Thursday, June 08, 2006 ~ Knott's Berry Farm
Hello hello!
Guess what I have been up to tonight?
I have been packing my back pack - FULL! There is no more space! And I still have loads to go :P~ So, yes.. As I predicted... I will have to buy another bag ;)
And I highly doubt that my backpack is close to 20 Kilos.. cause it is actually very light.. And it's mostly clothes.. and I also fit one pair of converse in there ;)
I still have to call the airport to check how much they charge for overweights.. Jan said something about 25 dollars, and it is SO worth that :P~
Anyway! This morning we went to Knott's Berry Farm! That was awesome!
ALOT more and bigger rides than Disneyland (But hey, Disneyland is DISNEYLAND!)
And I went on lots of rides with Daryl... I told him and Elizabeth that I would NOT go on Xcelerator...which to me seemed to be the worst one.. OMG! But eventually I did, just for the hell of it ;) And that was awesome!!
I would upload a pic, but it still doesn't work... I don't know what's up with it.. :/
Anyway.. we went on a lot of rides BEFORE lunch, which Daryl and I agreed was the best solution.
Oh, and by the way... The tickets to Knott's Berry Farm we got from Julie! (Yet another cousin) :) It was sooo sweet! Thank you so much!!
I got to meet her and her son as well. He's in 8th grade and they were having sort of a ditch day at school... so they went to Knott's Berry farm :P~
And we had lunch with Julie, her son and his class mates at a really cool place. Totally inspired by the 50's. The chefs and waitresses even danced to the music (not on the counter though...) :P
And the waitor that helped our party was SOOO gay!!! :D Haha, it was so much fun, he was so nice! And so obviously gay! And Julie was so much fun going on with her kinda flirty way with him.. It was hilarous!
After lunch, Daryl and I decided we shouldn't go on any more rides (Elizabeth doesn't do the "barf rides" at all...)
And we just went around in the stores and was shopping...
And I had my portrait made... sort of... my mom knows what I mean.. and Elizabeth and Daryl...
I kinda wanna punch Daryl for saying it looked like me :P But anyways, it WAS cool, the guy was talented.
Then I had another thing made for me.. which will be a surprise for Johan.. :) It is sooooo nice!
It's for both of us, really... VERY nice =)
Then we went shopping some more, and then we went home.. I think it was about 5:30 when we left...
We had all had enough and were kinda tired...
But I do have to tell you that I tried a piece of Funnel cake here too.. At Knott's Berry Farm AND at Disneyland... But what I can say is that I am not at all impressed by it :P~
When we got home...oh and here comes the AMAZING news!!! :D
We had one message from Wendy...
She said that she would get me in to Paramount, Warner Bros AND Disney Studios V.I.P!!!! On Monday next week!!!! That is going to be SOOOOO awesome!!!
I just wish more than anything that Johan would be with me.. He would LOVE that!
And now for some MORE amazing news!! :D
After the message from Wendy, there was another one from Randy King, Lauren's dad...
HE told me that he would take me to Universal Studios FULL day, V.I.P, behind the scenes and all on Tuesday next week! Including like CBS and NBC and some other...!!!!
OMG!!!!!! I could not sit still!! This is so incredible!! :D
But we did have to calm down, and then Elizabeth and I went to the grocery store...
I got to check some more brands, which is so much fun.. and yeah.. sorry, but no wonder Americans are that fat! You should see all the stuff they have! It is so crazy!!!
And the funny thing is that on so many things you find it marked "trans fat free" "fat free" ..."Oh, then it must be good for me"... :)
Like the bread I ate at Karin and Joe's, the raisin bread with cinnamon... They said that 'oh it's good for you and all'.... but when I looked at the label, it said that it was 240 calories in 1 (!!!) slice of bread! Even Karin and Joe was chocked :P~
But damn do I love cantaloupe... Mmhm!
And we bought some more Nestlé TollHouse chocolate chip cookie dough Ice cream :P Yuuuu-um! I had some tonight, with fudge.. yup, thaaat was good..
And then I ate some cantaloupe.. I could totally live on cantaloupe.. it is sooo delicious! We have to have it in Sweden, or I'll go crazy! :P
Tonight we have been sitting and chatting for a while, me, Elizabeth, Daryl and Edward...
It was so funny when Elizabeth started talking about cutting her hair.. and I said I should cut mine, and color it again.. And Edward bursts out "Oh yeah, you guys could go and color and do your hair together" :)
And Elizabeth's response: Fuck You! :P~ And she's not likely to use the "F-word" unless she's complaining about her camera... :P
Hahaha, it's so much fun watching this family talk to eachother! That's comedy ;)
Well, that's about it for today! Tomorrow I'm going to "Horse Town" :P I'm gonna go see Melissa, Jonathan and little baby Steven at ...ranch?
...Anyway, and then I'm going to Cricket's house for dinner... :)
Sooo, I'll write more later...
