started at 3pm, so I had some time to shop and I got the coolest T-shirt ever :D Mahahahaaaaaa....
That tour was, as I said the real thing, it was so awesome!!!
It started with a 10 minute introduction video which was very nice! And then we went on out to the sets! :D
The coolest parts were when we went in to the building where they had shot a scene for Spiderman 3 in a Jazz club... Yeah! I've been to the Jazz club ;)
Then the place from the Friends episode with Jean Claude Van Damme and Julia Roberts...The street where the movie shoot is... and the place where the gang stands on a street singing for Marcel...when he's in 'show biz' ;)
Then we got to see a dance rehersal for Jackass 2. They said it would probably have that in the end of the movie... we'll see :P~
The very coolest part though...was that I actually got to go on the the set where they shoot E.R. (Cityakuten)!!! The next time I watch that show... I can say - Hey! I've been there!!! :D
And I have seen the doorway to Dr. Doug Ross (George Clooney)...and George Clooney's very own private basketball court :D
Then, another very cool thing! I got to see Central Perk!!! A copy...but still... VERY nice!!! :D
And I saw a crystal lamp....two actually.. and there are only 4 in the whole world.. and 2 are at WB...the other two are in Paris I think...and they are worth 32 million dollars - EACH! :P
Oh and I saw the building from Friends where Elizabeth lives... where she throws water balloons on Ross...!! :P
And WB's version of Central Perk.. Where Phoebe and Rachel do their running...
It was really awesome! And they were setting up for the filming of Ocean's 13 which will start next week!
After the tour I got Gelato!!! Maha! They had and Ice cream stand at WB's gift shop!
And a Starbucks coffée! :P~
It was yumm, anyway! :D
Then Chris and Jonathan drove me to Irwinsdale where Elizabeth picked me up... and shortly after we got back we went to see the movie...and now I'm falling asleep :P~
So, nighty night!