Take it easy!
Guess what I have been up to tonight?
I have been packing my back pack - FULL! There is no more space! And I still have loads to go :P~ So, yes.. As I predicted... I will have to buy another bag ;)
And I highly doubt that my backpack is close to 20 Kilos.. cause it is actually very light.. And it's mostly clothes.. and I also fit one pair of converse in there ;)
I still have to call the airport to check how much they charge for overweights.. Jan said something about 25 dollars, and it is SO worth that :P~
Anyway! This morning we went to Knott's Berry Farm! That was awesome!
ALOT more and bigger rides than Disneyland (But hey, Disneyland is DISNEYLAND!)
And I went on lots of rides with Daryl... I told him and Elizabeth that I would NOT go on Xcelerator...which to me seemed to be the worst one.. OMG! But eventually I did, just for the hell of it ;) And that was awesome!!
I would upload a pic, but it still doesn't work... I don't know what's up with it.. :/
Anyway.. we went on a lot of rides BEFORE lunch, which Daryl and I agreed was the best solution.
Oh, and by the way... The tickets to Knott's Berry Farm we got from Julie! (Yet another cousin) :) It was sooo sweet! Thank you so much!!
I got to meet her and her son as well. He's in 8th grade and they were having sort of a ditch day at school... so they went to Knott's Berry farm :P~
And we had lunch with Julie, her son and his class mates at a really cool place. Totally inspired by the 50's. The chefs and waitresses even danced to the music (not on the counter though...) :P
And the waitor that helped our party was SOOO gay!!! :D Haha, it was so much fun, he was so nice! And so obviously gay! And Julie was so much fun going on with her kinda flirty way with him.. It was hilarous!
After lunch, Daryl and I decided we shouldn't go on any more rides (Elizabeth doesn't do the "barf rides" at all...)
And we just went around in the stores and was shopping...
And I had my portrait made... sort of... my mom knows what I mean.. and Elizabeth and Daryl...
I kinda wanna punch Daryl for saying it looked like me :P But anyways, it WAS cool, the guy was talented.
Then I had another thing made for me.. which will be a surprise for Johan.. :) It is sooooo nice!
It's for both of us, really... VERY nice =)
Then we went shopping some more, and then we went home.. I think it was about 5:30 when we left...
We had all had enough and were kinda tired...
But I do have to tell you that I tried a piece of Funnel cake here too.. At Knott's Berry Farm AND at Disneyland... But what I can say is that I am not at all impressed by it :P~
When we got home...oh and here comes the AMAZING news!!! :D
We had one message from Wendy...
She said that she would get me in to Paramount, Warner Bros AND Disney Studios V.I.P!!!! On Monday next week!!!! That is going to be SOOOOO awesome!!!
I just wish more than anything that Johan would be with me.. He would LOVE that!
And now for some MORE amazing news!! :D
After the message from Wendy, there was another one from Randy King, Lauren's dad...
HE told me that he would take me to Universal Studios FULL day, V.I.P, behind the scenes and all on Tuesday next week! Including like CBS and NBC and some other...!!!!
OMG!!!!!! I could not sit still!! This is so incredible!! :D
But we did have to calm down, and then Elizabeth and I went to the grocery store...
I got to check some more brands, which is so much fun.. and yeah.. sorry, but no wonder Americans are that fat! You should see all the stuff they have! It is so crazy!!!
And the funny thing is that on so many things you find it marked "trans fat free" "fat free" ..."Oh, then it must be good for me"... :)
Like the bread I ate at Karin and Joe's, the raisin bread with cinnamon... They said that 'oh it's good for you and all'.... but when I looked at the label, it said that it was 240 calories in 1 (!!!) slice of bread! Even Karin and Joe was chocked :P~
But damn do I love cantaloupe... Mmhm!
And we bought some more Nestlé TollHouse chocolate chip cookie dough Ice cream :P Yuuuu-um! I had some tonight, with fudge.. yup, thaaat was good..
And then I ate some cantaloupe.. I could totally live on cantaloupe.. it is sooo delicious! We have to have it in Sweden, or I'll go crazy! :P
Tonight we have been sitting and chatting for a while, me, Elizabeth, Daryl and Edward...
It was so funny when Elizabeth started talking about cutting her hair.. and I said I should cut mine, and color it again.. And Edward bursts out "Oh yeah, you guys could go and color and do your hair together" :)
And Elizabeth's response: Fuck You! :P~ And she's not likely to use the "F-word" unless she's complaining about her camera... :P
Hahaha, it's so much fun watching this family talk to eachother! That's comedy ;)
Well, that's about it for today! Tomorrow I'm going to "Horse Town" :P I'm gonna go see Melissa, Jonathan and little baby Steven at ...ranch?
...Anyway, and then I'm going to Cricket's house for dinner... :)
Sooo, I'll write more later...
Take it easy!
